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what is the dps ladder like?


I'm thinking:

1. sum

2. fm

3. sin

4. bd

5. bm

6. kfm

7. des?


i'm basing this off the blackwyrm fight. usually at the end, destroyers seem to have the least prestige points which sounds crazy i know but destroyers might be more of bursty dps gods whereas for long drawn out fights they seem to do little dmg.

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Dont know about this current patch, but pretty sure that sins are with quite a margin the leading single target dps with lvl 50 content. Compensated by the fact that they suck at aoe of course.


Also, not so sure if measuring it with blackwyrm is a good idea. Like:

- nobody there has good fps

- the only thing measured is single target dps

- skill matters but basically ranged classes have a free pass, which is represented by your ranking too

- ...


Dunno what you expect from this discussion either, but that's my opinion on it^^

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I think Blade master is  at the bottom of the list, destroyer is a cannon class they hit hard, one that is skilled in PVE Rotations and understands the fight should lay down tons of damage in a long fight. Rank PVE damage by using the PVP ranking system it will give you a solid ideal of DPS in a long PVE fight.  Destroyers lack the in and out movement abilities  that blade masters have. Blade Masters have gotten screwed over for dishing damage out with big numbers but excel in that fight due to their mobility skills only. I have faith though in Blade Masters once hongmoon levels and skills + level 50 have entered the game, Blade Masters should most defiantly start climbing the list but still yet as a "main tank" class in that fight most of their damage comes from threat generating skills and first hit with a steady small hit and short combos the damage adds up over time. 

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2 minutes ago, OneYouHate said:

I think Blade master is  at the bottom of the list, destroyer is a cannon class they hit hard, one that is skilled in PVE Rotations and understands the fight should lay down tons of damage in a long fight. Rank PVE damage by using the PVP ranking system it will give you a solid ideal of DPS in a long PVE fight.  Destroyers lack the in and out movement abilities  that blade masters have. Blade Masters have gotten screwed over for dishing damage out with big numbers but excel in that fight due to their mobility skills only. I have faith though in Blade Masters once hongmoon levels and skills + level 50 have entered the game, Blade Masters should most defiantly start climbing the list but still yet as a "main tank" class in that fight most of their damage comes from threat generating skills and first hit with a steady small hit and short combos the damage adds up over time. 

the only offensive skills destroyers use on blackwyrm are: rmb, lmb, smash, fury, emberstomp(focus regen, very low dmg). what is this skilled pve rotation you speak of? there is only one. fury(stronger and faster ani-cancel for 6 seconds and smash at the last second of fury) then back to normal ani-cancelling. you can use emberstomp either during fury for extra crit dmg or use it during non-fury times for focus generation. that's it. the only thing destroyers can do on blackwyrm and pretty much any boss fights since destroyers don't really have better dps skill options. i was really shocked at how little long fight dps destroyers actually do.

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4 minutes ago, OneYouHate said:

I think Blade master is  at the bottom of the list, destroyer is a cannon class they hit hard, one that is skilled in PVE Rotations and understands the fight should lay down tons of damage in a long fight. Rank PVE damage by using the PVP ranking system it will give you a solid ideal of DPS in a long PVE fight.  Destroyers lack the in and out movement abilities  that blade masters have. Blade Masters have gotten screwed over for dishing damage out with big numbers but excel in that fight due to their mobility skills only. I have faith though in Blade Masters once hongmoon levels and skills + level 50 have entered the game, Blade Masters should most defiantly start climbing the list but still yet as a "main tank" class in that fight most of their damage comes from threat generating skills and first hit with a steady small hit and short combos the damage adds up over time. 

Pretty wrong actually, Destroyers have garbage damage especially at level 50 were Bms can do about 200k+ dmg in one rotation right now.

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Many will disagree but that is just how it is. I personally play sin and KFM and I am watching combat log very often along with my friend playing sum and FM. We did several testing on dummies and on bosses on every floor with chars that have same gear.
Sin had no burst skills but his dmg output is very high and steady and doesn't need any extra skill or effor (expect stealth or high crit rate) to do a very good dmg. My testing with 300 attack 37% crit chance 180% crit dmg is killing 1st floor boss in 36 sec. 7 floor one in 2min 40sec.

FM after boost in this patch got really nice DMG with nice steady and nice burst dmg. My friend with no braclet, bad bopaes, and only 330 attack can easly keep dummie in mushin on 0 hp or can kill f5 boss about 30 sec faster then me with kfm that has better gear.
Why is KFM at button?
KFM has nice burst DMG and CD- but... dmg boosts are group one. Means everyone in group profit from it. Take it away he only got few burst skills like X and V. after that he is down to one min CD with only steady dmg- which is very low compare to other classes- example: my sin 300 att in stealth is hiting RM-3,5k, F-3,4k, 4-3k ( and much more if enemy has 5 poisons ) Reason for it is high dmg on skills + passive 30% crit dmg in stealth. My KFM with 338 ATT is 2- 2,8k, LM - 800, F-3,5k. So the dmg is almost "same" expect our LM which does low dmg, but it is almost "same" in fact that I have 38 more attack and that my F require 2 to crit to proc. If you talk about ani-canceling KFM attack fast, yes but if you didn't play sin then you can't compare the speed. I play both so I can say that sin attack at same speed as KFM (expect the macro KFM which is not allowed).

Went though a lot of CN/TW forums on lvl 50 and everybody said KFM is at button on level 50- and because we have "latest" patches and because KFM doesn't have high crit rate and hongmoon skills to proc enough F to deal enough dmg he is pushed to button now. In other words everybody did agree on Sin being top and FM/Des being second on level 50.


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11 minutes ago, Fantality said:

So would SIN do the absolute most dmg out of all classes on a drawn out dps race against a stationary target? Followed up by summoner and then FM as a third?

If you're using the target dummies yes. Stealth RB/F spam is pretty brutal. 


Realistically though you're also dealing with fight mechanics too.


From experience and with the current patch Sin > Sum = FM > Des > BD > KFM = BM. Granted KFM & BM would be taken in parties as tank only.

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3 minutes ago, Fantality said:

how is sin ani-cancel compared to destroyer? des dps cycle is 90% ani-cancel and it's really hard on my hand.

this, bd ani cancel is the highest dps in the game right now, macro users are almost like speed hackers even the manual ones can dps higher than anyone

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1 minute ago, Justsomeone said:

this, bd ani cancel is the highest dps in the game right now, macro users are almost like speed hackers even the manual ones can dps higher than anyone

i was asking how intense it was on ur hand. ani-cancelling on des on blackwyrm is tough on my right hand that does the ani-cancelling.

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You cant really call F/Rb spam ani-cancel but you do ani-cancel 4. However you cant really compare it to Destro since 4 has a CD that gets reset by F but still its not up 100% of the time compared to destro.


Current Patch aswell as 50 Patch if we talk about single target dmg sin is by far the strongest class. That also is the reason why perma stealth even exist. Otherwise you would have to tank the boss the whole fight. Mage with the current patch is way stronger than Summoner. However even with the 50k burst ability mage does around 30% less DPS on single target compared to Sin. Once you get to 50%+ crit as sin aswell as high crit dmg you will hit for 20k+ /sec even more with good ping.


BUT Mage is still as important as sin. You always go 1 mage 1 sin instead of 2 sin. The CC aswell as the burst dmg is too important on later content.

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