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Ryunosuke Takahashi

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Everything posted by Ryunosuke Takahashi

  1. Again that is exactly how the RNG thing works, sometimes you will get a loot sometimes not. While I don't deny the fact that the KR team can change the % as which the frequency of the event which triggers the fragments to drop, I honestly do not see the point in them doing so since you could always buy gear in things like trove to speed up your progression. Just other day I ran it 10 times and came out with 2 gloves and @ 14 fragments. Also about your failure rate, my guess as most if you use 8 stones will be roughly 40%. Your result again is RNG base on 3 possible outcomes. A normal blue, a superior blue, a purple. Same applies for when going for legendary. When I refine personally I only do so with 8 stones and while I'm not going to lie and say I get purple every time, it happens more then not. What people need to realize is while whales will have some advantage, overtime things get reductions which I'm sure Unity will be no different and they will lower the % to fail in order to help others catch up to a point. Much like they did with Souls, will do in time for other items. @Javice Low fps and such are more or less due to the engine and how badly coded the game is which might be fixed with UE4, might not only time will show us. Your ping is based on your internet in most cases, so it is 50/50 their/your problem as it also depends on server placement for say EU. I mean from what I can tell Texas is where the NA server is located and I'm in Maryland with roughly 60-100 ping in most times, 150 at peak. They redone and buffed gold amount on 2 key dungeons, Heaven's Mandate and Cold Storage which now a days you can complete just fine out of story. All the way up to Shadowmoor baring mechanics of RT is a snooze fest for everyone so I don't exactly see a issue with gold. Hell they can faceroll (knowing minor mechanics of course) things like skybreak now for another 70-80 gold and start to learn / run SK/VT. But they also shuffle materials around not really nerf it. Again it is the community that limits others on 'what they feel they can do' just to speed up their dungeon runs, doesn't mean you need that in order to actually run it and therefor sets a bad example making new players think they truly need to be "end game whales" in order to do dungeons like warped citadel ect..
  2. If you take 6 people out of story that know their class and the fact you can now cheese most dungeons, wiping up to shadowmoor isn't going to happen. I've taking a full party of players with raven 3-6 inside and we did just fine and never got close to enrage. Most of us use Discord for voice chats etc so there is your best bet as honestly a in-game voice chat option would be hell on new players trying to learn the game. To be honest when it comes to hardware sure it helps make the game more enjoyable but lets face it the requirements for this game are so low that you don't need a gaming rig to play it.
  3. During loading screen or as you hit 4? Never had the issue it is why I ask.
  4. LoL yea I deal with the boob stretch too but thats just crappy coding on the engine that handles the 'bounce' we all love lol. Yea it wouldn't hurt if they would fix that but good luck on that before UE4.
  5. Just a suggestion if it is always triggered at the same time at the same point file a report about it? They might just fix it. Also I do assume you all wear the hongmoon outfit (starter) as well which also helps get rid of some problems during raids?
  6. Because you died *shrug* In any case are you on 32 bit or 64 bit? because that will say a lot about the issue as 32 bit isn't stable and crashes pretty damn often (almost like clockwork 1 hr 30 mins for me). 64 bit however I have no issues with but loads slower due to not having a SSD.
  7. I'm just curious as if we are indeed getting a free character slot with archer's release?
  8. Well hate to see you go but I doubt most whales least the ones I've spoken too will enjoy the RNG / failure rate of the awaken weapon so very few will have it to be honest with you. Takes maybe 3-4 months of focusing on the pet aura to max it currently so not really sure what your on about there. Can't say much about the new pet gems. Bid war in the raids doesn't really favor the whales but that depends on how your clan / raid group handles drops. New players out of story can do up to Shadowmoor without much issue so 80-90 gold a day isn't bad a day. It is really the community that limits what new players can join or not based on gear and the misconception that you need TT gear for MSP 1-6 or GC+ for even something like Warped Citadel when really it doesn't take much higher then Aransu 9 in most cases depending of course on if they know their class and have their accessories leveled up and mechanics. Can't say much about your pc issues and fps as mine is far from that but no issues here thankfully (and yea I still play with low fps but its very steady and very low ping). Anyways, *shrug* can't wait to see more post like this as the update comes closer from Merlin and the normal guys lol.
