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BSH Pug party almost cant play


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So basically with new BSH every pt i join and when i mean every i mean every SINGLE one i get 1 of 2 things

1. People being undergeared which personally i dont mind toooo much as long as they are decently geared

2. People leaving because of 1


again when i say every single party i mean literally every single party ive been in so far since the update hit. I literally cannot do the full dung run due to the ppl leaving, it goes like pt gets formed ppl leave within the 4 2 secs, more ppl join then they leave after a few s why is this? are they checking people gear and leave cause of it? and yes i would run it with friends however most of em arent around and im guildless. Why are people leaving so much?


Replies appreciated 

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If people are undergeared, there's a high chance that they won't make it through Blood Mane since he has an enrage timer. I had this issue once, where one other member (a KFM) and myself were the only capable dps'es (didn't help that we were both tank dps classes) and the rest of the party wiped too early leaving us to dps. We simply didn't have the firepower to get his 5mil hp down fast enough. I'm assuming this is one of the reasons why people might be leaving after checking gear.


You can create a room in dungeon lobby and invite people from other servers to join your room (provided you know people from other servers). This is probably the best way to go about it now, until people slowly start getting better gear.

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4 minutes ago, OniOfTheSword said:

If people are undergeared, there's a high chance that they won't make it through Blood Mane since he has an enrage timer. I had this issue once, where one other member (a KFM) and myself were the only capable dps'es (didn't help that we were both tank dps classes) and the rest of the party wiped too early leaving us to dps. We simply didn't have the firepower to get his 5mil hp down fast enough. I'm assuming this is one of the reasons why people might be leaving after checking gear.


You can create a room in dungeon lobby and invite people from other servers to join your room (provided you know people from other servers). This is probably the best way to go about it now, until people slowly start getting better gear.

Normally they dont make it through but their gear isnt even that terrible its mostly their shoul shields but their weapons are fine, i think its more of an issue ppl want a wayy easier time/ want to be carried through and seeing ppl gear is they just wanna blow through it yea i kno of enrage timer and if i see a bunch of super undergeared ppl i will leave too cause its jus aint gonna work but theyre not THAT undergeared, also hi oni


9 minutes ago, JustRunAround said:

Most likely, they are checking for gear. 
You need a reasonable amount of dps to clear the bosses in BSH, since they have an enrage timer. The dps check is a bit more strict compared to Poh's dungeon

Yea i know that but still if most pts have lets say awakened profane but they know what theyre doing then the bosses would probably die before the rage timer hits in 6 man (just estimating havent had as much experience if u couldent tell :P) but even if ive been in pts where half pts was sirens other half profane and ppl started leaving

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Just curious how undergeared are they? I never know cause i don't find my 352 Atk is that good enough to able to carry a team in 6-Poh not along the more hardcore 6-BSH.


I only had people found out some player used Dokumo weapon to join 6-Poh but we managed the run anyway.

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1 minute ago, Aevri said:

Just curious how undergeared are they? I never know cause i don't find my 352 Atk is that good enough to able to carry a team in 6-Poh not along the more hardcore 6-BSH.


I only had people found out some player used Dokumo weapon to join 6-Poh but we managed the run anyway.

Well as mentioned before BSH has a much much stricter DPS threshold u need to meet as enemies have MUCH higher health and enrage timer example POH as the final boss had like 1.9m(i think) hp venomous thrasher has about the same hp but hes the first boss then it goes on to blood mane with his 5.4m.

The lowest ive seen was awakened profane which imo isnt really acceptable in BSH but i think True profane should be fine which Most pts have although if there's like 3-4 ppl with awakened profane then its just not gonna work  their dps is really low thus making the entire pts dps low thus not being able to burn down da hp + they getting carried which is a nono here. The pts ive been in were mostly true profane with a few sirens which honestly that would be fine but ppl leave anyway.

