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Everything posted by qqqq1

  1. you or nobody will know that , cause when u have a max gear pver... he have pvp gear also ...... most of the time . also u are wrong again ...being force to do something , and doing something cause u want gold is two different things. a pver doesnt need to do arena or bg to get mats he can upgrade and get mats just by pveing ... its not possible to be decent in pvp without pvp gear which comes stirctly from pve u cant pvp for it ..... now they added the low tier ones to refuge but look at gloves and bracelet .,... in got mine by thowing in dollars but point is the balance of treatment is always pve .... if they force people to pvp for stuff thats needed to upgrade people will pvp ... so u can say ppl enjoy that more pve more cause pve is active ...... not everyone pve cause they love it people out there too who do it because they need the breakthrough material ..i had to spam hh just to upgrade my pvp bracelet look into that whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy??????? the people who leave the game are the pvpers and it shows very much in arena those who might be interested in pvp comes see its dead and just forget it
  2. dont get me started on the pvp soul shields the nova core ones ...... i had a struggle i tell u ,lol to get ss for bg ..... use it on weapon or use it on acc upgrade .blood stone wise also the wwv ss are so expensive i cant even sponor my alt 1 cause cost so much bloodstone and las titme i check i need tag participation to get know thine enemy pvp quest ...wwv ss and we all know what happen to tag.
  3. if they made it easier people wouldnt be complaining ....the only reason they change it to mats is to sell more mats from hm store and mats bundle ...after seeing what the did back with jewel and element ... and if i can recall u were one who was endorsing this change as usual ..........---____--- so ppl trove for jewel and ele . and it did work good riches ..then come back just say we know u guys were coimplaining so we made it easier now .... and all that story .......just because back then they nerf weapon cost they throw it in to something else...(u guys can upgrade weapon but rip with element and jewel.). they never reduce something without a catch unless its free. facts!!!! i been here long enough to see pattern. after reaping trove benefits then they will acutally look into it but for now its all r i p . and to be fair people who have max soul now is getting it cheaper to go what ever soul they want now as to people from low tier going to true ascending or cosmic they didnt even take into consideration lets make true ascending the new leg soul every f2p can attain they just flat out drop the mats like ..crazy and that ele jewel was from last year january around that time i think.....
  4. these literally no possible way for someone with 1 -2 alts to get anywhere on that soul chart ......yea it its cheaper but harder but because it was so expensive we didnt think about upgrading it at all cause we are smart ...... now that they claim to make it super easy as what whales say .......by adding mats as a cover up..... anybody trying to reach true cosmic soul can keep dreaming or dont upgrade for a good while u cant even upgrade weapon now considering u risking upgrading soul.. cant upgrade accsm cause u need for soul ... yea u can go up may be 1 - 2 stages .... but u will never progression gear wise on everything else .... .... i think u miss concept of what reduction is ... reducing the amount of stuff needed that was already there before ... what they did was change the items needed ..... knowing people will have to buy them ..... or slave 1 - 2 days to do 1 upgrade...... not everything that glitters, is gold ..... keep that in mind and keep it moving ....in these hard times . i agree this was a good move if they remove the elysian crytal requirement . it was so unnecessarily added. considering everything elsyains are used for and the availability of it . so this patch is low key holding f2p or mini whales back. by forcing them to not upgrade anything else thinking soul is cheap .
  5. its somewhat of a cost reduction but with a big catch ....
  6. ikr .. i dont mind the moonstone crystals and ss crystals cause those are farmeable easy ...but the elysians man the elysians ..... every single upgrade ....... i cant even upgrade my earring cause i wont have any elsyains left for soul .... they should balance out certain mats so it doesnt conflict with other upgrades. weapon and accs uses moonstone other items uses that . and the amount of elysians are crazy u need like over 120 elysian to buy jewel just to max an accs......not counting break.though elysians. so if ur gonna upgrade soul u literally cant upgrade a thing cause soul uses ever mat in game ............ i dont know about a next guy coughs: i dont have infinite mats where i can throw 200 elysian on an upgrade and feels like nothing its impossible ingame to get more than 50 elysian in a day and to get 50 requires u to be at pc all day .....not counting weekly mats ......or what raids give u ..am talkiong on a daily basis. you will have to buy them , thats nc trick in all of this ..... making something hard to get on demand .........eventually u will have to buy them .... and hopefully when patch drops u market place will have other wise its gonna be scares ...prices will increase yet again .....once demand goes up and supply goes down . so where u get elsyain crystals trove ...... thats the game play here ...so saying they are farmable is just a preety way of saying ... u gonna have to buy them cuase it not possible to farm that many elsyian
  7. i mean every patch since forever is all pve ......doing dailies doing dailies ........nothing diff ...even if a event dungeon comes out u have to do daily :(
  8. ik the feeling .......by time that should come all pvper will be gone ..cause now this patch target the high ranking pvpers ......... the die hard bns fans ..and its sad tbh really sad ..... i wonder why is it so hard to throw a event token in arena dailies ..... they cant expect people to log on kill the same bosses every day and not get bored ...
