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Anyone else feelt his game is dead, lots of destroyer bot hackers in PvP arena


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I main as a level 45 assassin and it's impossible to play in PvP arena against all these bot hackers. When I web them in the ground or air and they keep turning around like that's an obvious bot with a hack. It's like these bot hackers have some sort of exploit that allows them to do this... I don't know if NCsoft is aware of this issue and aren't finding any solutions or anything but one of the reasons why this game is dead on arrival already is because the tremendous amounts of bots using hacks to know your position, plus i would assume they're botting with so many characters which consists of Destroyers...


I don't know why I haven't seen any topic about this if there's been countless of threads of people ranting about this ongoing issue.

NCsoft needs to get their crap together because this game is ruined from these bots hackers.


You guys know  and understand why the Destroyer classs was made, right? So these bots can take advantage of how cheap the class is. 

Anyway, any work around this?   It seems that these bots found some sort of code to make their hack a lot more better now. I'm serious, everoyne in PvP arena is complaining about this problem.


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4 minutes ago, Vexe said:

Haven't met a single one in EU, I think.

You are the biggest liar in the world. Even streamers that play PvP arena in EU are complaining about this, if you say otherwise you probably.. nevermind, ncsoft doesn't like trolls on forums so I have no right to accuse players of anything.

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9 minutes ago, Mysticstrider said:

You are the biggest liar in the world.


Grow up.


Even if I did meet 1 or 2 (yes, that low) bot destroyers, I may have failed to notice because I wiped the floor with them as a Summoner (Destroyers are our weakness). I've literally never seen any character ignore cooldowns, turn while stunned, ignore my stealth or endless evade.

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That childish behavior is exactly why I'm telling you to grow up.

Bots aren't literally everywhere. As someone in EU, I could get 2 characters to lv45 middle/late gold without meeting a single one in PvP. I don't even ever see any bots farming world boss essences, nor any traveling boxers.

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Destroyer bots are everywhere.

As a Sin, you should be able to beat them 99% of the time. The strategy is to play it slow.

Make sure you always have an escape  available. If you don't, stealth and run away to the corner to wait until it refreshes.


There are now KFM bots too. Those are really scary. There is a platinum one.

I don't know how to beat one yet.

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So far the bots I've run into are just free beans and a break from fighting players on FOTM classes. NC will take care of it or they won't, I'm just enjoying the game for what it is instead of spending my time angry and whining- "ain't nobody got time for that". 

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Level 38 assasin here.
What I noticed about these bots:
Bot kind 1: If I start running in the arena in a circle they always just run after me, never try to cut in half the arena and while they are running they are always using the basic attack skill which is spammable. If they do it for a minute long its for sure not a normal human being, its a bot.

Bot 2, improved version. Now this one can't be beated with the "run around for 2 minutes and hit once when timer is on 1 sec " technique. This one leaps straight into your face, and makes perfectstun combos and not eltting you escape. As an assasin I rely on my invisibility which these bots don't give a f**k about, right after I teleport behind them or use any evasion skill I get hit and poof invisibility gone.  They are chaining really simple skills together and always know where to aim.

It is really making me angry, and if someone says there are no bots, try to log in NOW ( 4:14 AM ) the whole night from 2 AM I encountered only DESTROYERS every 1v1 match and all of them were bots which is kind of funny. More than 20 matches only bots.

Whoever says bots are easy to beat, yeah sure, maybe if you are not an assasin you can do stuff about it but a class that relies on combos that involve being unseen is really useless here. Please try to fix this problem, cause it's making me want to leave the game.

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Yup totally agree. Heres a video of me encountering one now. I'm assuming they are using this method to get right to level 45. Through the endless combat and winning of the pvp system. With a program that fights this well I can see why they win so often. One of these was the first Destroyer I lost to since I started Blade and soul. Yesterday and before hand I never ran into one of these now its every single match. 


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6 minutes ago, Leihjir said:

But dudes, like the video you post, how can you affirm at 100% that it was a bot ??


You can when the bot cheats, or when they  give away that they're not human (identical inputs every time). Other than that, you're just guessing whether it's a dumbass player or a machine.


People here do have a habit of instantly treating people like bots just because they attack into immunity, though. >_>

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You only see bots at silver / low gold. I know because I farmed them with my alt and got to 1600 rating (lvl 27 FM). Then I started meeting normal people and I got rekt.


I find it mind blowing that they can get in gold since they don't do jack shit, just some auto attacks and a few abilities here and there.


It's not just Destroyers, it's also Summoners.


Either way, something must be done.

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2 minutes ago, Brainy said:

I find it mind blowing that they can get in gold since they don't do jack shit, just some auto attacks and a few abilities here and there.


Bronze and silver 1vs1 players suck ass. Usually pre-45, don't know how spec their skill points for PvP or anything about any class.

This is deadly against Destroyers and especially Summoners.

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I'm agree with you Vexe, i saw some videos, you see obviously that the player is a bot (like a summoner who's spamming flower without dumping is Qi), but in this particular video in this post affirming that the player was a bot i disagree.



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3 minutes ago, Brainy said:

You only see bots at silver / low gold. I know because I farmed them with my alt and got to 1600 rating (lvl 27 FM). Then I started meeting normal people and I got rekt.


I find it mind blowing that they can get in gold since they don't do jack shit, just some auto attacks and a few abilities here and there.


It's not just Destroyers, it's also Summoners.


Either way, something must be done.


This is actually not true. There is a (I am assuming it is the same program) bot that cheats the system at every corner. And there is also bots that are not very good. They just auto attack and then try and lock down after they break CC etc...the same moves every time. Sometimes the bad bots will just stand there waiting for you to come into its detection range. The good bot will never stand still. 


I am starting to spot the difference. The good bot seems to be in black and it is in gold and plat level arena. It cannot be beat with normal tactics of getting in its face. It avoids all CC (except knockdowns and grabs). It moves half way (exaggeration) across the arena when knocked up.  And it is perfect in its ani cancel everytime and never runs out of chi and seems to never lose health to any significance. This bot is a problem but can be beat with a timer win I am starting to see. But its still tough. 



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4 minutes ago, Leihjir said:

but in this particular video in this post affirming that the player was a bot i disagree.


You can't really say anything with 100% certainty, but there are a bunch of suspicious things about this destroyer that I noticed (based on me fighting destroyers as mid/late gold)

-random swings while he's too far from you and using the same damn attacks nonstop when he's in range (with skills mixed in)

-dumb as a brick (attacking/shielding into immunity)

-he faces his enemy immediately and perfectly

-I think he never even finishes his grabs, just the same attack

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