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[MUSHIN] OWPVP Dead 2 Weeks in.


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23 minutes ago, Sylken said:

I played Black Desert for several months. I promise you you'll run into the very same issues as every MMO has. Time is the only healer in an MMO. Impatience is the cancer.

 Do you like PVP ? not the instanced crap bns has , open world pvp .

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On 1/30/2016 at 4:19 PM, Cetra said:

You claim I'm in no position to say anything yet I have, and yet I'm in every way in a position to voice my opinion has a paying customer of the game.  I find it quite comical that your ego is so inflated that you actually believe you can devalue what I've said and then make statements that assume you're somehow in a position of greater importance in regards to the games mechanics.  Stop being a hypocrite, if you disagree with me type out something worth reading and stop insulting me with your toddler-esk rants.

Current state of the game suggests we're all better of removing factions from the game until a better system is put into place.  To assume there's nothing competitive about open world pvp only exposes one's ignorance, nobody kills another player without competition in mind in fact it's exactly what drives people to participate in such behavior.  The idea of Misty Woods and Factions is only appealing with thought that both factions can put up somewhat of a challenge against one another, currently that isn't the case.  Factions go to war with the intention of one taking over the other, once that has been achieved the war is over and the winner becomes the only faction.  That has already been accomplish in game, the blues constantly outnumber red in just about every single channel in the game and channels that reds populate are quickly run over and zerged by try-hards.  

Suggestions?  The are countless ways to make things more interesting, I'm not on NCSoft's payroll and it's not my job to come up with these ideas.  A huge part of the problem right now is the community and it isn't the Blade and Soul community only, it's the online community in general these days.  People are selfish, lack empathy and disregard logic altogether in effort to be pricks and cause as much trouble as possible at other people's expense.  If players truly cared about the state-of-game and wanted a better experience they would stop taking the easy way out rolling on the overpopulated faction to avoid any resistance whatsoever.  That includes you, your friends and anyone else participating in being a coward to get what you want with minimal effort effectively degrading content as a whole for the game.

I'll wait while you come up with some shallow response ignoring the real issue, the game, to try and insult me again so you can boost your internet persona.

Stop bitching here on the forums thinking that it's going to make anything change on the NA version. NA is going to be the same as KR. Also, just because you pay for premium and/or buy Ncoin for shop items doesn't entitle you to anything.. it doesn't give you the right to voice your concerns. You have that right inherently as a human being. However, if you choose to abuse that right in such a manner that is in no way productive, expect to be ridiculed and/or ignored. The state of the game is as it always has been and always will be. Deal with it or don't play B&S. Simple.

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1 hour ago, Roxefeller said:

Stop bitching here on the forums thinking that it's going to make anything change on the NA version. NA is going to be the same as KR. Also, just because you pay for premium and/or buy Ncoin for shop items doesn't entitle you to anything.. it doesn't give you the right to voice your concerns. You have that right inherently as a human being. However, if you choose to abuse that right in such a manner that is in no way productive, expect to be ridiculed and/or ignored. The state of the game is as it always has been and always will be. Deal with it or don't play B&S. Simple.

Lmfao this has got to be the biggest pleb comment I've read in the last few days.  Thanks for the lesson dad, I was struggling with what I am and am not entitled to so you're a real hero for clearing that up.  I'm really glad that you, as an NCSoft employee enlightened us to what the NA version will bring because you of course as an industry insider with all the facts knows what's to come.  I can't even begin to tell you how tough life is having to take ridicule from an individual such as yourself, I can only pray your keyboard still works after all the rage you invested in your reply.  You obviously struggle coming to terms with what is and isn't productive as your reply wasn't in any shape or form productive either. 

"The state of the game as it always has been and always will be", which would be?  It appears in your world state-of-game never changes, what a traumatizing experience you must have had so far, I'm surprised you're still playing.  Please do us all a favor and refrain from posting any futher garbage and go back to arena chat where every class is OP but yours.


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3 minutes ago, Cetra said:

Lmfao this has got to be the biggest pleb comment I've read in the last few days.  Thanks for the lesson dad, I was struggling with what I am and am not entitled to so you're a real hero for clearing that up.  I'm really glad that you, as an NCSoft employee enlightened us to what the NA version will bring because you of course as an industry insider with all the facts knows what's to come.  I can't even begin to tell you how tough life is having to take ridicule from an individual such as yourself, I can only pray your keyboard still works after all the rage you invested in your reply.  You obviously struggle coming to terms with what is and isn't productive as your reply wasn't in any shape or form productive either. 

"The state of the game as it always has been and always will be", which would be?  It appears in your world state-of-game never changes, what a traumatizing experience you must have had so far, I'm surprised you're still playing.  Please do us all a favor and refrain from posting any futher garbage and go back to arena chat where every class is OP but yours.


NCsoft has already stated they are following the KR updates. I guess you don't bother to acknowledge the information that is provided to you.

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5 minutes ago, Roxefeller said:
5 minutes ago, Roxefeller said:

NCsoft has already stated they are following the KR updates. I guess you don't bother to acknowledge the information that is provided to you.


