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Summoners are not the problem


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Listen, summoners are not the problem at all. In dont care if they are higher in elo than any other class, because almost any smart opponent can beat a summoner. the real problem is those pesky blade dancers, kfm and especially assasin. You have to be brain dead to lose to a destroyer, and there are very few bm that know what they are doing. Force master is a bit of a pain but there are a lot of counter classes to them. 


Lets get started shall we? Blade dancers only goal is to get you into an aerial combo, and everything else follows. They blow their tab? no problem just use the floating sword skill, then q/e and iframe till you get it back. Same goes for kfm who can cc you forever basically, and have an un-defendable knock up, why came up with that great idea? They are allowed so many mistakes and have so many iframe skills.


Dont even get me started on assasin. I think few actually play it well, but those who do just live to *cricket* you off. All they know how to do it either hit-and run (stealth) or simply dot you and run and wait for time timer to run out. What a great playstyle, having infinate stealth time basically and are able to get out of many situations with their flash bang ability, decoy ability, counter, etc. Im tired of facing the same classes over and over again, rarely do I ever seem anything other than BD, KFM, SIN. Occasional summoners but again, they are not a problem in my eyes. Sure their heal is a bit much, but they have little escape measures. Im not the type of person to get angry or mad over an opponent beating me because he is better (because obviously there is always someone better than you), Its frustrating playing these classes with such annoying, overpowered play styles, and abilities.


If you think arena pvp is balanced, you can tell me why, but as it stands for me, everything is haywire.

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mm ok..about kfms.. You say they can do lots of mistakes? hell if i do one mistake i get my ass kicked. If i fail my 3RF combo when i have an opportunity, i can get my ass kicked. If i use TAB in wrong moment, i'll get my ass kicked. No, kfm gets punished really hard for mistakes. 

Now, i dont know where you got an idea about KFM's iframes. There are 3 skills with iframes (4 if specc'd another skill) which lasts 1 sec only. Oh and we cant CC you forever. First we need to force you to use your TAB escape. Then catch you. If we did all that, shouldnt we deserve something in return?

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I myself play Kfm and destroyer and dont agree with you (on the most part). As a Kfm you cant allow too many mistakes. First, you can always dodgw the knockup. Second, in the Kfm kit are not manny stuns but dazes which can all be tabed. And YES! Kfm can do stupid amounts of damage when you dont have tab BUT to do that you need to time the cc's really well (otherwise you can ss out) and you need to cancle about 40 spells with animationcancelling. Otherwise your dmg is minimal.


What I agree with tho, is that blade dancer is completly bullshit to play against.

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1 hour ago, Somisan said:

Blade cancer and scummoner is the same a shlty little mutnat what need to be purged !


and you are right blade cancer is broken just as the scummoner but hey these classes made for kids.


Pu your foots into warm watter kid. I play BD cuz i like action style if this class. And i'am almost 30 :).

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Not really. Do you watch Jaesung or Eyebrows stream on Twitch?


These guys are Korean pro players, playing NA/KR accounts. One is a former B&S World Champion, and the other is considered one of the best BM's in Korea.


They played BM on NA recently and have concluded that there's absolutely nothing you can do vs. a competent Summoner in this current patch. Jaesung strugged to reach Plat with his BM, and Eyebrows reached 2100, but hit a Summoner wall and quit.


These two are professional players who have been playing this game for years. They do not lack the skill, experience, and mechanics, so telling people to simple "get good," does not apply here. 


The game is not balanced, as much as you'd like to believe it is. You're being brainwashed into thinking it is balanced, for the sake of NCSoft's financial success.

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Not really. Do you watch Jaesung or Eyebrows stream on Twitch?


These guys are Korean pro players, playing NA/KR accounts. One is a former B&S World Champion, and the other is considered one of the best BM's in Korea.


They played BM on NA recently and have concluded that there's absolutely nothing you can do vs. a competent Summoner in this current patch. Jaesung strugged to reach Plat with his BM, and Eyebrows reached 2100, but hit a Summoner wall and quit.


