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Marriage System

Rushana Kano

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Okay, so lately I've been hearing a lot of people complain about marriage system and how these say its not good or it would be right for the game. Me personally I see nothing wrong with it rather you doing it because you really like that person or just for fun and get buffs just make sure its the right person, and also for the ones that think its dumb or stupid 9 times out of ten for the people that say or think that or the ones who will do anyway. But i wanna hear ya'll opinion what do you guys think? 

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What is a marriage system exactly?


If it means having a shared vault and inventory, that it can cause a lot of problems.
Imagine you marry your irl boyfriend, and one day you break up and one of the throws away all the items from the other one... not vert funny.

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8 hours ago, CyberKyo said:

What is a marriage system exactly?


If it means having a shared vault and inventory, that it can cause a lot of problems.
Imagine you marry your irl boyfriend, and one day you break up and one of the throws away all the items from the other one... not vert funny.

Depends how NC would do this. Idk, is this a thing for B&S in Korea already? In other games married people get a few little perks, like summoning each other, stat/xp buffs if you play together or special emotes.

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30 minutes ago, Stacey Banks said:

Depends how NC would do this. Idk, is this a thing for B&S in Korea already? In other games married people get a few little perks, like summoning each other, stat/xp buffs if you play together or special emotes.

That could be a quality of life change, if it contains buff and such but the shared inventory is a No..

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Would be another stupid game with buddy/marriage system and this is stupid as hell.


You have neither friends nor a Boy/Girlfriend? You have no hobbys no life? Then you're ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ right to be here, Play Blade&Soul today and start your Relationships!


I know other games that are built into this. This is a MMORPG fight bosses build ur gear be strong game. I don't mind the buffs or emotes or anything else but the whole concept.

This system would not suit BnS. Please dont ruin it.

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