  9. Trying to play this game on 1 character you are so limited on the amount of income you can make compared to those of us who play on many that yes you do get frustrated and eventually quit not to mention limited on amount of quests you can do literally. But this game isn't exactly designed as such. To fully use events for free stuff at bare min. you'd need at least 5 (maybe 4 depending on exact figures of the event tokens earned weekly) characters now with the limit per week. So while I understand your issue but you also have to see it my way. You say you run dailies on 3 characters. Do you run it solo or with clan that you can speak to, have fun with and just do stupid ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ together to make it fun? I only run dailies on all of my characters not because of the gold (seriously ask my clan members I'm lazy as hell when it comes to upgrading) but I enjoy running dungeons, we do them on normal and hard depending on if a new member needs the achievements etc and also because frankly I enjoy the game play and different play types of each class. @wootwoots There was much more to do in the world but they removed most of the side quests to kind of rush players towards end game (yes I consider out of story your end game guys sue me) which was a mistake because honestly it killed off like half of the game. You don't get the background on some npc, you don't understand the lore behind some anymore not to mention a few outfits your now forced to pvp in order to get that used to be from a quest (rng base mind you). A lot of things need to be updated and less load screens in my opinion.
  10. By complaining about the drop rate of the fragments you kind of are. Either way without them being more transparent about the exact drop rates of things it is your 'guess' that they lowered it while I haven't seen a difference across all 3 of the solo dungeons starting with outlaw island, circle of sundering, and den of ancients. Either way this is a good read Merlin. https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/lesson-gamers-rng/
  11. Oh I get it because if someone doesn't share your view we must work for them? You stated your opinion, I stated mine. People quit all the time for various reasons. Some get bored, some get frustrated, some get tired of the bugs which I will admit most of the bugs should of been gone since this isn't beta anymore but that is besides the point. You complain because the best in slot necklace for most classes / specs takes awhile to farm and you can't obtain it overnight or within a few days. Do you seriously hear yourself right now? A endgame necklace is hard to get..shocker.
  12. MSP comment. Simple. Run it with your clan or I don't know...start your own. People set dumb requirements on most things. You've played longer then I have but fail to see that or want to use it to make your case. Have played the lotto and won some money, not the jackpot but yea *shrug*. Again, run with a active clan. My members know what their doing and we knock it out quickly. And yea, I have farmed Mao a bit, do a search on forums and point out where you see me complaining about fragment/token drops (I'll give you a hint you won't find one). My math was based on me personally so of course it would be longer for some or near impossible for others but fact still remains it can be done without using your wallet which was my point.
  13. The Distortion path is in my opinion more for PVP while Scourge is more focused for PVE. Either way you will need for both the Liberty Token Soul Badge + whatever it was for the Fusion WildBorne / WarSong for Best in Slot (more so for Scourge as I never bothered to try out Distortion / check out badges for it.
  14. Seriously 2 hours of playtime a day isn't giving up your life. And that was just the money I make from Dailies, not including raids I might do with my clan or crafting so there is much more money making ways then just that which would cut out the need for so many characters. If it helps for argument sake, I came from Eve Online where time was literally money (think millions/billions of isk much like the real stock market and your skills required real time in order to learn). Either way, end game in every game is what you make of it. Raiding for some. Achievements / collecting outfits for others and the list goes on. To be honest I hear your points, just yours. The others are the same old ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ it's just not funny anymore. I really wish the money people supply the company would go towards bug fixes and making the coding less screwed up so we literally don't load everything 3 times (I've seen under the map guys). However, they are probably banking on UE4 solving most bugs that currently plague us which will honestly still have it's own issues if the coding is sloppy. Play it for what it is, a escape from real life ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤. "the endgame content not worth it." why do you think I try to stress to players that think they 'must' be at endgame in order to play the game is nonsense.