These two are professional players who have been playing this game for years. They do not lack the skill, experience, and mechanics, so telling people to simple "get good," does not apply here. 


The game is not balanced, as much as you'd like to believe it is. You're being brainwashed into thinking it is balanced, for the sake of NCSoft's financial success.

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Not really. Do you watch Jaesung or Eyebrows stream on Twitch?


These guys are Korean pro players, playing NA/KR accounts. One is a former B&S World Champion, and the other is considered one of the best BM's in Korea.


They played BM on NA recently and have concluded that there's absolutely nothing you can do vs. a competent Summoner in this current patch. Jaesung strugged to reach Plat with his BM, and Eyebrows reached 2100, but hit a Summoner wall and quit.


These two are professional players who have been playing this game for years. They do not lack the skill, experience, and mechanics, so telling people to simple "get good," does not apply here. 


The game is not balanced, as much as you'd like to believe it is. You're being brainwashed into thinking it is balanced, for the sake of NCSoft's financial success.

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4 hours ago, TheRealBronx said:

Not really. Do you watch Jaesung or Eyebrows stream on Twitch?


These guys are Korean pro players, playing NA/KR accounts. One is a former B&S World Champion, and the other is considered one of the best BM's in Korea.


They played BM on NA recently and have concluded that there's absolutely nothing you can do vs. a competent Summoner in this current patch. Jaesung strugged to reach Plat with his BM, and Eyebrows reached 2100, but hit a Summoner wall and quit.


These two are professional players who have been playing this game for years. They do not lack the skill, experience, and mechanics, so telling people to simple "get good," does not apply here. 


The game is not balanced, as much as you'd like to believe it is. You're being brainwashed into thinking it is balanced, for the sake of NCSoft's financial success.

I do agree with most of what you say. And yes, summoner vs blade master is a horrible match up for the bm. But as everyone says they get better at 50 cap with hong moon skills etc. but It shouldn't be that way. You have to realize BM have a huge disadvantage in this patch. That does not mean they are fodder. 


Also so summoner shave counters just like every other class. And bm bs summoner is the hardest matchup for bm. And a good destro or bd will beat a summoner. 


And no I don't think the game is balanced. It's far from that. But there is nothing we can do about it. So I say play the game how you like. Don't get upset over a game that will bring you almost nothing in your life. It's a casual escape from reality and I chose to play a competitive, but casual style. I read the forums to catch up on the game and was just tired of all the summoner complaints (keep in mind I do not play it not have I ever). Just my opinions. 

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One of our clan mates fotm rerolled summoner because it is so op and reached diamond with it. I think he have not played this game before eu/na launch. He also had blade dancer with platina rank before, but rerolled summoner because it was so much easier and better. I m not saying he is bad player, but there is the players that have like years of exprience and have problem with summoners. I m not good player myself in this game, but it is really hard to think it is balanced class.

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I have to agree is very annoying to play vs both little buggers.It's soooo tricky to time perfectly as FM all Iframes to prevent the little spinning bugger to regen chi(focus) with this thing they throw at you.Once they run out of chi however they are just cannon fodded waiting to die...trick is to get to this part.

Summoners...god is hard as hell vs them.Dish dmg like destroyers and have more CC then LBM lol and on top of that heal,resist,heal,resist....


Can't wait for april/may when this buggers not gonna be as hard as they are now.Atleast kitties.I'm abit blind and really struggle sometimes to target the right little bugger.


Sins...the only time I lose to sin is those annoying one which hide in the corners and throw poison bombs at you 3 minutes lol.

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I would have to say sin is the only big problem in this game. I have played my fair share and every time I am matched with a sin its always the same thing. They stay stealth the whole match. Sure you can knock them out of it for maybe 2 seconds but they just go right back in again. That stealth timer and the cool down on it is just wrong. I believe every class has its ups and downs but to be able to counter and go in to stealth the whole match is totally wrong. 

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