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Everything posted by MishaJ

  1. no because you are the dum dum who didn't read the patch notes..... so your loss your fault those are cat outfits and you can still spin the wheel until yesterday.... they don't care if you can transmute tons of cat outfits.... the cat outfit pouch was rng that's why it was transmutable...... the other cosmetics in the feather event were not really so yeah.... it boils down to you didn't read patch notes so you lost out oh well they won't care cry all you want they won't care
  2. you do realize it's rng for a reason if you could choose what you needed first try people would never go back to those places. you can reroll the gems at the merchant in ebon realm for 400 blooms for a new chest to try again
  3. if you did call to arms you should already be thornbreaker 6 were you unable to complete the event?
  4. you should wait for a call to arms event and a free level 60 voucher and do that if they refuse transfer. honestly call to arms is your best bet.
  5. you probably hoarding useless stuff like naryu tablets and draken cores and etc that actually serve no purpose anymore.... just dump the useless stuff and stop being a hoarder
  6. The point is they are supposed to be hard to obtain. It's a special currency used to get extra vials in the week. If they were easy to obtain then people would just abuse the unity store. This game favours those who run 7/7 daily challenge on alts. If you don't have alts to do that with you might wanna consider making some.
  7. Listen here it's called knowing what is essential to keep and what needs to be tossed.... also they have a solution dragon trade pouches to expand your inventory. Aka swipe for ncoin to buy pouches. IDK why people always complain about storage issues when it's on the ownace of the the player to manage their inventory better and to buy dragon trade pouches to expand inventory and vault space. nc soft will not give away free space at any point in time.... best you can do is wait for a free week of prem unlock the full prem storage spots and dump all you don't use on a daily basis in there and pull stuff from there one by one as you need. to which we just had a free week of prem pass by so if you didn't do that that's on you man. don't complain about issues you can solve yourself by being more efficient. and no the new items from call to arms will come as you open each stage..... and most of it is gear you put on right away unless you are already wearing better than it. and most of the other stuff is bound mats and etc to help with weapon.
  8. which essentially means you believed they updated trove.... which they didn't aka fall for scam
  9. you clearly don't know cause you thought trove got new stuff and got buffed..... you fell for their scam
  10. it really isn't I've had several friends trove and all they saw a lot of was the christmas outfit and gold boxes..... this trove is nothing special don't be fooled
  11. it was not updated..... they are trying to make people believe that so they spend more.... clue in
  12. dude this is to scam people into buying more trove keys cause they want you to think they buffed it after people already spent.... don't fall victim to the scam
  13. Hello @Hime, I know this problem doesn't just effect me but how it's handled in game really upsets me. I occasionally crash from koldrak and I can load back up my game fast enough to get back into dragon before epic challenge is closed. However.... the timer and the icon for epic challenge [koldrak] goes away for your character if you crash out of your instance and it counts as you ran it. I really wish this could be changed because Ex. What if you're unfortunately running the last epic challenge time of the night and this happens. Then you're stuck without a dragon credit for the day for the scales. Can you talk to whoever is in charge of this and see if they can change the way it works so that if you do crash and can get back within the 10 minutes epic challenge is open you can rejoin a new run and try and get daily credit. Because waiting 3 hours for the next time slot is really not enjoyable and shouldn't have to be the only option we have. Please if you could look into this and bring it up to the appropriate people I would really appreciate this.
  14. Some videos I made of my bns characters. https://streamable.com/bizzpt https://streamable.com/i9teq6 https://streamable.com/r0r3s8 https://streamable.com/jiewob Hope you guys enjoy them.
  15. I second this. Honestly live in moon refuge a week and get you a solid set of triangles and those will last you a long time. There's nothing you need from mandate that you can't get in Cold Storage. CS has feathers too folks and needs no orb to enter. There's lots of other dailies like Koldrak and floor 7 and other lower dungeons like SSM/DD/HH. You can easily get 5 dailies from the lowers without even touching HM. So them removing orbs and fragments during this event is not bad.
  16. @HimeI noticed that the rare element pouches in mushins tower merchant are limited to 5 pouches per week and they give 2-3 elements per pouch. For a lot of new players trying to craft things like transformation stones and emp stones and other things to make upgrades this is hard for them. That's simply not enough rare elements in a week to do a lot of needed crafting. There really shouldn't be a limit on rare elements because someone getting a ton of rare elements easily shouldn't be an issue. I really think the limit on those should be removed so new players can have easier access to them and get all they need for their upgrades. I understand the imposed limits on the other items and those limits are valid but this one is not valid at all. Very dissapointed.
  17. Oh my gosh yes. I too wanted to see All Nighter come back and I agree a revamp would be really nice. I hope they consider it.
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