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Bots in arena


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Hello. I just want to know, any NCsoft employees, are you aware of the bots in arena? When will you do something about it?


Before all the "get good commentaries", yes, I don't have 5 years of practice in this game like all of you, and I'm an Assassin and not being able to use infiltrate, a core skill, is annoying to say the least, besides them always being able to hit me while I'm stealthed because they have auto-aim.


Thank you


EDIT: Ok, after a 2nd match against a bot they're easy enough. It's still annoying when you know you're playing against a NPC in Player vs Player

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Also went through this problem seems to have a locator when I'm invisible and always breaks the skill not to mention Destroy with infinite fury as he can on a match in one arena Destroy use rage four times five times in a round? wherein the skill of time is 1 minute? complicated but rather it exists and I am fazando live showing it worth it away from the public who waited for a long time this game thinking it different from TW more this going the same way one thing is certain not see hacker in TW more here in NA ta full

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Why ncsoft let the bots play freely in the game? Why not ban ? They are destroying the game and it simply does nothing to contain it! What I really need to know is ... Why gaming companies do nothing to banish every game bots ? Because that shit is falling apart all games today !

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This game is no officially infested with bots lol.

chat spam (region, faction)
Faction dailies (shipwreck and mistywoods)
Arena (majority of my gold enemies are now bots, I can see their names so its pretty logical)
Terror (mistywoods)
World bosses (almost all of them have bots).

Boy, is the game dying because of bots.  Mainly because it caters to one faction, I talked to an opposing faction, and they flat out said "we dont care, they help us take care of the terrors". Well, I cant really argue with that person lol.

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3 minutes ago, VRock said:

ah korean BnS is p2p and has bots in arena even in plat(see jaesung stream sometimes he plays vs destro bot)..




13 minutes ago, VRock said:

ah korean BnS is p2p and has bots in arena even in plat(see jaesung stream sometimes he plays vs destro bot)..


Imagine how bad it would be if those botters in kr goes here in the NA. Actually im pretty sure thats what the bots are doing now, sizing up on the capabilities of our players lol.

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It's pretty sad.

Bots are evolving in chatspam, PvE and now PvP (thanks, bean soulstones).

NCsoft's anti-bot strategies...are not evolving. In fact they're not moving at all.


It's sad that NCsoft is not smart enough to do what TERA did with the chat. Too many messages in a minute and bam, you're spamblocked for X minutes. As for the trash infecting PvP, you could force a simple bot check whenever your character starts PvP. Lose 3-5 times in a row, another check. Keep failing it, kick & bot-report.


What's really idiotic is that the game is not recognizing blatant cheating like ignoring cooldowns and turning during CC. Really?

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Judging by how many bots with the yellow star it doesn't seems like making p2p would resolve anything except getting less players so instead of a 50% arena against a bot u would go up to even more and then rage on forums and quit too.

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Last 5 days I faced nothing but bots, even in Gold rank.


Most of them have names like gsdfsdf but some have less obvious names too, still they all can track you during any kind of anchor skill (stun, web etc).


I have not faced a real playing in 1v1 for almost a week, think about it. I couldn't care less about the chat spam while this is happening.

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