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New class


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My idea its about the new  class in BNS. I thinking about the Archer/Ranger class. With combo skills like Sleep shot: Silince who can be removed with escape, if not going use it already and got locked , something like drain focus arrow drain your focus  with 10-20  every 2 sec for 6-8 sec . Hide like Assasin , knockdown , knockback, , stun and slow  arrorws  ofc and traps :freeze , posion sleep and fire dmg and ofc the pet maybe something like a bear  with charge  and  knockdown  , for high dmg something like aim shot or lighting arrorw with cast time 2-3sec i hope  you like my idea. Nickname  its Nagnang; server: soulcrater. Good luck and have a nice day guys thanks.

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22 hours ago, Copperfield said:

There is already a 10th class coming eventually. NCsoft has already said it won't be a class already seen/used in-game whether by us, the npcs, or any hybrid.

I hope it will be Iron Fan Master.

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On 18/08/2016 at 7:23 AM, Nagnang said:

My idea its about the new  class in BNS. I thinking about the Archer/Ranger class. With combo skills like Sleep shot: Silince who can be removed with escape, if not going use it already and got locked , something like drain focus arrow drain your focus  with 10-20  every 2 sec for 6-8 sec . Hide like Assasin , knockdown , knockback, , stun and slow  arrorws  ofc and traps :freeze , posion sleep and fire dmg and ofc the pet maybe something like a bear  with charge  and  knockdown  , for high dmg something like aim shot or lighting arrorw with cast time 2-3sec i hope  you like my idea. Nickname  its Nagnang; server: soulcrater. Good luck and have a nice day guys thanks.

So original 
Much Details

Much Format

GTFO - you just defined a ranger from AION...........................................................

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It sounds a lot like Summoner to me. Ranged class with hide, snare and poison and a pet that can charge and knockdown...


A gates of babylon skill will be given to BM in korea with the next big content update - probably not instant cooldown though^^

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  • 7 months later...

Would be cool to have mounts.. either flying or land mounts or both..  imagine your very own Venomsky mount. Mount could have an additional storage, a pack-saddle.. it could be customization with in-store special armors, mount skin-colors..


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Meditation Master, a special class with slow AOE skills, aura, bubbles, flying meditation, resists and chi dependant to make it really relevant, who have to combine mental states to do good combo. Not a big DPS, but a team protector, like party chi regen, AOE resists, party critical resists or party evasion buff. So mainly defensive party buffs (no heal, please, there is already two classes to do that).

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