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you know you are *cricket*ed when...


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This is gonna be super unpopular, but unless the summs did real well with 4v1ing the destroyer, I'd actually have given you guys the edge.  Without smart intercepts (which most summs or players in general are incapable of understanding), a non-retarded destroyer can take 2 summoners 1 after another easy.  Like Sum vs BM easy.

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Summoner fell on the ground, BAM Destroyer anicancel / Blade Dancer blade draw interrupt.



Then again, it's was pretty hilarious watching my Summoner team mate abuse dandelion to solo 2 players after everyone else died.

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Honestly people who think Destroyers still wreck Summoners as bad as they did BEFORE the patch are either bad or stupid. The buffs to Summoners helped them out a LOT and the nerfs to Destroyers didn't really do anything to help. I am not saying Destroyers don't still have an edge, but its not nearly as much of an edge as people like to believe.

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