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Everything posted by prietess

  1. Yes there is definitely stream for next patch, because THERE IS TROVE. If you know what I mean, trove always comes with some 'major update' in their eyes, to make people trove more and hence they make money. And if u know what I mean again, regardless of what is the update, they will 100% do stream for trove, because they need to attract people to spend money and hence they can make more money.
  2. Yup unfortunately they will not fix this most likely, so yeah, raid with 10 high ping players won't be able to clear this boss.
  3. I didn't say you accuse me of swearing at them, please read properly before you also write non-sense. Lol. I said I brought forward this issue to them, which is totally legit, and no one should have any right to point finger at me for bringing up a REAL issue that affects player from Asia/New Zealand/Australia. And my thread is not unreasonable at all, many people support me by saying they are having same issues, can you read? On top of that, It is not outside the scope of what they are obligated to do, that is not for YOU to determine. Are you actually working for NCsoft such that you can say this? Or else I can't think of any reason why are you so sure. I merely stated facts too. That people have this issue, that if raid consists of ~10 players from Asia, they are impossible to clear this raid. Are that not facts? If you can counter with proving that it is not true, go ahead. Otherwise what you are replying here is ....... Back to topic. If you are here not to prove / disprove the issue that I bring forward in this thread, then what's your purpose? Because I think this thread is better to be used to show confirmation that you are also having this or show that you are not having this, that is back to topic. Period.
  4. If there is any of these servers that you mentioned actually is an English server, sure.
  5. It doesnt work. 25 movement speed doesnt solve it, We always have 25 for this fight.
  6. LoL. I have all the rights to bring forward this issue to the company whom I support and I pay money to. And I already know they will not do anything, but which part of my thread sounds like heavy complaining and swearing at them? I am just stating issues.
  7. Excuse me? Can you read properly before starting to comment as if you are so Almighty and other people are so dumb? I said Asia players' raid. You tell me how many of you are 280-300ms? 10 out of 12 people? I bet it's only 1 of you, then you don't need to cross, easy, can complete mechanic. Start growing eyes before opening your mouth (moving your hands)
  8. I want to report the fact that IT IS IMPOSSIBLE for Asia players' Raid with 280-320ms Ping to clear The Steelbreaker raid because of the mechanic in the last boss. On the 3rd phase of the boss HP when it was 40%, there is a MOVING WALL that we need to cross to get ourselves to the boss (after getting knockback), BUT WITH OUR PING IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO CROSS THE WALL because of the delay in our character moving and the wall moves faster than our character. As a result, we will be stuck in the moving wall forever and unable to do what we have to do. But you need more than half of the raid to cross the wall to do the mechanic, not to mention that you need to DPS at that time taking into account of the enrage timer. I had asked a few people in the community and a few of them confirmed with me that it is ping related. They told me that basically I cannot cross the wall. On top of that, I am lucky enough to get reply from someone who is 270ms ping (he is a Gunslinger) and he confirmed with me he is having the same issue. By the way, I am a Gunslinger class and I don't have any movement speed skills that I can use while crossing that wall. My raid is a progression raid, I cannot just wipe the raid for the sake of recording video, can you NC do your job to confirm this? It is easy if you want to do it, because you are GM you can just enter the Raid solo and do your job. Just connect to an overseas VPN with 300ms Ping, lets say connect to Asia servers, and try yourself if you can cross that moving wall at 100% SUCCESS rate. I don't know what to say because NC probably will not care about us, but I am doing my job by telling you in this forum even though you will always ignore me and reply by saying that there is no known issue (OF COURSE THERE ISN'T ISSUE IF YOU PLAY WITH 100 MS) I SINCERELY hope I will not get nasty reply in this thread from unreasonable people who will start blaming my ping and tell me that I have no brain and I am the one to blame that my friends and I play this server from Asia. There are around 5-10% of the community is from Asia, and yes most of them are probably not in the top tier of this game. But some of my friends and me are in the top tier in this game (having latest equipments, 2500+ AP, doing the latest raid, etc). We have brain to play this game with our ping and We already have hard time losing DPS compared to you NA people, and we have to clear Raids meeting the enrage time requirement while getting punished by our Ping. Please be kind in your words not to hurt our feelings further. Thank you.