2 minutes ago, Roxefeller said:

That of the KR version. Was your thought process so clouded by salt that you couldn't comprehend what was stated in the post?

NCsoft has already stated they are following the KR updates. I guess you don't bother to acknowledge the information that is provided to you.

This guy hahhaa.  The salt is real, keep banging on your keyboard with information everyone is already aware of.  Speaking of comprehension, you might wanna go back through the thread and make an attempt at comprehending what's been said because your post is completely clueless.

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1 minute ago, Cetra said:

This guy hahhaa.  The salt is real, keep banging on your keyboard with information everyone is already aware of.


15 minutes ago, Cetra said:

I'm really glad that you, as an NCSoft employee enlightened us to what the NA version will bring because you of course as an industry insider with all the facts knows what's to come.

If you were already aware of this, then why bother to question the information? #badtroll

20 minutes ago, Cetra said:

I can only pray your keyboard still works after all the rage you invested in your reply.  You obviously struggle coming to terms with what is and isn't productive as your reply wasn't in any shape or form productive either.

Oh so you agree that your ranting & calling for changes that will never be made is not productive? Good. So my post was in fact, productive.

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2 minutes ago, Roxefeller said:


If you were already aware of this, then why bother to question the information? #badtroll

Oh so you agree that your ranting & calling for changes that will never be made is not productive? Good. So my post was in fact, productive.

Lol plz just stop, your trolling isn't helpful to the thread at all.  See your way out, we're trying to have a discussion here.

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17 hours ago, hatez said:

So it's Cerulean's fault that the majority of Crimson's players are carebears and don't do owPvP? Instead, they're off farming Poharan/Big 4 and/or grinding pre-season arena ratings.

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8 minutes ago, Roxefeller said:

So it's Cerulean's fault that the majority of Crimson's players are carebears and don't do owPvP? Instead, they're off farming Poharan/Big 4 and/or grinding pre-season arena ratings.

Oh look it's the troll again.  You've got it all wrong, the carebears are those of you who roll blue and hide behind a constant zerg of safety.  If you had any real confidence in yourself you wouldn't keep padding the numbers in a faction that's so overpopulated it has to offer money and beg for trade killing to finish dailies.  People who really have  balls stay red and pick you kids off in the rare moments you're not rolling deep in a mob of 5-20 players.  Blues are soft try-hards and everyone knows it.

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Just now, Cetra said:

Oh look it's the troll again.  You've got it all wrong, the carebears are those of you who roll blue and hide behind a constant zerg of safety.  If you had any real confidence in yourself you wouldn't keep padding the numbers in a faction that's so overpopulated it has to offer money and beg for trade killing to finish dailies.  People who really have  balls stay red and pick you kids off in the rare moments you're not rolling deep in a mob of 5-20 players.  Blues are soft.


and only just yesterday when I was doing my dailies and farming insignia with my wife; there was only what.. 5 other blues around (since there are what 15+ channels in Misty Woods now) and a group of 5 reds tried to gank us and failed. 7v5, that's rolling deep. A total zerg, I know.

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Just now, Roxefeller said:


and only just yesterday when I was doing my dailies and farming insignia with my wife; there was only what.. 5 other blues around (since there are what 15+ channels in Misty Woods now) and a group of 5 reds tried to gank us and failed. 7v5, that's rolling deep. A total zerg, I know.

#coolstorybro #yourobssessedwithsalt

Sure you did, you know there's 15 channels because they're all full with blue right?  #logic

I'll dumpster you and your wife, #fightmebish  Enjoy the hashtags "Bro"

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1 minute ago, Cogbyrn said:

This thread got nasty right quick.


And yes, since you can faction switch easily, it is Ceru's fault that the imbalance is maintained.  The overmanned faction is the only one that can rebalance the situation.

Actually no, this is the fault of Crimson if it's players switching factions as they were originally.. Crimson. Therefore, Crimson is maintaining the "imbalance"

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1 minute ago, Roxefeller said:

Actually no, this is the fault of Crimson if it's players switching factions as they were originally.. Crimson. Therefore, Crimson is maintaining the "imbalance"


I don't play the blame game, I play the facts game.


The fact is that all of the people who perpetuate the imbalance are at fault, and those who are currently on the overmanned faction are perpetuating the balance.  It doesn't matter where they started, and I don't care if it is red or blue who is overmanned.  The overmanned faction is maintaining the issue, and whoever joined that faction while they are overmanned is now in the overmanned faction and maintaining the issue as well.

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4 minutes ago, Roxefeller said:
1 minute ago, Cogbyrn said:


I don't play the blame game, I play the facts game.


The fact is that all of the people who perpetuate the imbalance are at fault, and those who are currently on the overmanned faction are perpetuating the balance.  It doesn't matter where they started, and I don't care if it is red or blue who is overmanned.  The overmanned faction is maintaining the issue, and whoever joined that faction while they are overmanned is now in the overmanned faction and maintaining the issue as well.



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