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Everything posted by qqqq1

  1. wow glad to know yall listening to community 2 months ago it was community and support was community lol...keep up the good work
  2. am thirsty for any news on this heard warden gonna hit faster but with speed means less damage and nerf gs getting buff shadow dps wise wl getting def pierce wingstorm i wanna see how my alts fear now .... my warlock literally cant do a thing in arena , i mean if u fighting a a random person ..you might win..if u fighting someone who has like 1percent knowledge in arena its a work ...i mean u can run and stall the inevitable. but we can all agree we tired of wl being top tier since that rmb 4 spam ....but at least a decent pvp combo than the spam
  3. i have so many weapon skins on my old mains its sad to see them go to waste ...and yall not dishing weapon skin no time soon ... we need a ticket or weapon seal charm to turn them to an account bound chest to send to other characters if yall let it cost like 150 nc coin per seal for 1 or 2 seal ...i know these whales will be on it like mice on cheese and me my self ..... :( we need weapon skins -___--
  4. not to be ungrateful but can yall like remove some of those ugly outfits from the selection like literally everyone in community should have like all those ...... its either early event outfits are ugly event outfits..in that chest why?????.... we dont want those .. we need outfits from way in 2017 2016 events ..outfits ppl think they wouldnt never see again... also can yall add a weapon skin chest , the communtiy been asking for weapon skins since forever at least 3 skins to choose from .... weapon skins are so scarce now .
  5. all am saying please dont mention fps or minor fixes until what ever comes out i have bad fps now and then too ...but drawing it out wont help ...if u mentioned like taking out certain effects are so like fas thrall effects that really messes my screen for a short sec or the sands in sand storm temple or any hig water effects then yea but anything regarding big optimization just waitr patiently please every patch yall talking about it ....i see clan name with the name lol the new porducer told yall what u need to know and where we are in getting that update so if we crying about it every patch no better than babies crying to drink rum ...its just not time ...
  6. people gear for 6vs 6
  7. load screen for arena .... that black screen of doom ..disbale our skills for 3 sec ppl been complaining about this for so long ....if they fixed that i would be so happy every match its a dice roll if am gonna get a fast pc dude that i have to backstep or instantly tab a death sentence from a shadow gunner . better way to make party for tag match soul shield storage area ..if your like me i keep every soulshield pieces i fuse stuff too sometime i need def crit priercing or just a lil everything so i switch em around ....i have ss stack on ss . able to see whats in alt storage area (idc about withdrawing item but just to see) who else need something and have to jump across 10 alts to find ----_______---- BIGGEST QUALITY OF LIFE CHANGE IS THIS able to have a preset of pvp and pve gear ..when u hit the alternate it switches ss to pvp ss and pvp accs any item u didnt add to pvp section will be subs with the item from the next side similar to ss switch now . add pvp or pve in bold in tool tip of all items ....some people dont know the difference between pvp and pve item ..i see people pveing with bg soul shield etc .....or add a different legendary colour to pvp item such as blue and gold/orange and pve gold. blood stone farmeable with moonstone refuge token and msp green tokens if i dc from bg i wait 15 mins before re - q , i dc again shortly after i wait 30 mins . that 1 hour is ridiculous increase drop rate of numok bracelet please.....30 plus runs and not 1 bracelet.....-______- how that suppose to share for everyone el and ssm legendary ring and earring box bound to account the mewtineer coin thing and the next one make them 1 item and bound to account . bonus attribute stat able to withdraw gold from alts without the need to go on them ...this feature should be available in dungeons also...like we have a cash bank that you add gold to and can be access by any char on the account .....i been in situation where i need gold to bid and alt has my gold ....we all been there asking fraction for 1 g to save your self a switch.
  8. i hope you guys at ncc see this, yall been watching forums closely than the last team so i hope
  9. all i know its upt to march 20 ...korea skill patch so idk am thristy as u are my friend i hope some class got fixed my heart goes out to gunner
  10. THIS UE4 talk need to stop am all for it and all but the guy answered yall question in the preview stream ....... the new producer guy ...he said he went korea and he gave all the updates he can....talking about a micro update is easy said than done ....we get everything from korea anything out the ordinary is risky and whent that comes im sure most of us will have problems then so lets not rush this ok yall seen what happne with launcher right ...let them do what they doing and make all the neccessary arrangement to get it done.we looking at another year or so before that even get here .who knows the game might thrive if they make changes and they have started to with the laucnher to get people more interactive with social media etc .