  9. Extremely Long Delay for all players when doing anything in game : Can't log in (or take forever to login), can't logout (or forever to logout, then get disconnected because it took too long), can't take quest, can't kill boss, can't open box (for each: or take too long to do one of these: 3 mins to just open 1 box, 5 mins to just get 1 quest from NPC) In short, you can't do many things now in the game, and it happened suddenly, a few hours after Yura server is up. And I guess all the NC staffs have gone back home? I kept trying to refresh the twitter page but there is no update on this issue. And there is another maintenance tomorrow which is TOO FAR AWAY from now though. So, no bns for like 24 hours in total? (summing up with the 12 hours long maintenance today which literally made it impossible to do many things for many people)
  10. They will ban you for their own mistake. It happened to my previous game. But then in this game they only banned for 3 days, so.....
  11. Only fellow offenders will talk like this. This shows high probability that you are one of those offenders who abused the system. Sorry about that. Normal HONEST players with INTEGRITY will agree with me that the IMMORAL players should be permanently banned to bring justice to this game. Period. Simple logic.
  12. They should just punish the offenders that bought the outfit box (the heavy offenders specifically). People who buy from F5 has no sin. they are adapting to the market, so why should they be punished? People who buy from normal trade is a question mark, could be considered as affiliated with offenders. THe only way to stop this is to permanent ban according to the level of offenders. That's it. Once they do that, everything will go back to normal slowly, even though it takes time. But at least it will go back.
  13. When will we get reply and fix to this situation? I'm tired of this.
  14. so much from you who act like you know everything about us in this thread. good job. 1st, we are not lazy, but asking more options when there are only 9 and you need to do 7 is not an unreasonable request. Why daily challenge can have 14 options to complete 7 but weeklies cannot have more? Do you have better argument to explain why? If not, just keep quiet and don't act like you know all. 2nd, we learn IA weeklies, like hell I need to learn it anyway, I have real IA raid clearing those bosses and hence this weeklies is so easy. I don't need to say how many people are clearing IA in this server as I think you should know how many.
  15. AS USUAL Loyal company supporter tries to come out hahahahahaha. I tell you not all people have time to play 7 days a week, ANd hence weeklies MUST NOT require you to repeat same dungeon 5-6x a week to complete. do you even play other MMos? surely there is no other MMo who asks you to complete weeklies by repeating something 5-6x a week each day to complete weekly challenge. If you don't play other Mmos probably your opinion doesn't matter at all because you don't understand what you are talking about.
  16. Waw it's literally impossible to clear then, even my Aransu weapon alt is only doing 600-700k (think twice before you say i am dumb because i tell you i am one of the players with brain and always do brain mech in raids), because of my 300ms ping. Not to mention there are always people going to die in that fight due to stacks / being one shoted by Hive Queen when she is on the air. Not to mention have to hold dps whenever the phase resets. You should really change this back, because as someone said above, this raid has to be able to be cleared by people with Raven equipments. Otherwise you should scrap that story-line that you have in the game. You should really play your own game. Still no reply from community manager/GM.... I think it is disappointing ... because this is definitely one of the most valid feedback that I had ever seen in this forum.
  17. Do you even play the game seriously? You said "NOW" doable with Raven9, are you serious? I doubt you are even good player enough to say that you can clear Hive queen with Raven9 NOW. LOL. This guy is totally a joke if he can say that VT is now doable NOW with a party of Raven 9, because he is not playing the game at all. I will pay you 500g if you can show me the proof of video of your raid with all Raven9 able to clear Hive Queen NOW. If you don't even play the game or dont know what are you talking (you obviously didn't complete the raid with Raven 9 NOW), don't say ridiculous things in the forum to whiteknight the company and give WRONG impression/information to others. I will definitely pay you that 500g if you can show me a proof. I am a man of my word. Raven 9 with this change of enrage timer? Hahahaha.
