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Suggestion about the infamous Unsupportive Class Bladedancer

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Since BladeDancer was meant to be a one great support and dps meele kittng Class, i wonder why in this Blade and Soul Version Gaurdian Tempest Path 2 got the following:

Protect from 3 hits

Breaks From snared or block approch status... give speed buff... 

Clearly this sounds not extremly bad ... but why in this version it no work on the groub and got 1 min cd still o.O

Is this a bug or meant to be?.... coz then this skill is extremly useless... and needs a change ... coz of that Bd get labeld by ppl as useless to the Party coz cant do much for the Groub...

So pls fix this so a Bd can be of any help for the Pt by being able to gaurd them and speed them up LIKE THEY SHOULD...


This way a BD will have at least the following:

3 sec pt protection and 100% speed buff 45 sec cd ( BM got 6 sec protection same skill x.x but no speed ya ya )

And if fixed the aoe gaurdian tempest wich give protection from 3 hits for 5 sec and speed buff 1 min cd (Bm got Gaurdian tempest range protection version very useful)

this would make them at least like they should be and a bit useful for the groub... thx u...

and your opinions are most welcome <3

PS: Yes in other versions gaurdian tempest of BD groub protect ..... x.x and i was used to that and i was wondering why it got removed here it makes BD useless for groubs.... nobody want to have a BD in there pt coz of that... pls look into this... thx u =S

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People mostly use the 5 second or 5 hit resist one (Stage 1) or the one that suits lightning build (Stage 4). But I think if other versions have that kind of skill it just means that we did not yet get the patch in which that skill was added. Though I doubt not many BDs would even touch that skill even if it was working like that since using other than the stage 4 one would make us lose a bit of DPS especially in dungeons where resist isn't that much needed. We already can have HM party resist so I'm not sure how many party resist skills one class needs.

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18 minutes ago, DeadlyCode said:

Really so you want BDs to resist even more in arena and have a 100% speed boost buff that lasts 45 seconds, that's amazing...

It's not addition, it's a skill that has resist on each stages so it would be just different form of resist. I assume you don't play BD or know their skills.

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10 minutes ago, Lunakitty said:

I assume you don't play BD or know their skills.

I go by assumption that people don't know much, if any, about skills of classes they don't use... if they even know their own skills. That applies to myself as well, of course, before anyone asks. Most of the things I know from other classes are second-hand, mostly from witnessing and forums.


I was about to disagree with topic title ('unsupported' might be more accurate than 'unsupportive') because I've seen BDs enough to know most of their roles are pretty close to Destroyer's, but I'll be damned to have any idea of which CCs classes I don't use have or if any of them are bugged or not and the like.

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4 hours ago, Lunakitty said:

It's not addition, it's a skill that has resist on each stages so it would be just different form of resist. I assume you don't play BD or know their skills.

Sounds really good for you on PVE but even more broken on PVP, that class is already one of the most broken in pvp ANYTHING else that adds to them is just overkill

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11 minutes ago, DeadlyCode said:

Sounds really good for you on PVE but even more broken on PVP, that class is already one of the most broken in pvp ANYTHING else that adds to them is just overkill

I think you don't understand what I was saying. It is NOT good in my eyes for anything to be honest. Besides the skill that is here being talked about is the same skill that usually BDs use to gain HP and have 5 resists for 5 seconds in pvp. Just different stage of that skill.

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8 hours ago, DeadlyCode said:

Really so you want BDs to resist even more in arena and have a 100% speed boost buff that lasts 45 seconds, that's amazing...

cooldown is 45 seconds.. not lasts 45 seconds... it only lasts 3 seconds.

3 hours ago, DeadlyCode said:

Sounds really good for you on PVE but even more broken on PVP, that class is already one of the most broken in pvp ANYTHING else that adds to them is just overkill

this isn't adding a new skill to BD. 

Maelstrom (TAB) gives BD 60% speed boost for 6 seconds and resist for 2 seconds. 

- You might see BD using this in arena.

HM Maelstrom (TAB) gives PARTY 100% speed boost and resist for 3 seconds.

- People probably aren't gonna use HM Maelstrom in arena, it's a party buff skill. 


The skill OP is talking about, is Guardian Tempest (Z). 

Tier 3 stage 1 = resist 5 attacks/5 seconds = you will see BD using this in arena.

Tier 3 stage 2 = PARTY breaks immobile status and speed boost 60% for 6 seconds = you probably won't see BD using this in arena it's a party buff skill.
It currently also gives BD resist but DOESN'T work on the party in NA - OP is saying it DOES work on the party in other regions.

Idk why they removed it in NA either then.. having party resist without HM skill would make BD more useful yeah. Most times people don't want them as much as other classes except maybe in Nexus cuz CC machine.

