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Cold Storage bugged/glitched?


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So I've tried going into the Cold Storage dungeon several times now in cross-server and every time I find a party and we are all going in freshly the door is locked into Winter Mane and there is no robot in the front to beat to unlock the door. To be honest there is no mobs at all. There is also no Dynamic Quest coming up and as stated this is on FRESH runs and it should be obvious by the closed door as well. Someone knows a fix or is it just hope that NCSoft sees this and looks into it?






Edit: upon further investigation and recalling all the stages that led up to this it seems that the game thinks I've done the dungeon even though I haven't done it. My first try finding a party for Cold Storage I got thrown into a party that already had defeated the boss long before I had even pressed the Looking For Party button and just because they searched for other players and I got placed there it seems the game thinks I've completed Winter Mane and now locked the dungeon even though I can still enter it with cross-server searching. This is atleast what I think but I might be completely off, but if it's right this is another reason to NOT recruit for new members since it will F their days up.

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If you use the random search you will most likely come in a group where the dungeon has already been finished (some people troll others definitely). Never enter that dungeon random. Go either with a Group from your server or join a group who is build up in F8. This way you can only start the dungeon if no one used it today. If someone enters the group and already has cd, the game will tell you and prevents to enter (it shows the characters with cd if you mark the dungeon so the leader can kick them).


The System has to be changed from NC but I don't think they will so don't enter random.

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Ok, from what i have experienced, here is how the cold storage system works:
The entrance is not consumed upon entering the dungeon gate but is based on the completion of the 2 stages of the dungeon. 
If you enter the dungeon but fail to kill the mane boss, you can still disband and re-enter with another party without any issues.
If you manage to kill of the mane boss, you complete the first stage of the dungeon. However, even if you disband the pt and leave the dungeon after that, you can still re-enter the dungeon. That however comes at the cost that every other person that re-enters the dungeon with you will get a 'stage 1 complete' status (i.e. mane boss will now spawn) and not be able to complete their daily if they have yet to do so. This part here is where this system allows players to grief, since if you get the 'stage 1 complete' status from such an incident, there is no way to correct it even if you re-enter with another party (at this point you become the one to grief other players). Players that want to complete the second stage but not grief other players will usually recruit with the 'only second boss' message on their recruitment entry.
After having completed the first stage, you can re-enter until you spawn and kill the second boss of the dungeon and hence get a 'stage 2 complete' status. After this point you are not allowed to queue for the dungeon again until it is reset.

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Ok yeah so it was pretty much as I thought then. Does anyone know why they seem to have a system that pretty much seems like a boolean system that looks if you have completed Winter Mane or not and if you haven't and he's been defeated before you enter the system will still change the status from False to True no matter what? It just sounds as stupid as it is but there has to be either an overlooked factor in the coding and/or design choices or it's just something they didn't even thought about.

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Yeah the current system definetly has a flaw, but I suppose it hasn't been much of an issue in other regions cuz the comunities there are rumored to be better and people here are....well.....a-holes. If it had been, then it would have been changed by now.

But I reckon that checking the stage of dungeon before going through the portal will be able to save you from losing your daily chance. It can be seen in one of the bottom right icons. Deffinetly not the best solution (imo shouldn't even be considered acceptable), but at least it should do for now.

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2 hours ago, Rajak said:

Yeah the current system definetly has a flaw, but I suppose it hasn't been much of an issue in other regions cuz the comunities there are rumored to be better and people here are

Or maybe ppl there just use their brains instead of complaining at forums. The game allows you to uncheck the option to join the party already in dungeon and you can check the progress of dungeon before entering it. So why complaining at forum instead using it?

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1 minute ago, Dlacik said:

Or maybe ppl there just use their brains instead of complaining at forums. The game allows you to uncheck the option to join the party already in dungeon and you can check the progress of dungeon before entering it. So why complaining at forum instead using it?

I already mentioned the 'checking dungeon before entering' solution earlier. Also personally I'm not complaining about it, I'm just acknowledging it as an issue. Furthermore, unchecking the join party in progress still doesn't solve the issue, since people that have killed mane can still queue for another run and screw you over. So the only solution for now is checking the dungeon before entering. And come on, let's be honest, the current system for it does have a flaw, you can't deny that much.