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23 minutes ago, CherryStick said:

honestly this just comes down to experience... i've had bad experiences with noobs so when i cross-server bsh i dont accept anyone with less than 360 atk otherwise i just leave right away


don't wanna spend a an hour running that dungeon

I mean u dont need 360 att all u need to do is be able to survive and be able to do a lot of dmg i would even say 340-350 ish is gud i mean i got 361 and i still do quite a bit its just people who are very undergeared like using awakened profane and expect to be carried which is the issue their shoulda been a weapon cap higer then POH 

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I did that dungeon the first day that it came out...  people kept leaving.....  i was wondering why....  then we get another guy... he didnt enter the sisters... was just standing there... and died when someone agroed them.... instant death mechanic....  i didnt want to tank on smnr... had to use taunt... because i had hate... killed the sisters with just five of us....


i dont check peoples gear....


i havent tried that dungeon since....  i have awaken siren weapon lv 10 staff and all accessories are awaken siren lv10 as well.....  with mushin tower shield/bsh....

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1 minute ago, Kaom said:

And that's why we don't need vote to kick , elitists are already trying to run the show if NCSOFT gives them a vote kick button it will become even worst .

I mean if someone is there with awakened profane wep is there they are not supposed to be in poh u could get away with it but BSH u cant it has much higher dps check as mentioned before, ppl expect to be carried which isnt fair to those who actually have put the time into their stuff and keep getting pted with ppl with sub par gear to the dung. I said personally that i estimate that even true profane with some decent gems would be good enough which is why i dont understand why the people are leaving mabye they wanna be carried? Point is its not elitists trying to rule everything its 1 trying to get a dang capable pt together and 2 not queuing for something when ur expecting to be carried/ dont have the gear for it.

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I've run BSH4 in true profane plenty of times now on my FM and almost always have perma aggro, have solo'd the last 30% of the final boss with ease as well. I've also gotten shit from people for it yet those same people were the ones underperforming. A group with true profane is more than enough if they're competent enough to belong in 4man, I don't see why 6man is any different (I have only done it 3 times or so on 6man). 

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Yeah, we do need a vote kick. I have seen many people coming in bsh with infernal shields and there is just no excuse for that. 25k hp, 26% crit, 160% crit dmg, that is the problem not the actual weapons themselves. They could be using a true pirate weapon, but if their shields and accessories are still at cinderlands tier, then they won't be able to pull their own weight and shouldn't be there to start with.

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1 minute ago, Pinwheel said:

Yeah, we do need a vote kick. I have seen many people coming in bsh with infernal shields and there is just no excuse for that. 25k hp, 26% crit, 160% crit dmg, that is the problem not the actual weapons themselves. They could be using a true pirate weapon, but if their shields and accessories are still at cinderlands tier, then they won't be able to pull their own weight and shouldn't be there to start with.

well yea jus using weapons as the main example as they make up almost all ur dps but yea soul shields accessories, gems are all included but like even implementing a higher weapon req other then dokumo would be better i still dont know why they dont say u need to have X weapon stage instead of saying dokumo rather then the stage if that were it then itll be problem solved vote kick can get abused really really easily which is why im reluctant to suggest it but even making a small change to the reqs would help out a lot.

Also update on my dung progress: havent even made it past blood mane T.T

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2 minutes ago, Pinwheel said:

Yeah, we do need a vote kick. I have seen many people coming in bsh with infernal shields and there is just no excuse for that. 25k hp, 26% crit, 160% crit dmg, that is the problem not the actual weapons themselves. They could be using a true pirate weapon, but if their shields and accessories are still at cinderlands tier, then they won't be able to pull their own weight and shouldn't be there to start with.

Yet I see so many people using pvp shields with those stats and it is apparently acceptable. I don't understand why if people aren't ok with people using low level shields and having that type of damage output why it's ok to roll a pvp set in a dungeon and have it. You don't need defense or hp if you don't make a habit of taking hits to the face after all. 

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1 minute ago, lnvisibleOne said:

Yet I see so many people using pvp shields with those stats and it is apparently acceptable. I don't understand why if people aren't ok with people using low level shields and having that type of damage output why it's ok to roll a pvp set in a dungeon and have it. You don't need defense or hp if you don't make a habit of taking hits to the face after all. 