  11. ARENA CHANGES increase the gold earn from completing arena quest such as 1 vs 1 and 3 vs 3 wins to at least 2 gold. remove the reward chest offered with a better version that has a chance to drop certain items such as evolve stone (low chance) ,exp charm etc.change the look of the arena reward boxes this will attract people who farm certain place, all day to do more pvp as another resort ....also increasing the gold will be attractive , the silver u guys currently offer now has been there since wappie and fillo ......and low lvl cant do arena anymore so it wont be a spam ...also applying it to only a win will prevent afks .people will do something when they see that something has change by changing the look of the arena boxes people who go through daily quest log will see it and notice the changes , be like woooie whatds in this new box .....let me do some pvp . remove 3 vs 3 solo qing/random queing , replace the lfp key for tag match to a share link key that turns ready when 3 person is in the party ......bns is really complicated as new comers just lfp and sit in q forever and say tag is dead when actually it is but u can get a match if done the right way ... arena load screen of death, please add a skill disable time of 3 seconds when characters enter the arena, really unfair people with super fast pc can cheese u in 1 sec and force u to tab right at the start of a match. add a tag match frenzy 2 hours before battleground frenzy,where each win awards double exp lets be real bns has one of the cleaniest pvp out there where characters are human like and the skills are very clear and easy to see whats going on putting all efforts in pve will slowly kill this game other popular games thrive on pvp yes pve is is needed for survival of this game money wise but that will come along easy when we draw them in an arena person can go a bg person in a heart beat .......but not everyone who plays this game really in to pve but having a thought that arena is dead is a turn off .yall need to turn your attentions to arena for a bit and make arena dailies more farmeable items iut hasnt been updated in so long. yea i mean the outdated outfits are there but quest reward needs to be more fun ..and rewarding Significantly reduce the cost for clan outfits , idk if yall still have that dye yall claim to be from cold storage lol that only in hm store .... add some cheaper alternative. we have new people in the game now ..most of them owning up a clan and yes its fun and all but make it more fun ..... after a person pass the clan membership period he or she receives a clan outfit automatically in mail or something .bns back then wasnt much so people have time to farm and get stuff done all day .now everyone is busy with daily br dragon, weekly raids and personal life ....remove the cost to craft clan outfits and substitute that cost into the design stage ... its more fun to join a clan now and getting an outfit right away as people tend to forget about that aspect of the game . making clan more meaning...todays clan is all about joining for bonus ..... also u wont get clan bonus if your not wearing clan outfit if yall apply what i said above making cheaper and free.i may be reaching but who knows. reduce the wait time of certain self craft items , items thats not tradeable /or add a express cost to receive item in half the time for self craft items.u open world pvp toggle key with a coloured aura with persons who activated there toggle' PLEASE CHANGE THE PVP DAILY QUEST LINE OUT MON AND TUESDAY - TAG MATCH WEDNESDAYS -DUEL 1V1 THURDAYS AND FRIDAY TAG MATCH people are super busy on Wednesdays so finding a tag match is near impossible those days . bloodstone purchaseable with solar energy please for future events add event tokens to tag match or 1 vs 1 daily quest depends on which is a c urrent daily add at least 1 token ..using toklens to attract people to do all aspect of the game is a smart move last nebula arena event had arena booming up ..all the people that i know, that has left the game loves arena so yea .
  12. do you play this game , cause u u havent seen any of that listed , must be another game . some classes lose all pvp potential with awaken .....and it shows in the rank ladder ..... not one wl in top 50 or a gs ....wl not having a decent pvp skill set.... all u can do is spam tbh ...like what can a kd do if they can roll it or ground counter ...some classes has never been top 50 or just garb classes but the balancing of this game has gone through the roof ..... like why would people come up with asteroid on a fm deals 3/4 damage in pvp ..i mean if u pvp alot u can iframe it easy but why do we need skill like that this patch couldve been a ticket to fix certain things and make the game more fun ..fm can be a decent pvp class if they remove all the technicality since they going for a more pve pvp style now considering alot of classes loss cc skills ....and guard break .... so now its like which ever class is op i use for pvp ...... now ..i cant imagine a gunner fighting a bd now it was hell before considering u get off most damage during our iframes back then now u lose so much like kd on skill that has a cast time and can get deflected it self lol....this game is something else ...its like this lets just make this class op that class garbage for the season and yea thats it . i agree am tired of seeing some classes at top for the longest while and glad kfm finally in top 10 now but why destroyer so op with that shield a class equip with infinite daze ....and tech chase abilty ....having deflect and 400 percent def on 1 spin looooooooooooooool
  13. BATTLE ROYAL BUG - about 4 times now i die in battle royal and lay on the floor i didnt res or nothing i didnt get my rewards either and i have to do a full game reset ....i can still hear and see ppl fighting over me and hear announcement and see spirit wall and i wasnt lag its just a bug thats not fair to not get my rewards . can we nerf the master hong, so stupid how if u get master hong u automatically win game, am a mile away from this dude and still getting knock back .....and he spaming it like crazy ....how does one even kill it ..... i literally grab him and he escape out of it with another knock back or you serious ????????????? the ring is so small already and does so much damage if even a milli second.or nerf how long person stay master hong . nerf the 1 shot power up ....so dumb we work so hard to get kill and stuff to someone to brain dead 1 shot u.....everyone i ask about battle royal says its stupid because on top of all the one shot power up and the spamming of the pull power up we fighting rank 1 people ..........plat so its literally gonna be a turn off ...we need to apply a cooldown of 10 second to use the same power up such as pull, stun or 1 shot. the spirit wall damage need nerf i went out for like 1 sec 3/4 my hp went in seconds .. health regen while not in combat need to be faster not all classes have self healing skills without on hit ..... or s tart everyone off with a potion the spirit wall closing in needs a warning sound we literally cant hear when that wall coming in yea u can see it on screen but when in tense fight u aint paying attention . where bosses spawn - whats the purpose of those bosses that spawn outside the ring please remove em or let them spawn in circle ..just stupid to see boss spawning outside circle every game ......--_____-- also how does one defeat master hong . how long buff stays on him ?