  15. To be honestly up to Shadowmoor everyone can do these as they honestly don't require mechanics anymore except for maybe Ransack Treasury. So, maybe avoid just "RT" or above Shadowmoor until they know mechanics. Nothing requires 1.8k AP so just ignore those dumbass people and join groups that don't set limits on their group as they tend to be less elitist about things. Your #2 is always a plus. #3 isn't really that helpful as you don't need much of a pc to run Blade and Soul. I play just fine on a i-3/8gb ram/4gb vid desktop on either 64 bit or 32 bit (crashes about every hour and a half with a 1 min. start up time). #4 should more or less be use the in-game block feature. It works wonders. One thing I do hope we get which will probably not quell most toxic players because let face it, some people are just born to be ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤. Is the Easy / Normal / Hard mode for Dungeons. However I still feel that the Hongmoon Training Room should of had you go through boss mechanics in some degree with a team of training dummies so no one had any kind of excuse. Video Guides are fine and welcome but you shouldn't need to rely on such means to learn dungeons or raids.
  16. Hmm, getting there to the point to be able to do dailies isn't that much effort anymore. Takes maybe 2 days per character depending on the amount of time you have to get them out of story + some moon refuge farming for the new standard to make them good enough for up to Shadowmor, Outlaw / Circle. And its pretty cheap for character slots which again you can earn or spend very little money in order to get. So how is that whaling? I started back in Feb. 3 2018. Every character slot I have opened has been from earning it the old fashion way, no 'whaling' involved. So please don't use that excuse it is getting old and tired. I don't treat my characters as main / alts. I play each one of them and my newest is my assassin. Will be working on a Soul Fighter and yes a Archer. While my most geared is my summoner, it is the one I give the most love to since I enjoy the class but I'm just as good on each. Lets face it the game is hard to advance on just 1 character but your able to make 1 of each class given the character slots (whether you need to pay for them or have them given to you based on your account date which they gave everyone except for brand new players free slots)..So, as a new player you would normally spend what $60 on a new pc game or expansion? You could spend less then that to get 10 characters. Can't spend? You get while rng base, venture tokens from various sources still which means you could get those same slots for $0. So again, come up with a better excuse.
  17. Question for you is this, do you require to have max gear / end game (completely maxed out) to do any content currently? No you do not. There is of course for raids a set amount of dps each player needs to do in order to clear it but that doesn't require max gear period. Also, I used to do rankings and 6vs6 and had my fill of it. If people want to blow their money on unity stones then so be it. It is still a 40% failure rate going to legendary (EST on %) that everyone else has. Now I'm not going to bother to compare myself to say someone who currently runs Scarlet, but my gear on my summoner allows me to do all content except for scarlet raid and once I'm finally bothered enough to run Nightfall and get the ring/earring from there and a few weapons I still need to go ShadowForge 9 I'm able to run even that and I'm no where near max soul/aura/heart/talisman. However as a free player I have legendary ascension stones and a near perfect set of critical radiant purple stones (unity 91 as of tonight). Will I eventually want all legendary / awakened as you say? Sure but its not entirely needed for any content. This is my opinion so take it as such but I'm not defending the game company in any manner. I'm speaking my mind as I see things as a older gamer. You skip a lot of effort by spending money I completely agree. However where we disagree is the fact that everything can be obtained by actual game play that they offer. Let me break this down for you. Just for a example of like the other person mentioned when it came to souls and I will even log in to get the exact amount needed and today's current price on things. Stage 1 Soul - End game (current @ 221 Sacred Vials) 87,958 gold to buy them currently at 398 gold (lowest price on market as of this post) 97.7 days for me to reach that with my current income of 900 gold a day from my account doing dailies which takes but 2 hours daily. Explain to me again on how I'm unable to catch up? That isn't even taking into account the free items I can obtain from those 'boring' events you all speak of? Even less gold / time by my standard to max out my Pet Aura (160 per pod and 73,600 gold needed for them). Sure I get most of you guys want to jump on a game and instantly have fun and not need to grind or have stuff handed to you well some of you guys are like that but if you actually check the numbers saying you will never catch up to those who 'whale' out is just stupid. I'm sorry.
