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Solid class choice


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Hi, I am lvling a forcemaster atm, as I like the pewpew, but I also want to make an alt besides the forcemaster,

because I want something else to have a change of pace between classes.

Also to have something which is solid in pvp if forcemaster might not be.


Which class is the most solid in pvp? As in, to have solid chances to get in the top if you are good enough? In 1v1, 3v3/tag and higher scale?

A class that generally does well throughout Blade and Soul time.

The least held back by class.

Preferably no huge counters to the extend of rock paper scissors where you will get beaten if the scissor to your paper is removely descent.

I rather avoid something that is OP for a while or at low rating and than gets turned into weak some patches later

or at higher rating later on.

Also preferably I would like to avoid a class where you need to grind like a maniac to get x books/some really crazy hm to the max grind, before it gets good enough.

I read some stuff about some class needing to get like several thousand hm grind hours

and books for loads of golds before becoming good (true?).


I hope you can advice me classes who fit the description for this alt that I am looking for.


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Force masters aren't the worst in PVP nor the best but they are average and balanced in pretty much everything..Same for PVE.


A really easy alt would be a summoner imo,them and destroyers seem like the best farmers in the game.They also seem to be pretty easy in pvp yet very strong.(evidence:most bots are destroyers and summoners).Summoners do get alot of hate though..DON'T MAKE ONE!I WILL KILL YOUR CAT EVERYDAY IF YOU DO!


Blade dancers,they get much hate just like summoner,DON'T MAKE ONE,I WILL BREAK YOUR BLADE IF YOU DO!


They call summoners scummoners and LBDs blade cancers,you can guess why..They are simply very annoying in PVP and in PVE I know summoner rocks pve as well but LBD,Idk how reliable it is in solo but I heard it does very high damage and its phantom grip can be used on bosses unlike FM's phantom grip..NOT FAIR!


A bit more skilled class and imo almost on par with FM in terms of skill is assassin though they feel more PVPish than FMs,they also seem to have easier time in PVP because,stealth is really great in PVP (and in PVE permastealth vs bosses yea,they can't damage what they can't hit till they have true sight+tons of damage almost on par with FM since last patch)..I heard what hurts an assassin most is AOEs.


KFM seems to be harder than FM and assassins but they are really bossy in PVP and PVE,they have much agility,good self heals and average damage but you need to train on counter and iframes,doing combo fast and aerials etc etc..They seem to need far more work.They also seem to need low ping.


I believe Warlocks have more DPS potential but FMs are far less squishy thanks to the amount of self heals,Iframes,invincibility skills they have..If you want to try to reach highest DPS potential,you can try warlock but as far as I heard its hardest to PVP with warlock and BM.

Warlocks do have a summon but they are by no means like summoner,they are far harder than summoners.Warlocks are almost as good as FMs in PVP though for me,FM game play feels abit easier because,it offers more mobility and sustain but yea,I am one of the people who just favor mobility and attack speed over burst.


BMs are pretty good tanks but as I said earlier,they are hard in PVP probably harder than KFM or so I heard so if you want something to stay with and master,that would be a nice class to main..Though people call it weak,I have seen BMs in tag arenas who were very bossy slaying every single class they faced including summoners and KFMs and 1 v 3 easy..They seem to do pretty well if mastered..


Strongest classes in arena imo are KFMs,GOOD BMs yea and they must be GOOD WELL TRAINED as its big difference,assassins and good summoners (they exist though not as good as the classes mentioned previously but good summoners do exist and they are a pain in the ..) and what else?summoners?more summoners?invincibility hack bot summoners?BDs?BDs are a bit less annoying than summoners for me and they are real pain in faction pvp,they are good at ganging.

I am not a big fan of PVP,tbh..I like PVE more in this game,its less of a bot fest soo

those are just my opinions based on my knowledge so far,they don't have to be accurate..They might be biased,who knows.


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No point making Destroyer unless you wanna spend thousand of hours trying to get any loot from boss's atm LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL


so yeah FM is the best class to farm factions/BW/Terrors/and silverfrost atm easy loot no need to tank!!!! = LET THE MOONSTONES RAIN -.-"

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Everyone saying BD but as BD main I find that class not so good in pvp. Yes it is because I am bad! I point that out so you don't need to. Unless you know how to actually deflect on that char or master it asap go for something else. Everyone will just tell you to spin as Blade Dancer but it's not that easy because they need to be correctly timed, too early and you get hit, too late and you get hit even if you spam the life out of your TAB. I have seen alot of awesome Blade Dancer so give it a try if you want to.


If you want really easy class to pvp with go for the Summoner.

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10 hours ago, Yashuoa said:

Just to be clear, it does NOT have to be easy.


I dont mind if it requires a lot of skill, as long as its solid when I get good enough.


and its for pvp mainly.


Then you want Blade Master, hands down. They're good now and will only get better. They also have a ton of build options, so you can equip yourself to really balance out your bad match-up and tilt father in your favor on the good ones.

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To make it short: Every class is op.

Choose what you like to play regarding its playstyle. As a former FM main, I liked the transition to Blade Dancer the most, but thats just my taste and opinion. Every class can make it to the top if skilled enough and no class is going to get severely nerfed from now on, only power increase, through unlocking more and more HM skills, which will probably make one class a slight bit stronger than the other, but making matchups more bearable. There will probably never be a class that has no hardcounters. Every class will always have another class that will more likely win on even skill level and a class that will most likely be beaten on equal skill level. It is balanced so pick what you like to play.


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16 hours ago, Ra9eQuit said:

To make it short: Every class is op.

Choose what you like to play regarding its playstyle. As a former FM main, I liked the transition to Blade Dancer the most, but thats just my taste and opinion. Every class can make it to the top if skilled enough and no class is going to get severely nerfed from now on, only power increase, through unlocking more and more HM skills, which will probably make one class a slight bit stronger than the other, but making matchups more bearable. There will probably never be a class that has no hardcounters. Every class will always have another class that will more likely win on even skill level and a class that will most likely be beaten on equal skill level. It is balanced so pick what you like to play.



Of course I wont pick a playstyle that I dont like.

Still questions like does x class need a crazy amount of hm point grinds compared to others before it gets good enough or

a really expensive gold investment for those books compared to others, are relevant questions for me, as I dont see myself putting in thousands of hours to get some max hm lvl or the same amount of hours to get a skill book.

In that case its better to avoid such a class for me, because I dont want to have to invest that amount of time before it gets good enough (as I rather spend my time differently than in crazy amount of grinding).


Besides I was and am also  curious about who is considered more solid.


On 30-3-2016 at 3:11 AM, Dreegan said:

Then you want Blade Master, hands down. They're good now and will only get better. They also have a ton of build options, so you can equip yourself to really balance out your bad match-up and tilt father in your favor on the good ones.

How correct is that huge hm grind and need of skill books before it gets good enough? To what kind of extend does this grind go for bm?

Or did that only apply to lvl 45 and not to 50 anymore?

5 hours ago, PayJayM said:

Warlock because this class don't have a real counter, and as warlock it's not very hard to manage destro, bd, kfm for example, if you master this class you can really enjoy to destroy a lot of players ;)

Ill consider it.

Although I already have a caster with FM, so a melee could be a nice too, but Warlock does seem interesting.


Any specific need to grind for a certain hm lvl or book for warlock before it gets strong enough, compared to the other classes at 50?


I heard FM somewhat counters Warlock.

Not true at 50 anymore?



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