Well if u have high hp def then u can survive more no? and what do u mean by pvp soulshield, moonwater arena? cause its still doable with it just like it is with true profane the new ones there really isnt a dps soul shield or a tank soul shield they both are good also unless its like infernal or moonwater valor or something then its fine i say only acceptable ones are Mushin BSH Moonwater Arena and POH other then that no 

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The pvp shields are just as bad for dps, but there is the slight extra hp buffer before they are laying on the floor. Definitely still not acceptable, but people can't be bothered to farm bsh24 and tower for some actually good shields. Just because they can put up the appearance of not being terribly undergeared by their hp pool alone doesn't mean they aren't . I honestly don't know how people can even stand doing so little damage with such bad shields. Pvp shields are for ganking kids in misty trying to get their soulstones from dailies, not for actually doing anything in pve.

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Just now, dmoe33 said:

Well if u have high hp def then u can survive more no? and what do u mean by pvp soulshield, moonwater arena? cause its still doable with it just like it is with true profane the new ones there really isnt a dps soul shield or a tank soul shield they both are good also unless its like infernal or moonwater valor or something then its fine i say only acceptable ones are Mushin BSH Moonwater Arena and POH other then that no 

If you have high def and hp you can take more hits to the face yes but every class is more than capable of avoiding the majority of if not all damage in most content in the game. I don't understand why people would not just stack offensive stats and dodge appropriately. Moonwater arena is definitely a pvp oriented shield set, you don't need crit defense etc; in pve. The only really acceptable pve shields at this point are tower/bsh/poh if player is returning from a break. 

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1 minute ago, lnvisibleOne said:

If you have high def and hp you can take more hits to the face yes but every class is more than capable of avoiding the majority of if not all damage in most content in the game.

Facetanking with the same hp as proper pve shields is fun though! Nobody actually WANTS that extra 25% crit chance and 30% crit damage do they? It couldn't possibly double their actual output or anything right...

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3 minutes ago, lnvisibleOne said:

If you have high def and hp you can take more hits to the face yes but every class is more than capable of avoiding the majority of if not all damage in most content in the game. I don't understand why people would not just stack offensive stats and dodge appropriately. Moonwater arena is definitely a pvp oriented shield set, you don't need crit defense etc; in pve. The only really acceptable pve shields at this point are tower/bsh/poh if player is returning from a break. 

well yea ofc but take more hits= survive longer= be able to hit more no? i never personally go for that though as usually justi pumping dps is better but just threw it out there 

4 minutes ago, Pinwheel said:

The pvp shields are just as bad for dps, but there is the slight extra hp buffer before they are laying on the floor. Definitely still not acceptable, but people can't be bothered to farm bsh24 and tower for some actually good shields. Just because they can put up the appearance of not being terribly undergeared by their hp pool alone doesn't mean they aren't . I honestly don't know how people can even stand doing so little damage with such bad shields. Pvp shields are for ganking kids in misty trying to get their soulstones from dailies, not for actually doing anything in pve.

which shields are u exactly talking about? but yea soul shields are just as important as weapons no? they are much easier to get but say if someone has true profane (as i said b4) and like Mushins SS then i dont see the issue, its the issue of them having BOTH be crap like awakened  profane and moonwater valor which that just isnt gonna work which is why i say they should up the weapon requirement and to actually have it so instead of being the crappy weapons u get from big 4 for it to display " wep required: True Profane stage 10" instead of "weapon required: Dokumo Lynbade"

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1 minute ago, lnvisibleOne said:


Quote system on this forum is horrible. Anyway, @dmoe33 that mentality is exactly why the majority of anyones runs is spent picking people up off the ground. This game is not designed with putting on a beefier shield and taking hits to the face. It's not take more hits=survive longer=be able to hit more, it's dodge properly=hit more or take hits=die. 

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25 minutes ago, lnvisibleOne said:

Quote system on this forum is horrible. Anyway, @dmoe33 that mentality is exactly why the majority of anyones runs is spent picking people up off the ground. This game is not designed with putting on a beefier shield and taking hits to the face. It's not take more hits=survive longer=be able to hit more, it's dodge properly=hit more or take hits=die. 

Yes i agree which is what i honestly like there not being a specific "tank" class how basically everything is balanced (not including pvp kek) but its not TERRIBLE if ugo for it i mean it still works just not as effectively  as if u were using a dps one. What ive seen all the shields do is give u HP acc Def block evade and crit none give dmg (at least current content dont know down da road) if that were the case then yes screw every tank shield but its not. Still it is more effective to have ones that gives crit rather then def but saying its still possible to run things with it 

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