  18. Yup its bad. They used to do another way in the past (2 tokens from dungeons but 1 dungeon in DC and 1 is not). This time is very bad. Waste of time.
  19. This is definitely a valid request. I did hive queen a few times yesterday, the enrage timer is ridiculous. People are supposed to be able to clear this with at least aransu 9, but then current timer makes it kinda impossible @Hime you should try yourself >,>
  20. Not sure if you are serious or just being sarcastic. If you read English you would know that response in page 1 is NOT related at all to the main complain (100 of them here) in this thread. @Himewas basically just avoiding to address that particular complain and decided to reply something else that she could answer easily (which HM dungeon drops gold chest - which is 0 interest of 99% of the community)
  21. 0 response from NCwest, alright................................ let's see patch notes tomorrow. Goodluck everyone! for me I will most likely stop farming F8 even on main, just too devastating and discouraging.
  22. All these mess and intend to do this gold nerf just proves one point. THat is these developers and also NCwest people (who should have fought very hard to prevent this change to be even announced to the people) ARE NOT PLAYING THEIR OWN GAME. KR developers didn't play at NA is understandable. But NCwest people do you even play your own game??? Do you know how hard it is for new player to upgrade to GC9 and how much gold needed? Not to mention to upgrade soul/heart for 'free' with their blood and tears of farming. It used to be event farming, now it is MSP farming (which people ask for GC9 at least). You guys don't play the game, and don't want to talk to the community before you make changes, and all these mess happened. It has repeated every single year, and you don't learn sadly.
  23. rip for you. the most joke of all is tsm becoming 3s, like really/?? you have to spend 10mins to complete that dungeon in average with average just nice gear, EXCLUDING recruiting time, and yet you only get 3silver? seriously???/?????/??/ i might as well go back and do other daily quests like mushin floor 5-7 lol which gives more silvers and completed in very short time and I can solo it. imagine doing H0 and need to take people with dps and spend 15mins - 20mins to complete the dungeon, EXCLUDING recruiting time, with reasonable people who spoil the mech and dps braindead and yet only 5g???? Warped citadel that usually only contain people with braindead who dont know anything with very little dps, with such a long dungeon to windstride/walk, it will take you 15mins average, but how much gold it is? not even 4g? I might as well do Circle of sundering everyday on all characters and spend 5mins and I can solo it and get 10g, LOL. @Himeyou imagine this kind of player above ^ trying to earn gold to upgrade stuffs. 1st. you dont reduce any upgrade cost of the items Imagine you have to upgrade so many things, buy so many things, and with gold cost on every upgrade as well, and yet there is such huge reduction in gold income from dungeons. You don't even reduce the difficulty of those dungeons, not even basic mode in Korea, this is still our western BnS style of easy mode, not the basic mode in korea. This change is just very bad until no one could defend it. At least the good thing is we can take a break from F8, who will have the motivation to do that 7 dailies everyday lol.
  24. Imagine doing H0 with plebs from f8 for 15-20mins long but then rewarded only 5g >,> Would rather do MSP farm 1 run stage 1-6 and spend 20mins-25mins each run and get at least 1 evolved stone which is 44g each. lol.
  25. Waw this is crazy. You don't learn from the past do you? Do you even remember how much mess it was when you tried to reduce the gold from dungeon f8 last year during that first time you introduced orb of ascension and 8 daily quests? You remember how you killed f8 even with 30% reduction of gold for CC-TSM? But now look at what you intend to do, look at that crazy reduction. Like seriously? WC is only 4g 58s? do you even know how much time and effort to do WC with 'just nice' gear Aransu 9 because majority of your players have no brain and do not do mechanic in dungeons? Waw this is really crazy. Who will even have motivation to do that 7 daily quests everyday with this kind of gold reward? I am going to write this now, this will surely kill F8. Solution to Gold inflation is NOT LIKE THIS! Talk to your community and they will tell you better ways @Hime , aka you need to give more ways to farm evolved stone/etc so that the price on market drops. You guys will surely regret doing this, I guarantee you!
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