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I give up this game.


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You will need to wear the big boi pants for one second and realize problems are not solved instantly. Give it time. 


If you dont have the patience, maybe step away and play/do something else. Light up some scented candles and marinate in the bath tub.

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9 minutes ago, PsychoCorner said:

I just come back to play after you solve this overcrowding problem. Last night had 3,909 people in front of me. Do you really think (Ncsoft), I will wait 3,909 people in front of me to play?! Face it, guys ... 


Buy. Use money. Dont want to buy? Nobody gives a f. 


You are crying about leaving the game where on every server is queue. Think nobody will miss u here.

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Dude, I'm not even going to argue with you. I'm sure the double of age than most .. I have years and years down the road in the games, could say all the bad points of this game that makes me get discouraged but prefer to keep quiet. Pay would be no problem to why only like to play paid online games, the problem are the negatives.

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Victo the problem with settleling on another server, is that.. We only have 2 char slots available if we dont pay money for more..

The 2 char slots, is ALL we have.. It's not 2 slots per server.. its 2 slots per account, no matter what server its on..


Mostly it takes 5 minutes to delete a character, however .. My characters all take SEVEN days to delete.. that means 7 days is needed before I can try a different server..

And as I can see it.. no option to transfer characters either.. 

I hope the queue times will dissapear or at least diminish asap.. I'm not whining about it :) Just wanted to comment on the issues of your suggestion..

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1 minute ago, Wufstyle said:

Victo the problem with settleling on another server, is that.. We only have 2 char slots available if we dont pay money for more..

The 2 char slots, is ALL we have.. It's not 2 slots per server.. its 2 slots per account, no matter what server its on..


Mostly it takes 5 minutes to delete a character, however .. My characters all take SEVEN days to delete.. that means 7 days is needed before I can try a different server..

And as I can see it.. no option to transfer characters either.. 

I hope the queue times will dissapear or at least diminish asap.. I'm not whining about it :) Just wanted to comment on the issues of your suggestion..

is a f2p game you can create lot accounts and have lot characters.

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1 minute ago, PsychoCorner said:

Do you really think this will solve, dude? '-'


Now you are just complaining for nothing. The servers are over crowded so they add more servers and you're still not happy? It might help the over crowding issues. A 30 minute wait is far better then that 3+ hour wait we had last night. I can go watch a 30 minute show or make a snack in 30 minutes.


What would you like NCsoft to do? They already lock the servers down and add more according to the need. This launch has been rather smooth, at least compared to archeage it has been. Also NCsoft has been swiftly taking action to remedy the situation, even allowing founders a chance to move all their stuff to different servers.


I won't say this is the perfect launch, but NCSOFT has done a decent job addressing the players needs during launch. Yes we all have to be a bit patient. Patience is a virtue so its not killing anyone, and the wait for them to add more servers was not too long.


Since you are going to wait around for the servers to stabilizes, then you should be checking to see if these serves help to do that. If every time NCSOFT does something you just say: "that is not going to help the situation" then how are you ever going to check to see when the servers have stabilizes? Unless you plan to just come back in about 3 to 5 months and hope the new patches are not out and the serves still flooded.

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1 minute ago, VRock said:

is a f2p game you can create lot accounts and have lot characters.


I know its a free to play game.. But I'm not gonna create tons of accounts to play the game :) 
I bet you can only have 1 account per email, which means you'll have to create as many email accounts as game accounts.. 


Like I said, I wasnt whining about queue.. I was pointing out issues with the game.. It dosnt make it unplayable.. Its just points that I find really weird, since no other MMO at all does it like this.. And the way BNS is run with the character creations is a very very bad way considering how every other MMO runs theirs..  Where you create x ammount of characters per server, or at least have the option to transfer characters to a new server.. 

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People have a right to complain.  NCsoft has been in this business long enough to know that this would have happend.  They should have already prepared enough servers to handle more than what they expected.  If they where planning to have 50,000 ppl at launch then they should have had servers to handle 100,000 ppl its a given especially with a popular game like BnS and it being F2P.  Always expect more ppl than what is originally planned, but they wanted to cut costs and milk as much money from ppl as they could by selling premium garbage which is most cases gives you squat.


Plain and Simple, bad management at its best.

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1 minute ago, dmoe33 said:

So much flame going on... this community is really bad 



What flame? I only saw like 2 or 3 people being out right rude while the others said to just be patient. The community is not that bad at all. If you focus on only the 3 rude people and ignore the 20 other people just making comments, then of course you can say this community is toxic. But judging the community on a minority is ridiculous.

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For starters, It is pretty hard to gauge how many people are going to play a free2play game. Just fyi all the people that spent money and bought the founder packs didn't even get the beta server mushin to have a Q. You can't predict how many people would play the game. Secondly you should never stretch yourself to be big enough for the launch population. There are plenty of people that will fall off when they feel the game isn't for them. They are doing a fine job adding servers as needed. In the end we are probably going to have to condense servers in a month or two because people are fickle and like all free2play games, you play it and set it down and maybe come back later.


I disagree with the idea that NCsoft should have somehow predicted how many people would play the game when it is open to the whole world.

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5 minutes ago, .x. said:



What flame? I only saw like 2 or 3 people being out right rude while the others said to just be patient. The community is not that bad at all. If you focus on only the 3 rude people and ignore the 20 other people just making comments, then of course you can say this community is toxic. But judging the community on a minority is ridiculous.

Lol who said i was judging on a minority? From what ive seen both ingame and on forums (mostly) is ppl going back and forth and bashing someone rather then helping them or being polite 

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