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Everything posted by RagingPhenix

  1. hein ? could you rephrase that clearly please ? all I got was 500kdps and that you are GC4... you should be doing over 1000k. That's where I see an issue
  2. 1. Totally, achievement points are useless beyond a certain point 2. Agreed 3. Not sure what you are trying to say. 4. Honestly I wouldn't complain since it lets you clear old raids faster for the weekly gold and focus more on the new ones. 5. Totally, I never liked there being PVP and PVE gear from day one. Specially since PVP gear requires mats only obtainable from PVE and thus meaning you need to do twice the amount of PVE if you want to do PVP. At the very least make PVP gear 100% obtainable by PVP exclusively. 6. Well, it helps newbs catch up and be able to play end game content instead of it taking 2-3 years. Imagine never seeing a gunner or warden end game. 7. You can clear those old dungeons really fast, so overall you can earn more money by doing them in adition to the newer ones. 8. YES, freaking yes 4 man mode was WAY better. Currently HM is so broken it basically leaves 0 player freedom as there is pretty much only one way to clear, no room for originality or improvisation. At that point if i'm supposed to farm it just replace me with a bot, I'm not doing the exact same thing over and over again for hours. There is something that I would add, Stop making events that only serve to help newbs gear up fast. That's what cost reductions are for; Give us events that serve everyone.
  3. WTFrack ? I replied to this saying that Reshade has an effect for the colorblind. Who's the Einstein that deleted that post without saying anything ? Anyhow here is a forum thread about installing it, since i'm not re-linking the youtube guide in case that's why my post was deleted, not that I would know cause someone didn't bother to inform me as to why it was deleted.
  4. honestly except CTRL+F changing settings has little effect on my FPS. I get some extra FPS setting shadows to 1 but otherwise my FPS is the same no matter what I set the other settings to; only changes are to how good the game looks. They were PC's I was rebuilding, so a clean windows install, I used to try and run BnS just for the hell of it since it's poorly optimized
  5. we have all been there... actually I did every side quest like OCD before moving to the next area so I didn't experience this particular issue. however no one is instantly good at this game
  6. ... wow that shouldn't happen, yes you have way too many quests on the go. Have you just been accepting blue quests everywhere you go and not doing them ?
  7. Make arena & battleground keys bound to account please. I can't be the only one who only plays his alts for the arena Esports and finds himself sitting on a metric ton of reward chests & beans he can't use cause he doesn't have any keys on that character
  8. lmao yeah people complain while waiting for that one whale in the party that spent all his money on trove instead of saving some to get an SSD
  9. all you got to do is "wait for the call to battle"... Ok on a serious note you have caught up with the story. Don't expect there to be any more yellow quests before the next major update.
  10. this game just makes zero sense, everyone seemingly gets different experiences, in fact I've never managed to get more than 5fps on literally any Intel platform (tested from 2 core duo's to an I5 6600k, best results I got were actually from a 2 core duo). However I have no issues folding 150ms 60+Fps during TT raids (120ms 120fps otherwise) on my ryzen 5 2600; all I'm trying to say is that there is some unholy coding going on here, screw logic this is just what this game does.
  11. In his defence your title has little to do with the content of this thread you started, honestly I was expecting tech related issues when I click on this.
  12. True but what i'm complaining about formost is that the system thinks you were afk, awards 0 points and threatens to apply sanctions against you if it happens again. Like don't freakin pair us up with white album who is over 200 points above us
  13. It's rather frustrating to get pared up with significantly higher ranked clans only to A. not be able to score any points during the match, and B. win no BP at all and get threatened with sanctions if it happens again
  14. Honestly why isn't anyone complaining about the real design flaw in this game ? ENRAGE TIMERS. Like what where the devs thinking ? Yo bro I know you've been fighting this boss real hard for 5 minutes now and it's almost dead, BUT YOU KNOW WHAT ? FRACK YOU ! START ALL OVER like a good little "insert word that would get this comment deleted".
  15. wait that's the mechs ? dem, I've never actually had to do mechs since launch
  16. all the game files related to BnS in the program files directory. Not the client config settings in documents though so I didn't need to set my UI up again the way I like it once the game eventually downloaded again
  17. learn mechanics; range protect against her instant death attacks. F roll and SS after suction, do that and you won't be dying lol
  18. Pretty much the title. I installed the new launcher it deleted all my game files. GG I was getting ready for TT too, good luck getting support to compensate me for that one.
  19. RAISE THE BAR 960AP ISN'T REALISTIC FOR CS... LMAO why the heck you think it's 960AP now ? Anyone else remember clearing CS with everyone in the party having 400-500 ap ? I do
  20. @Dadhttps://bnstree.com/news/BJZHp8SlM/11.24-kr-developer-letter Sure as heck sounds like a macro
  21. a built-in macro can be quite welcomed for certain classes in BnS. Lightning BM for instance could greatly use a LMB/RMB marco
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