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Due to the poorly implemented mechanics for what counts as a 'successfully completed run', Cold Storage is NOT a PUG-friendly dungeon at all, so I'd say don't PUG it. Ever. Until they change the mechanics, that is. So yeah, given the tendency for dickish and selfish behavior from NA/EU playerbase, you can argue that the mechanics for it are indeed flawed.


You NEED a premade party to actually have a shot at it. Hate to say it, I really do... but that's the safest bet at the moment.


Then again... @Rajak, just to further clarify... say, you enter Cold Storage via LFP PUG, then you check the bottom right icon that shows a bar listing the progress. Didn't even know there was such a icon but whatever, that's good to know. If bar is at 1/2 or 2/2, which is what I'm imagining it to be like for the dungeon, then they at least beat Mane already, yes? In which case, as long as I don't enter the portal from cross-server area, I won't end up griefing other party members in another party I make/enter, is that it?

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3 hours ago, Tsuchiryu said:

Due to the poorly implemented mechanics for what counts as a 'successfully completed run', Cold Storage is NOT a PUG-friendly dungeon at all, so I'd say don't PUG it. Ever. Until they change the mechanics, that is. So yeah, given the tendency for dickish and selfish behavior from NA/EU playerbase, you can argue that the mechanics for it are indeed flawed.


You NEED a premade party to actually have a shot at it. Hate to say it, I really do... but that's the safest bet at the moment.


Then again... @Rajak, just to further clarify... say, you enter Cold Storage via LFP PUG, then you check the bottom right icon that shows a bar listing the progress. Didn't even know there was such a icon but whatever, that's good to know. If bar is at 1/2 or 2/2, which is what I'm imagining it to be like for the dungeon, then they at least beat Mane already, yes? In which case, as long as I don't enter the portal from cross-server area, I won't end up griefing other party members in another party I make/enter, is that it?

The griefing part usually happens during the stage 1/2. If you do get into such a group, and before entering through the portal the icon says 'stage 1/2', then leaving the party without entering through the portal should save your entry from being fcked up. And I say should because I haven't tested this one out much.  Ya know...can't really afford to lose any more entries myself since I actually had to fck up my entry and that of a couple of friends in order to fully understand and test this system in the first place (ofc I did give them a warning before joining me xD).

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I did the 'check the portal icon' thing in a PUG for this stage. It was 0/2, so I went in. Aside from having to wait one party member to return to cross-server to get one of the orbs from his vault after we defeated Winter Mane, it went rather smooth.


Once you learn to pay attention the PUG progress and make sure the party has all 3 different orbs handy before you go any further than the cross-server area, it pretty much becomes a regular dungeon.

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Reasons not to pug Cold Storage:

  • Chance of getting locked out from doing Winter Mane.
  • Got a group for Kaari but orbs are split among party members in cross server? Get tricked into wasting your orbs and person claiming to have remaining orbs just leaves, for the sole purpose of griefing.
    • Tell them to waste their orbs first.
  • You summon Kaari by contribution or all by yourself? NA follows a "dishonorable" system unlike Asia servers and everyone who didn't contribute to the summoning will try to bid on the loot (Asia server's honor system entitles loot to the person who summoned him).
    • If you can summon Kaari yourself, you can tell people to give you leadership, and then set loot rules so everything goes to you, before you summon him.

Cold Storage is incredibly pug unfriendly as the systems in place allow griefing. It's sad that NA's unspoken rule is "be a jerk." As said by people before me, never pug this dungeon; run it with clan mates and friends.

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NcSoft needs to see if they can set it so that abandoning the original quest will reset the instance. I got pooched out of my daily due to this crap. Maybe they can set it so that once the first boss is dead no one can join anew. That would solve some of the issues for sure.

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On ‎5‎/‎4‎/‎2016 at 6:05 PM, thkn777 said:

Well... I PUGged Cold Storage today. Very nice and smooth fight with good chained CC.


If people really put some effort into gameplay its perfectly doable.

I do a lot of pug groups and have found onl a few that could not do what they were trying to do. My biggest issue is the whiners that want a certain AP before they will do an instance. I say to that if they want a certain minimum AP them make a room and start asking, do not pug. If you pug you go with what you get. You cannot pick and choose your party in a pug.

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