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The only thing I want them to fix on blade dancers is how we lose our draw stance ALL THE TIME.  Are you kidding me???????


This is game breaking to our class.  At least BMs get to do pretty good dmg out of draw stance.  If we spec for lightning and lose our draw stances...awesome.


Is this bug still in korea and other regions??  If it is...I do not know what to say.


Oh, and that the party buff z was useful for that event with the mushroom we had to get to fast to get better loot lol.

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1 hour ago, Daktaro said:

cooldown is 45 seconds.. not lasts 45 seconds... it only lasts 3 seconds.

this isn't adding a new skill to BD. 

Maelstrom (TAB) gives BD 60% speed boost for 6 seconds and resist for 2 seconds. 

- You might see BD using this in arena.

HM Maelstrom (TAB) gives PARTY 100% speed boost and resist for 3 seconds.

- People probably aren't gonna use HM Maelstrom in arena, it's a party buff skill. 


The skill OP is talking about, is Guardian Tempest (Z). 

Tier 3 stage 1 = resist 5 attacks/5 seconds = you will see BD using this in arena.

Tier 3 stage 2 = PARTY breaks immobile status and speed boost 60% for 6 seconds = you probably won't see BD using this in arena it's a party buff skill.
It currently also gives BD resist but DOESN'T work on the party in NA - OP is saying it DOES work on the party in other regions.

Idk why they removed it in NA either then.. having party resist without HM skill would make BD more useful yeah. Most times people don't want them as much as other classes except maybe in Nexus cuz CC machine.

Im Happy to see ... that someone actually understood this, It wouldnt chnage anything for Arena PvP or so... its for PvE Groub support xD

I used to .. to protect my friends from any Harm... 


here is what a Bd normally can do for a Groub:


 1 - Phantom Grap Tier 1 stage 4 / each hit on the graped Enemie will give the partymembers 1% hp regen (defensive way)

 2 - Phantom Grap Tier 3 Stage 4 / each hit on the graped Enemie will give he partymembers % 5 extra crit rate... (50% max) for 6 sec and reduce boss 25% def regen foucs for groub each hit by 2


3 - Maelstorm Groub Protect 3 sec from any atks and give 100% speed buff.. aloowing the players to quickly run out of a field dmg area aoe wich would lead to death

4 - Gaurdian Tempest Tier 2 will give the Groub 5 sec durarion 3 hit resist and 60% speed buff and make them break from frozen status immobile etc and allow them use approch skills again... normally... not here... for some reason ...


So when u look at those skill setup for support the groub it makes the BD look like a great supporter right?

well...... here is the thing.... 

1. not avaiable yet... and will be changed in upcoming korean patch skill chnage to a skill that instead will reset fivepoint strike by 1 sec each hit x.x

2. is not avaiable yet and atm only give 25% def reduce and focus regen... not that exremly useful compared to destroyer grap

3. not that op Bm got double the duration and they share cds...

4... buged... or disabled... whatsoever and the main topic of this post...


= BD useless for groub... got my points?


so ya atm its this way... 

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3 hours ago, StellaNoxFleuret said:

= BD useless for groub... got my points?

If you see really good BD in action you would understand that in some dungeons BD is really good for group saving. For example in Yeti if the BD has a HM block you shouldn't even need FMs. BD is far from useless for the party but unfortunately not many people understand the class in PVE and it is underrated.

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I can esaly use my Hongmoon block and save Yeti.. my ingame name is Heartless Angel and i always do that... i got your Point but that just one thing ...

I dont wanna be Handicaped by this and being abel support my team more like it should be... well i hope korean update patch will at least give us the grap then u can trigger the following combo...


Warlock & Sin(Kfm) Using there Atk Buffs for the Groub


BD Grap the Boss and grant another 50% crit rate op focus regen and on top lower def of boss by 50% and still do strong dmg while graping unike destroyer do...

Also if u got tribut token a Bd is abel to grap after that instantly again... making it 12 sec endless focus and 50% crit rate bonusfor team  and 25% def decrease on boss

Imagine the dmg output with all 3 buffs and the debuff stacked in that time duration... and imagine  aBD actually got his *cricket*ing second team iframe working like it should be... then BD would finally not being labeld as useless for pt play anymore thats all i want...

(Sidenote: not disrespect for destroyers... they awesome reviver and protector they even can carry u around wich is funny as hell to watch on a lyn =3

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Yap Yap and if u combine both groub buffs your Party actually and yourself actually have for a short Time 160% speed buff 3 sec immunity and after that 3 hit immunity

since this is very useful .. i cant tolerate any more of this so ya...

its worse enough we randomly losing draw stance... and now pt member tell me the tempest not work on them? man fix it ...

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