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Sometimes i got 120 ping and got like insane fps drop (Midnight skypetel on turtle 10 fps and freezes ) then ping goes to 250 . After boss is dead ping goes to 120ms again and 60 frames. Thats since last two updates , become unplayable after last update ,i even got rly bad fps drops in cross server like in heavens mandate and ebondrake. I think they messed up with game files and now whole comunity suffer, if they continue like that they will play alone on server .

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yes i did check server yesterday . without vpn last night.mind you if your individual net speed isnt good/more then 15 mbps the vpn won't help and the tunneling will actually lower your speed then fast your ping.i am facing the same problem as equinukes .whenever people are fighting in massive bosses like turtle it freezes for as long as turtle is not killed..and the fps is like almost between 7-11 . did tweaking and upgrading my gfx card before thinkin it might be that..but sadly its not.

also multiple times did file repair and checked with tunnel. fps doesnt improve with even the best server ping(err mine is texas i guess majority people using vpn goes either texas la or watevr  nearest)

i had the same rig that got me plat in na and i was doing farm fine. so what are we getting at ? anything possible solution people wanna share ?

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11 hours ago, equinukes said:

Thats since last two updates , become unplayable after last update ,i even got rly bad fps drops in cross server like in heavens mandate and ebondrake. I think they messed up with game files and now whole comunity suffer, if they continue like that they will play alone on server .

Oh you can be sure that NOT the whole community suffers. There are people who can play even turtle boss fight without any problems. My fps goes down a bit there and even more on his big aoe attack but iframe is possible if I stop attacking because my fps is ok then. What does that mean? It's only my pc who can not handle it. That has nothing to do with the network or the files. Dont think such things. The game is running fine everywhere. No lags or fps drops in any dungeon with exception of the turtle boss. So why people always think the game is broken or its the servers? It makes no sense. Admit that many many people have no idea how to setup their system and the game options. There is no global problem and not everyone has problems. You can think what you want but its NOT only the game.

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update: hmm i did tweak the game guard a bit.setting it run along with the bns client on all x8 processors. now everything is  fine. except ofc as zedonia mentioned the turtle boss fights...where for a good few sec my game freezes totally x'D  well apart from that it is quite playable atm .

heres what i did :

1. cleaned up all temp,prefetch and ran a disk defrag.

2. well for the 100th time ran file repair.

3. set client to high priorty on task manager.

might also wanna limit frame rate in settings>graphics in game to somewhere 40-80.

and auto options/combat preferrable frame adjust :v

now this is fine with me doing 6-4 man dungeons :v without evn vpn :))

for people who are running on low fps prob..might wanna run the gameguard on all x4,x8 processors of ur comp :) tht might help.


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51 minutes ago, Zedonia said:

Oh you can be sure that NOT the whole community suffers. There are people who can play even turtle boss fight without any problems. My fps goes down a bit there and even more on his big aoe attack but iframe is possible if I stop attacking because my fps is ok then. What does that mean? It's only my pc who can not handle it. That has nothing to do with the network or the files. Dont think such things. The game is running fine everywhere. No lags or fps drops in any dungeon with exception of the turtle boss. So why people always think the game is broken or its the servers? It makes no sense. Admit that many many people have no idea how to setup their system and the game options. There is no global problem and not everyone has problems. You can think what you want but its NOT only the game.

Ok listen: Half year ago I could play WWV with highest grafic settings in full HD and without any lag. Since first WWV event (where you got so much PvP tokens) I have to play in combat optimized settings otherwise my FPS drop down and it's unplayable. Since first November week I often cannot play at prime time because my ping goes up too 300 (and FPS has lag spikes too). Now tell me it's just our personal problem. You're just lucky that you haven't these issues. But in fact - mc PC is powerfull enough to play without these lags, but game works less and less fine for me. One problem for example is that the game client can't handle low ping well. You get FPS drops/lags/lagspikes because client is waiting for net-datas.

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25 minutes ago, RuneKey said:

update: hmm i did tweak the game guard a bit.setting it run along with the bns client on all x8 processors. now everything is  fine. except ofc as zedonia mentioned the turtle boss fights...where for a good few sec my game freezes totally x'D  well apart from that it is quite playable atm .

heres what i did :

1. cleaned up all temp,prefetch and ran a disk defrag.

