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finally double cc for (the rest of the) melee classes


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expected on 28th jun patch KR


BM Boot (M2)

  • Applies joint attack 2 times


KFM Rising Dragon (M2)

  • Applies joint attack 2 times


DES Ram (M1)

  • Applies joint attack 2 times


i wonder if in KR the SUM cat does not apply the second stun sometimes.....

*seems this can go when you hold tab a bit to long*


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10 minutes ago, Lunakitty said:

It is because if you press too many times TAB the cat stops the stun skill and uses normal Lunge instead. Think of it as a some kind of skill canceling.

ya, i know, my point is that it should not cancel the double stun even if you clicked/hold the key for a bit more

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1 hour ago, Dotimus said:

Iwonder if in KR the SUM cat does not apply the second stun sometimes.....

*seems this can go when you hold tab a bit to long*


It is because if you press too many times TAB the cat stops the stun skill and uses normal Lunge instead. Think of it as a some kind of skill canceling.

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12 minutes ago, NightFer said:

Because its too hard to press 2 buttons instead of 1 :D

Think before you write, please, or stop trolling.

As for KFM, you have to sacrifice iframes (Z -> Stun instead of resist) and a party buff (V -> Stun instead of buff).

With that patch, you can keep your party buff on V, which lets everyone do more damage.

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1 hour ago, hwalien said:

yeay! no more fail DVK!!!... right? maybe...? hope so...

The reasons why people fail DVK because they somehow used stuns on the boss or used KD/Daze on the Adds. After they combined the stuns (2 different buttons together), DVK will fail more.


By the way, does it mean KFM will have 3X stuns now? Double stun from Z and single stun from V?

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Just another pad on the retard helmet

Could have just reduced boss, mobs cc bars

The game quality keeps getting worse. Bloated af

Dungeon experience is a far cry from original release, 45 content

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15 minutes ago, Septy said:

Just another pad on the retard helmet

Could have just reduced boss, mobs cc bars

The game quality keeps getting worse. Bloated af

It's because of the new pirate and Master Hong solo areas. They're suppose to be a lot harder than Floor 20 that we have now.

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