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Why are ToI bots allowed to use non-refreashing CD's constantly


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Recently, yesterday and today (May 1st and 2nd) I tried and rushed to retain my ranking on the ToI Ladder. Roughly a day after the skills changes i hit floor 72. I was rank 12, i am now rank 31. Highest floor since that day has been floor 70. I want an answer from the Devs, simply explaining as to why you are allowing this AI to use non-refreshing CD's over and over as if its not a problem. And before you tell me, the AI has "lower CD's", that a Sin using Lotus of Escape and Stealth 3 times inside 15 seconds, Destroyers using Gust, Emberstomp, Typhoon twice inside 30 seconds, Blade Dancers using Maelstrom 3 times inside a min. 


What kind of person would allow that? As a game company, you tell us cheating isnt ok. But then you turn around and let your AI do it. Just to anger us. Let us also brush on the topic of the massive amount of dysync we experince while in Mushins Tower. Really have to love how when you are using an ability and the AI is already responding to it, well before the animation even ends. 

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fully agree, in TOI they give us special buffs or attacks which you can only use once. What is the point of those if the AI instantly counters them and renders them useless? I pick stun from the list against a BD, no sooner do i hit the button they throw up their blade resist.. basically making the special attack worthless and wasted. 


For the longest time BM can Q and E back to back to back, most I have counted is 7 times, which frankly just made me sick trying to follow them and i couldn't target them at all cause they were bouncing so much. Or the fact you knock them unconscious they still follow you around and stutter across the floor after you. I know TOI is supposed to be hard, but running the perfect bot isn't the way to do it. 

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Its not the "perfect bot" its a bot that doesnt follow the rules of the game itself. While trying to get atleast 1 more floor, still stuck on 72, i encountered a BM that used flock while grabbed, normally this always happens, but when it knocks me back, WHILE STANDING ON EMBERSTOMP, that is a problem, that is a mech of the game itself that it is bypassing. And no this was not a emberstomp i just put down and the AI used the fraction of a second before it activates, it was a ES that had about 3 seconds of duration left before it disapated. So the AI will bypass rules that us players can not. 


And quite honestly the biggest rule breaker is probly sin at this moment, the sin AI all but breaks the game. I didnt know you could move that much around a room, be out of range, in range and out again 20 times in 5 seconds. 

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13 hours ago, Duriensbane said:

Its not the "perfect bot" its a bot that doesnt follow the rules of the game itself. While trying to get atleast 1 more floor, still stuck on 72, i encountered a BM that used flock while grabbed, normally this always happens, but when it knocks me back, WHILE STANDING ON EMBERSTOMP, that is a problem, that is a mech of the game itself that it is bypassing. And no this was not a emberstomp i just put down and the AI used the fraction of a second before it activates, it was a ES that had about 3 seconds of duration left before it disapated. So the AI will bypass rules that us players can not. 


And quite honestly the biggest rule breaker is probly sin at this moment, the sin AI all but breaks the game. I didnt know you could move that much around a room, be out of range, in range and out again 20 times in 5 seconds. 

Exactly, that is a perfect bot. It by passes the rules set forth by the game itself and makes them nearly impossible to kill. It reacts with zero ping delay and sets a counter attack before you even fully press your keyboard button down. I know of people in lineage 2 that paid out good money for scripts that ran bots half as good as that. 


Sins, destro, wl, KFM.. they are all ridiculous now. Destro they get you into a stun lock that there is literally no escape from. I sit there stunned and taking mass amounts of damage and my skill bar is completely blank. No SS back, no F escape. If my cat is lucky enough to break out of it it's stun and knock down and daze are completely resisted.  Sins... dead god. I play a perma stealth build sin and at no time can I EVER bounce around a room and get into stealth as often as they do. KFM --- I have actually stopped attacking and watched their buffs. A KFM will resist everything but not have a single buff or skill up that would allow them to resist every single friken attack. Wl perma blocks which is annoying as ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤.


I'm stuck on floor 52 because this is my line up EVERY SINGLE ROUND! round 1- KFM (never fails ALWAYS KFM) round 2- Destro, round 3 - WL, round 4 KFM, round 5 Soul fighter. Occasionally i will get a BD, sin or summoner. 

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2 hours ago, Mokate369 said:

Toi bots have Seraph weapons. The more you hit them the more they get resets.

non of my chars use Seraph but i thought reset doesn't apply to some skills. just like title says...


1 hour ago, AlisaTheFluffy said:

Also they run around the map with freeze status (i'm FM) and BM runs with block on (1), when they supposed to stay still. Does someone else encounter this?

yes. I'm moving back wards while spamming LMB/RMB with my FM.  all getting (1)blocked but BM is getting closer and closer

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8 hours ago, hwalien said:

at least remove draw or defeat when you kill the 5th AI.

fighting these AI with no rules is bad enough, why is match considered draw or lost when we killed it before the timer?

