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What WIll Make You Return to Playing BnS?


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Since the livestream mentioned that they are considering incentives for people to return to the game, I was wondering if people just bullet-list what changes or promotions will make them re-start playing.


For me, it's


1.  the change of direction to support alts will do it, at least for subs. Expressed as:


-account-shared HM accessories, even if they call it something different, and you have to earn each piece separately and re-level it

-account-shared achievements

-separate tab for shared storage at least for crafting mats


2. Hongmoon Skills acquisition made simpler, and at least a couple of the unlocks integrated into the main story.

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1. Turn injured soldiers and meteor carry quests to daily like the flower gathering. This will rekt the bots.

2. Make all the SSP daily quests rewards to : 20 soulstones + 2 moonstones

3. Remove 1% damage cap. Make the 1st damage tier to 1 hit and the 2nd damage tier to 2%.


Dungeons :


1. Put extra reward, if someone using LFG (yes, the button, not premade) to complete dungeon.

2. Buff the daily dungeon quest rewards, from 1-2 stingers to 3-5.

3. Raise the minimum drop amount in 6 and 4 man modes, like 10+ stingers in 6man and 20+ in 4man.

4. Put in autokick for afk in dungeons (like 5 min) and make a minimum boss damage (5%) to enable bidding participation.

5. Remove low lvl dungeons from dailies.


PvP :


1. Make 2 versions for 6v6 : non equalised and equalised.

2. Buff the exp for arena, 1% exp gain for win and 0,25% for lose.

3. Buff +100% the zen bean amount for win/lose

4. Make a "tournament" arena, where we have max HM level and all skills unlocked.


System :


1. Make a checkbox for ignore friend requests

2. Make a checkbox for turn on/off screen shaking

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I have never left B&S. Like many of you I have played B&S in either alpha or beta formats prior to launch. However, what will keep me playing and, more importantly, "purchasing" in game items from the NC Store?


Add tantalizing (fan service) and sexy (ecchi) bikini costume skins in order to properly celebrate the summer all year long.


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Return? I haven't left...and I don't plan to. I will probably play this until they close the servers, as much as I have issues in some areas in the game -coughmoonstonescough- I love BnS, the outfits, the characters i've made and the combat and yeah, I enjoy the dungeons too..so I won't be leaving at all :3


ohoh...but suggestions to make it better? ok then:


*Account wide bank - and making it larger (more tabs)

*Higher droprate of costumes in dungeons

*overhaul of the loot system - i.e things like soulstones can drop in dungeons too..and other upgrade materials all made available through pvp and pve - so if you don't like one side you aren't forced to do it. (personally I don't mind pvp even though I am mainly a pve player - in fact I really enjoyed doing misty woods when I got there, it's kinda exciting to think you have to be aware of who is around you and be ready to respond if someone attacks you) 

*some sort of pvp raid thing..like 20players v 20players having to capture something - I guess kind of like CS in TERA. 

*To help new players starting the game, maybe reduce the amount of materials needed to upgrade, as more content is introduced, tweak the lower tier gear accordingly as it's not 'end game' any more and alot of fresh new players find this the most offputting thing about hitting 45-50. 



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More easily accessible materials for equipment upgrades rather than being forced into 1 or 2 areas to acquire 1 thing that a player may be bored and tired of doing.


More choice basically.  Soulstones and moonstones being locked in places that are impossible to do fr many due to internet and server restrictions, but they are not the only ones. There shouldn't be ANYTHING found in only a single place to forced everyone to have to do that, the game is already cookie cutter enough where player choice has no meaning because players don't have a choice.


Which brings me too, character diversity within a class, and equipment diversity. Everyone needs the same thing for everything in the end. Only choice is which version of the end game weapon you choose for the most part, otherwise everyone has to get everything form the same place.


This is a single player game design, and makes no sense. Training in a class did different things, so why can't gear also allow different areas to progress rather than everyone needing to repeatedly kill 2 of the 8 masters in order to upgrade their necklace gear slot?


Lastly, post-Moonwater needs to be dealt with heavily so that it exists for more than just keeping people mindlessly playing to get stronger. Currently those people that might come back for say Chapter 5 or 6 probably will need the Silverfrost gear and be behind as everyone else has moved on from it so like a new player just starting they will be in a dead zone unable to advance if the new chapters require more power than the completed Jinsoyun story arc. Currently I can't find a reason to play on ANY character after having completed the story with one character. It would just be playing for the sake of playing, and I could do that with Minesweeper.

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1 hour ago, KzE said:

Dungeons :

1. Put extra reward, if someone using LFG (yes, the button, not premade) to complete dungeon.

This. *cricket*in' this.

If not a reward then a penalty for leaving party after you entered the dungeon. Don't like that lvl 45 "noob" or low AP lvl 50? Leave party in lobby or gateway but once you enter dungeon, that is your team and you live or die with your cricketing team.

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8 minutes ago, senpaisan said:

This. *cricket*in' this.

If not a reward then a penalty for leaving party after you entered the dungeon. Don't like that lvl 45 "noob" or low AP lvl 50? Leave party in lobby or gateway but once you enter dungeon, that is your team and you live or die with your cricketing team.

Great idea, considering how often I see people just AFKing at the start of the dungeon and waiting for others to do the work.

If they implement something like this, then only in combination with an AFK-auto-kick.

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45 minutes ago, Raven117 said:

I have never left B&S. Like many of you I have played B&S in either alpha or beta formats prior to launch. However, what will keep me playing and, more importantly, "purchasing" in game items from the NC Store?


Add tantalizing (fan service) and sexy (ecchi) bikini costume skins in order to properly celebrate the summer all year long.


Oh those r coming. Dont worry.

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For me: more stabilization of acquiring 'rare' but REQUIRED materials. Ofc, they shud still be rare in the sense of a ceiling of capacity/gear to a realistic sense but perhaps not reliant on pure random probability. 


You could make moonstones quest reward items that are bound to account or character? And save the rng ones already in place as tradeable. Seems fair? That way everyone has some form of access either for gearing mat collection or for making a profit. (The same could be done with soul stone keys?) 


Some more fixes with lag would be awesome <3 altho there hav been noticeable improvements. 


How bout some costume contests? :3


Thats all that comes to mind for me. P.s. for moonstones they can remain within ssp exclusively. Thus being limited to reaching a point where a character has reached the quests available there and can deal enough dmg to get credit for the quests. 


Perhaps there can be adjustments to that system as well. Instead of just being a general pool where higher dmg is guaranteed drops where there is no real ceiling. Atm the ceiling is created by the standard deviation of relative ap. Thus players with 500 ap may not be getting drops compared to the players at 600/700 ap. The ceiling shifts due to increased upper limit.


Rather than that you can implement the blackwyrm design where players need to be able to deal a realistic amount of damage where that percentage is set in stone. Not a relative mean in the deviation of all players attacking said boss. Cus with higher and higher ap, that mean becomes very limiting or potentially pay to win. 

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i agree with all of you but i would like to add system stability to the list. This game is ridiculous buggy and unstable. The reason why i left was because i cant complete 6 man or 4 man dungeon because i always gets disconnected from the game at the last boss.  NO, its not my computer, I'm playing battlefront at 120 fps max setting no problem, Paragon 135 fps no issues there. Then i launch Bns 45-60 fps... with a 980ti and then i get 20-35 fps ssp and zaiwai, not cool.


And by the way the meant incentives for returning player so not fixes no matter what we post they are not going to do anything about it. Sadly they wont change account bound items since no other region have them.

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