2. well for the 100th time ran file repair.

3. set client to high priorty on task manager.

might also wanna limit frame rate in settings>graphics in game to somewhere 40-80.

and auto options/combat preferrable frame adjust :v

now this is fine with me doing 6-4 man dungeons :v without evn vpn :))

for people who are running on low fps prob..might wanna run the gameguard on all x4,x8 processors of ur comp :) tht might help.


But by default alreDy runs on all cores gameguard.

U can see it in affinity

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12 minutes ago, azraelkun said:

But by default alreDy runs on all cores gameguard.

U can see it in affinity

yes i had it  only on x1 processor priorly  in affinity and it was working fine tbh. until after ddos  it caused massive fps drop on my end. what i did was set it to default affinity. if that helps things clear better.and now its somewhat running fine. except the 24 man thingy 

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23 hours ago, RuneKey said:

are we still having ddos and server issues or game is fine now ? i checked i am having ping between 350-600ms on the 4th day since 'atack' :( pretty depressed :(


I tested today longer time, all games NA servers(i am european allways playing on NA servers):


TERA 160-170 ping (stable no lag spikes)

GW2 170-180 ping (stable no lag spikes)

Neverwinter 170-200 ping (stable no lag spikes)

BnS: 350-500ping (spikes like hell)



TERA not changed, same

GW2 not changed, same

Neverwinter 180-190

BnS: 200-350ping (spikes still present)


All 3 games above perfectly playable, not best ping, but spent tons of time there without issues. BnS now unplayable, with wtfast i can dps a bit like some 500ap, without, can do nothing. I pay extra to wtfast all the time, just to be able to play this game, and now, i simply cant play any more. If this takes few more days, i am forced to quit =((((((((((((

Most ping dependant game of all, and worst connection ever. I have no words on such amateurism. Are we still being ddosed? Or should i call my ISP? To cricket with that.


About FPS, well its just about lowering settings, and turtle is simply unplayable for 99perc people, without ctrl+f. Not big issue, can live with that. But this lag, rip.

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3 minutes ago, babeln said:

I tried, it takes 1minute, seems it does nothing, no effect. Im waiting for friend to instal me some another vpn and try those out, as measure of last resort. Really desperate here.

i would say wait for a few days and check after next update if things are fine :P also create support ticket :O thats the best i can think e.e

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23 minutes ago, RuneKey said:

babeln in case u havent.i would say try doig file repair. i was 'meh' too until my friend suggested it ad it worked :v

I tried, it takes 1minute, seems it does nothing, no effect. Im waiting for friend to instal me some another vpn and try those out, as measure of last resort. Really desperate here.

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4 hours ago, Zedonia said:

Oh you can be sure that NOT the whole community suffers. There are people who can play even turtle boss fight without any problems. My fps goes down a bit there and even more on his big aoe attack but iframe is possible if I stop attacking because my fps is ok then. What does that mean? It's only my pc who can not handle it. That has nothing to do with the network or the files. Dont think such things. The game is running fine everywhere. No lags or fps drops in any dungeon with exception of the turtle boss. So why people always think the game is broken or its the servers? It makes no sense. Admit that many many people have no idea how to setup their system and the game options. There is no global problem and not everyone has problems. You can think what you want but its NOT only the game.

Yes im 100 % sure not all got problems , becose when others got problems in past i didnt , but that doesnt change the fact that i played perfectly fine 1 day before update and then BOOOOOOM fps drop, lags , and spikes 300ms+  (80-90 was my normal) got 100 mbs fiber lan conection , reinstaled windows did clean format on my ssd  and every other game works fine.... btw im going CTrl +F lowering settings and nothing is working. For all that mess i suspect our good friend Gameguard  and  lol server placement for EU that reconects to Franfurkt from Texas.

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hmm equinukes sure has a point.i too can relate to this situation..where prior to belooga i am fine/or was fine...and spammed dungeons 14 hours a day.

arghhh update : much as i hate it the laggs decided to come back in 6 man dungeons.

so apparently tunneling doesnt really help with fps drop issues as i can see based on personal exp.

any solution ?:C am at wit's end here


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