That has to do with the other player's progress that you're competing with, not the AI.

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The Destroyer bots in ToI are negating all my cc's-also they do their combos or spin even in HM roots (I'm summoner) .I don't have problems mostly with the AI in the tower- climbing slowly from F60 now-yet the Destroyer i think is too OP -have too much cc ,which normally a player doesn't have.Maybe it should be looked into it .

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Hi, there is  a truth in this. And its a good thing you notice it. It absolutly no brainer that this shouldnt be allowed on AI bots as well. All their skills should reflect the same normal char. Not only have they very high enough HP as well to able to be killed. But thiS "cheathing of taking advantage on some 'hacked' skills" that itself breaks the rule of the game.
As they said before release stratus patch that be considered alot of bugs so ofcourse this is just few of them. But they should really compensate for people who lost their ranks because of this. Because no matter twist on turn, the damage has been done. Becuz those AI bots considered to be very OP now as well and even bypassing its cooldown, thats insane.

Hope in the future that each time AI uses some skill once should be able to view its enemy(AI) cooldown so there wont be considered any cheating. Same as we look at tournement we see each players cooldown there(the viewers). So why couldnt they make it same for AI(in this case is PL vs Bot)? This is also strategy to know when your enemy skills been used. Seeing as even AI can predict after just push 1 skill and they counter it, because on their so called database it auto register what skills been used vs which skill to counter it.This means that its kinda 1sided! And bot already have max advatantage on the "cheating" part. And main player use their skill and they cant see AIs cooldown to even counter it but they cant so the same. Thats absurt.And the defeat the porpouse to even do other challenge that should be fair.


Make a ticket about this and send it to support(which you can even put it as game bug category) so it can be viewed directly. You can even just link the post on forum so it speaks for itself!

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2 hours ago, KiteoHatto said:

I'd love to see those two people on bns stream try and do TOI/arena while using mediocre gear and pretend everything is just fine :D

Exactly, lets see them stream an average gear toon and go against the bots like we do... But then again I don't think they play the game enough to realize that something with a character isn't right. 


I only do the tower for the tokens.. but their drop rate is a joke this season. I've gotten 20 tokens despite making it past floor 50 and the season ends soon.. and will mean a whole new set of tokens to try and get. 

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The bots have always refreshed CD's via Seraph weapons, but not all the bots use them. And their rate of collection excedes what a player can, a seraph wielding bot will get 10 stacks in 10 attacks. And they choose when that refresh happens.


The bots also will swap skills mid fight. Since they dont have a "tree" they will choose the best ability for the situation. IE I main earth des, i swapped to shadow and saw results, other Des bots always run parry spin, when i hit the bot twice with parry peirce erdicate, first hit did full damage, 2nd hit extreamly less...it swapped from parry spin to the def spin in a second or so.  Simply to mess with the damage it was reciving. 


Honestly im all for a manager or dev to stream to EVERYONE, a live server run of ToI that hits floor 60+, i know a few of you are not that high yet, but honestly, the difference between a lvl 40 bot and a lvl 60 bot is night and day. I personally started on floor 47 (giving a good buff) i can kill that bot in 10-15 seconds, a Sin or BD on floor 60+ takes almost 2 mins. So if they really want to prove that ToI is fine and the bots themselves are ok, prove it, and do it on a live server and not a test realm with GM weps.

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15 minutes ago, Duriensbane said:

The bots also will swap skills mid fight. Since they dont have a "tree" they will choose the best ability for the situation. IE I main earth des, i swapped to shadow and saw results, other Des bots always run parry spin, when i hit the bot twice with parry peirce erdicate, first hit did full damage, 2nd hit extreamly less...it swapped from parry spin to the def spin in a second or so.  Simply to mess with the damage it was reciving. 


^ this this a billion times this! I've had summoners use both bumble bee and then flower all in the same line of attacks. I've had sins running shadow builds suddenly flip to pure lightening. 


also several I have fought recently have been in baleful weapons and their refresh rates is ungodly. Yeah i have good refresh rates with my stage 6 but NO WHERE near as fast as them. 

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  • 9 months later...

<Necropost >

<rage mode>

The refresh rate on these ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ bots is too fast in comaprison to ours...

they also tab escape before even the cc lands on them and have weird mechanics like canceling they areal attacks to land a kill combo before my tab come off CD!


Clearly cheating AI coded by cheater devs... 


<ROT13>Shpx oynqr naq fbhy naq shpx gur qrif</ROT13>

</rage mode>




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