  18. Sorry for the late response but I do value time and I do believe I mentioned doing dailies on all of my characters takes maybe 2 hours (that is over 900 gold per day). Also, looking at souls of those who paid/pay compared to those who focus upgrade them you won't see too much difference. Example this event if I was focused on actually doing a Soul I could of gotten a easy 5 Vials a week + other characters to max out the pet packs and with the reductions in place on upgrading the soul currently, you can catch up pretty quickly over the course of a few months while also spending gold you make to buy even more. Either way like I stated not too long ago. You either invest your time into playing (playing smart which doesn't require all day) or throw your wallet at your character. Your choice *shrug*. Also, hate to double post so I'll just edit. You mention no end game content. End game is what you make of it. Raiding is end game for some (have you done Scarlet yet?). While I do admit some of the events could be more involved, that is what happens when they do events every month like clockwork not allowing time for something 'new and exciting'. I do agree about no solid clan features minus of course clan outfits while limited, and clan battles which need reworked when they touch if ever the pvp system. Sorry you don't find the game fun anymore or as you said never did but I know my clan and myself enjoy it still. To each their own. @KlausFlouride people said the same thing about the gems you could buy here and there from f10 and game is still around. The sky isn't really falling because unity stones hit f10. If people want to blow their $ on them considering there is still RNG % of the upgrades failing going for Legendary type then by all means go right ahead.
  19. Yea which sadly cuts out some of the background behind some players and honestly I still don't get why they removed it. Most didn't add much time onto the total to get to the grindfest. Even unable to get the Secret Agent outfit now due to this.
  20. I get that about how you assume players are screwed out of buying dragon bone but lets face it this only effects new players which at today's current price (yura) would probably not have enough gold at the level for the quest being able to buy it since the market is player driven. But at the same time only doing Story will get you to level 36 within a few hours (3-4 if your new and not really know where to go). What other item do they need to buy pre 36? After Dragon Bone, story gives you the serpent calling bell, a purf. jar and you buy the other items from the faction merchant until you reach solak which puts you at 60 now beforehand that allows you to buy the kirin / chi flux. Weapons have a requirement in order to use them as a "skin" so as example your level 2 but want to skin your training weapon with say Golden Deva. You need to be min. Level 3 in order to do so. You basically need to be the level of the weapon you want to use as a skin in order to apply it / open it even. Pretty much all weapon skins unlock @ level 50 which goes pretty quick (takes me 2 days to get done with story and ready for raids via side story)
  21. Just read this, discussed every year and every year the answer is no since you have more closer regions you can play on.
  22. Every year there is either a request for a SA/SEA server and the call for it is really small. Found a link to a petition with only 426 players actually signing up for it which 2 years ago isn't very many people. Doubt today's population would be much different to equal 20-30% like you claim. Sorry, playing with high ping does suck but if you enjoy the game it is just something you grin and bare.
  23. Well that is more in the realm of spawn killing which is also what some will do. Mostly classes that can pull you like say a BladeMaster's Soaring Falcon which is still kind of weird that the guards can actually be killed.. Honestly though the system needs a rework. I mean they could add a buff to the faction outfit which only applies to other players that if they aren't within a certain level range you can't attack them and so on. Which would probably help clean up open world pvp as it turns away some new players since they are constantly killed by people while still trying to enjoy what some people deem old content. Worst case though always remember and pass the information along to others that do faction that are low level if someone is killing you over and over you can switch channels or you can hit 3 to revive w/o your outfit which in most cases, they will leave after awhile.
  24. Yea but if you also get down to it not all of the changes are bad. I mean increased material/cost to make PST while they might not fail but also requires a ton more in order to upgrade. The new system with +20 on a "ancient weapon tier (above ET)" which can fail and basically make you lose thousands and thousands of gold if you fail just once. Most are far from their terms of end game gear it is why they can buy those items in bulk and who is to say we won't have those fishing rewards eventually?
  25. They offer another way to get the same item everyone else can get with some time invested, who knew? Also, it has been said a bunch of times, they never said that the badge exchange would be forever as it was mostly in place to help players transition to the new awakening system so they could change badges for the most part for free / try out new specs to settle into. They honestly didn't even have to offer that but they did. New outfit pouch I assume your speaking about the one that contains catwalk? If so, it is and it isn't considering the price of fabric these days, I opened 1 got 3 fabric back, got another 3 more fabric, made back more money then I put in.
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