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Game feels lackluster


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so im not trying to *cricket* here or start a flame thread, i actually really enjoyed the game been playing almost non-stop but when i hit 45 the game became a bit boring, at first i was really hyped in doing the dailies and farming up gold for moonwater stones but today, i dunno its kinda meh ive been doing the same dungeons dailies for almost a week now and its starting to become really boring and repetitive, you put in so much time and effort for such low reward, i know there is a new dungeon coming up and all but its not like that will give your gold making a major boost, opinions?


disappointed :(

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3 minutes ago, Ambition said:

 i know there is a new dungeon coming up and all but its not like that will give your gold making a major boost, opinions?


I guess you'll just have to wait and see? :)


Have you tried the crafting system? There's huge gold making opportunities there. You could gather insignias for outfits. Work on your faction quests, help your clan level by gathering materials. Do PvP content. 


I'm not lvl 45 yet so there may be other things I'm missing, but these are just what I know offhand.

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29 minutes ago, Princess Zelda said:

Just wait lol. They are releasing more content soon, and theres way more to come. Everyone is so impatient lol.

It's got nothing to do with being impatient, im just saying that doing the same 10/12 quests day after day spending 3/4 hours to get one watermoonstone, is just really tiring and gets boring after a while, the game itself is fine. :)

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Why oh why do people rush to top level and then complain when there is nothing to do?  If you play any game non-stop you will eventually reach a point where you have did it all.  Then you either have to wait until new contents come, or do something else.  Its only been like a week lol  

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2 hours ago, BabygirlMinx said:


Why oh why do people rush to top level and then complain when there is nothing to do?  If you play any game non-stop you will eventually reach a point where you have did it all.  Then you either have to wait until new contents come, or do something else.  Its only been like a week lol  


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6 hours ago, Ambition said:


How is that even relevant? first of all you dont get it ''all'' when you hit lvl 45, it actually begins when you reach lvl 45, second of all its not like its going to be any different for you if you hit 45 in 14 days, Is it so hard for people to actually read and see my point? I have to do the same 10 quests every day for like 3 weeks to reach the amount of gold neccesary to upgrade my gear, how is that fun in any way? i wish there were more ways you'd make gold

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Well, to be honest, it became kinda Meh because of crafting. To much money spent to get so little back.

Really, you have to have all crafting and gathering professions before it gets any better. 

And even then, it still costs so much, and you get so little from it, that it makes is feel like everything ya do is kinda pointless.

Having Soul Shield crafting was such a huge let down, as you don't actually make soul shields. I mean, really, you make primers, not actually shields.

Oh sure, ya can make transformation stones, if you have 3 gathering professions. Wait, you can only have 2? So you have to hope you can find a player you can depend on not to rip you off.

meh, whatever. Finding games like this kind of annoying, forcing ya to play with people you don't want to play with. o.o

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Farm hexa gems in poh 4.Farm soulstones by making alt.

Farm ruins.

Practice pvp as much as you could,so when we get pre-season in 2 weeks you actually have an clue how to make beans(tons of gold therE).

Learn how to poh4 with closed eyes so you don't really struggle in BSH(Is likely 4x times dificulty compared to POH).

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