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Real talk about BM please


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I played 300 Matches with my BM now and all i can say is that my winrate is horrible and i feel like i just can never win. I cant get higher than 1650 points.

I pretty much NEVER play against other Blademasters and the only matchup i can win is Forcemaster. The worst matchup for me is against Assassins and I really can never win against them no matter what I do...I have watched a lot of guides and streams from good players but it doesnt really help. I dont feel like im getting better or I learn something while losing every single game against Assasins, LBMs, Summoners or Destroyer.

I just want to know if that is really me? Of course I know I'm not good in the game but when i lose every single game against these classes its just questionable for me. Other BMs who have made the same experience? I'm a huge fan of PvP in online games but this one is really not enjoyable for me.


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   By standard, the answer you'll get is "git gud nub". However, as far as I know, BM is just being in a bad shape for now due to their skill being so dependent on skill points ( this is from other gossips on forum, don't take credit from me). The next patch will balance all the classes out, or so I heard. 

   can't really teach you or giving any advice because I'm a new player to this game. But from my own observation, BM tends to play defensively. I don't know which guide you have read, it's a good thing you want to learn about your class, but not enough if you don't read from other classes, too. "Know about your enemy, and in a hundred battles, you will triumph in all of them" - random ancient Chinese dude ( joking, Sun Tzu).

  good luck btw.

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44 minutes ago, Eres said:



I played 300 Matches with my BM now and all i can say is that my winrate is horrible and i feel like i just can never win. I cant get higher than 1650 points.

I pretty much NEVER play against other Blademasters and the only matchup i can win is Forcemaster. The worst matchup for me is against Assassins and I really can never win against them no matter what I do...I have watched a lot of guides and streams from good players but it doesnt really help. I dont feel like im getting better or I learn something while losing every single game against Assasins, LBMs, Summoners or Destroyer.

I just want to know if that is really me? Of course I know I'm not good in the game but when i lose every single game against these classes its just questionable for me. Other BMs who have made the same experience? I'm a huge fan of PvP in online games but this one is really not enjoyable for me.


Hello, I'm in the same spot. I am around 1650-1700 but I can't seem to climb. I do have problems with destroyer and summoner but assassin is just impossible for me. 


I've watched some videos as well, from Second and some other korean players. But yeah, I can't seem to beat one to save my own life. 

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One of the most interesting things to me about this game is how relative everything is.  I finally fought a few BMs in the arena earlier today, and without really knowing their skillset, I'm pretty sure I lost against all 3 that I fought.  The last one I started to do better, but as a FM the fight feels as unforgiving as basically every other match-up.  The interesting part is that all these classes feel very unforgiving, but then one of them (BM) apparently has its own really tough time against the other classes as well.


It could also be that only people who really enjoy/are good at BM are the ones playing, whereas I have run into several Destros/Assassins that just don't seem to know what they are doing.  Then I ran into a Destro who knew what he was doing and it was night and day.

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I wouldn't think too much about your wins and losses at this point and more about the amount you can still learn while waiting for the balance patch. Blademaster is in a very bad shape. Every class right now has a way better kit then BM to fight with and there's nothing a BM excells at.

It doesn't mean it's impossible to win, but you'll have to outplay most matchups heavily in order to win.

I advice you to train your ground game as effectively as possible because that's gonna be a huge part in bm's eventual strategy once we get more skillpoints. Practicing this right now will give you a tremendous advantage once blademaster gets buffed.

Groundgame basically means that once you have someone under some form of CC or after aerial combo, you keep them on the ground min-maxing your dps output by efficiently using your chi while keeping the target cc'd. Basically stun - draw stance - rmb - rmb - E - Cc - Lmb - Lmb - cc - Rmb - Rmb - Rmb etc.. Just an example.

Make sure you play aggressive, force out potential answers your opponent has (Tab / F roll / 3 / 1) and once all their resources are depleted, use your remaining CC to squeeze in as much dps as you can without wasting any cc. It's a hard to pull combo because it's all situational and messing up 1 cc like hitting into an assassin ground block will set you back big time.

About assassin's. It's your toughest matchup along with summoners at probably a 10-20% win chance. (Lower vs summoner in general). What i've noticed is 2 key things. If they stealth at the start, try to predict their shuriken that puts a bomb on your back by iframing it and if u fail, predict when he comes into your back for the stun and Iframe that instead (Turn around and Press E/A). Stopping one of these openers is really crucial. Despite this though, they still have a whole arsenal to work with and can probably mess up 2-3 times before being at a disadvantage whereas you as BM have to play it out perfectly.

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57 minutes ago, Daymon said:

   By standard, the answer you'll get is "git gud nub". 


Actually I don't think anyone will tell him this because he isn't just saying "everything is op pls nerf" which is usually the stimulus for such responses. He's legit asking for advice, which I think he'll get more of.


@Eres I'd suggest watching this video (although it's not a guide exactly):



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You are right in regards to blade masters at the moment. I'm pretty much stuck at 1700 as well, and you know what? I hardly ever fight any other blade masters. Compared to everything else they do not have any burst damage in this patch. Sure blade call can do 15k if every single hit crits and that is it even if you can get them in it. Honed slash takes to much focus to do any real damage, and most of your other skills that could help aren't being used because there is not enough skill points. I found a way to beat assassins and Lyn blade dancers. I'm pretty much evenly matched with destroyers and kung fu masters. Summoners are annoying. It's either I kill their cat in 10 seconds or I lose. Force masters is the only class that is easier to kill compared to the others. What it really comes down to is the lack of damage. I feel as if I can't make any mistakes, and even then the best I can do is whittle down their hp until I win or get bursted and lose.  

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