  14. ikr pvp is literally broken and stupid now, some classes are just stupid for pvp RIP WL - wl is just a trash class now , i see no wl in top 50 GS - the nerf is real, every patch gs gets nerf even having our escape reset on a cast time for a fast moving class is so stupid having to stand still in a tense fight is so stupid , if u hold f and block a gunner cant do a thing ..u roll the daze if they cant tech chase u u good..... destroyer shield is so stupid the spam is real , and cant be broken even from behind , not even def pierce skills cant go through, then they go in another state where u cant even hit them. i stop pvping on a number of alts because of this, no fun i cant even carry my gunner battle royal,or my wl ... fighting a spin class if your a gunner is so fun having 1 kd .... like whats the purpose of gunner now the class that roll in the most dough and still getting nerf to this day , i cant use shadow still too ping dependent .
  15. alot of newbies queue for tag match by hitting ready doing this method, will get u no where literally ... so after not ever getting a tag match they just take it that its not possible hence one of nthe reason tag so dead ..alot of times i see people say am in q like 20 minutes now only to find theyn solo qing --_____--- we need to implement a method where clicking ready advertises a link for people to join your team, to search for a match, tbh this is a issue that you guys need to fix some lose en ds of this game ... these little fixes will make things easier for everyone .
  16. yall ignore that arena actually exist since the last nebula stone event with the steel heart outfit...since then yall just throw arena away.... i heard eu arena situation isnt bad but NA my gold is like so hard to find a tag match these days 1 hr to make a pty then another hour advertising to get another ppl to queue..... o if u guys add at least 1 token from any event to tag match daily at least then ppl will start to doing tag matches, or sweeten the deal add more outfits to merchant ..... make it more of a farm sol ppl do it more .... arena is soooo dead .
  17. omg another gunner nerf like seriously these people, why make a class that people love just to trash it so hard in the future ..like yea class gets nerf but every patch gunner got nerf our esc reset is a full 5 mins ..and require u to be still to even do it in an intense fight u dont have time to stay still u leave your self wide open .... they nerf tombstone resist .....idc about bullet storm requires u to waste ur 4 and hits only 1 person the rest of the time u holding rmb which is stupid ...... nerfing a class airial damage seems sad ... when airial is part of pvp so i lvl my incinerator weapon for no reason most of my combos are air combos...so now they forcing us not to do airial like wtf
  18. please be aware how u paste these files the game folders are like this .... ncsoft -- bns so if u copy nsfot folder u gotta replace the ncsfot folder in program files u cant add ncsoft folder inside ncsoft folder idk if it will still work just replace the folder wiht which ever u copied
  19. took a long time but heres how also note i move my bns game folder (40 plus gig folder ) from ncsoft to deskstop and go to programs unistall blade and soul it will dlete everything except the one folder that has the 40 plus gig of files that i added to desktop. earlier .... then i go download page and install new launcher .....install new laucher when it comes up i hit scan( right beside update button) it will say game not found ( go back and add bns folder to the new patch folder label ncsoft that can be found in the program files .... when u hit scan again it will prompt u to find the game file... you just look for program file -ncsoft - bns add that folder (the bns one ) after finding folder hit scan again it will check for something and may be download a 3gig file( it will fail now and then keep scaning and checking untill all is downloaded it will continue where it left off after getting 3 gig file then u hit update it took along time to go 10 percent but then pops up to start game, so hopefully u dont have to wait it out ..i still hate this launcher . DISCLAIMER :THIS HOW I FIX MY GAME, DONT TOUCH FILES IF U DONT KNOW HOW TO MOVE AROUND FILES AND KEEPING THEM IN CHECK THROUGH ALL THE PROCESS .
  21. its not about the lauchern download its about how the launcher operates it operates backwards .... other launcher move very fast and no stress yall loaded it up with evcerything and end of the day u guys havent configure it to run smoothly from old to new version so pretty much everyone getting the game uninstalled ..please remove this trash lauhcer before it cost u guys down the road .... ppl who paid for there premium member ship people who have clan runs etc are all getting the full blast of this
  22. trying to go ingame since mt is over and till this hour , preparing updates , why do u guys added that process take 1 whole year to process to wait another year to download ..........it download a whole 3 gig of idk what i search game folder and click ok so whats the big issue now .... congrats on losing alot of ppl because of trash people dont fully test ..every body getting unistalling of game and few will download against as for the rest .. rip
  23. um one shot is the fun ....u want anything else we have br and arena ....... and p[vp is dead since awaken lol all classes are forced to pve now than ever before
  24. i literally dont understand a thing u just said , what are u asking
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