  9. we have like 10/20/ 30 of each class gold in tags ....... i think its fair to allow the ranking sytem to start from who ever at the bottom to claim a rewards whether they are 1500 plus etc .... tag match is dead and you guys are killing it more least u can do is allow people to claim rewards just like how bg ranking system is cause if theres 20 wl gold , and 50 wls 1500 tbh they should get rewards as its impossible now to get a ranking in tag ..... may be tweak rewards a bit but i think its fair enough
  10. all this is true baSICALLY if a new player comes in the game ....tries out pvp ......goes to tag match ...he will clikc solo queue stay in q for 1hr then never queues again..... they dont come up with something to make getting a 3v3 party easier .......... remove ready button to link button to advertise for a pty then link button becomes ready button ... its so easier ..i find it very evil to watch people solo q for 1 hr or 30 minutes and not do something about it ....theres a diosconnect between nc and the people who actually play the game . they need to do some surveys and get in some feed back from ppl....
  11. thats the same as saying if someone one does not like pve an event wont let them take part . last pvp event like 2 years ago people were interacting with the modes yea u have afk teams but who cares at least people can enjoy and get a chance to rank to get season rewards right now ... like 10 people gold in tags from each class all those ranking spaces going to waste. as if u not gold u get rank even if u 50th hightest rank with 1500 plus ...it has reash that point now . blade and soul force people who doesnt pve to do pve content to get acc needed top pvp with ...... which is just sad i dont see why it shoudlnt be the same way around ..... this game is not a pve game only ..... the way the game as been running for a while is sad to say compared to when we just came and open world pvp was popular arena had people qing on tags days ... now they cutting out all of that 1 by 1 and what they dont realise the people leaving is people who cant afford this games price tag....... pvpers who got bored ,new comers who get to lvl 60 or 55 and leave after getting kick few times to know nthey gonna have to get 3 jobs and dish out dough to survive among the wolves only to see max dps now is around 2 mil lol
  12. i was enjoying soul reduction until i heard it will be locked out for pvp certain times which is super dumb anyone who came up with that idea ...... needs to explain what they were thinking .....1v1 time should not be changed
  13. pvp is not rewarding they never had a pvp event to give interest to the modes ..... they just lazy and dont wanna fix anything
  14. I HATE THIS NEW UPDATE!!!!!!!!! Its killing pvp even more, i swear if they go through with this closing of arena certain times am out
  15. you guys have the same reward for doing arena dailies since the game started only thing changed is the additon of keys nothing else ........ lazy to make it rewarding so your closing arena -_________________________- i never had a problem getting queues ........ in 1v1 so why are you guys closing it ...early mornings are the best time for noobs to get gold and people can enjoy some match up wihtout fighting a gold at 1400 plus rating ..... you guys are just ruining the game even more .... for pvpers .... IF YOU CANT FIX IT , LEAVE IT ALONE ... YOU GUYS DID NOTHING FOR PVPERS IN THIS UPDATE THAN TRASH US ... you have peple who can only pvp in the morning yea and u have people at night idc about 3v3 since u guys abounded the existence of it 2 years ago.... pvp is what makes games popular ...... we will continue to lose more people... up to last night i heard people discussing ABOUT leaving .............. thank you for trashing yet another update
  16. i dont think u understand how over use elysain crystals are literally every upgrade u do requires it : heart acc break through jewel/element soul bagde fuse transmuting soul badges weapon break through talisment transmuting pristine oil (orb) transmuting prem stone (orb) and the list goes on now to add to that list soul i had 50 plus mat chest from panda village open it i got 10 Elysian ......... in a normal day doing dungon etc least u should have is 20 per day if u do daily and spam dungeons farming your life away .may be a lil more if which is enough for 1 upgrade theres no set or guranted way to form Elysian orb . the prices will inflate when patch drops as it did when element and jewel start using em. now considering it something whales gonna need i wonder if market will be completely out . why couldnt they use more of soemthing else like moonstones consdering the gosilain ways to farm em ..... and thats the reason i stop leveling pve equipment the porice tag is way too high considering they doing this with mats is really sad not even to reduce certain item that use alot of elysain to make it easier they just over using it to sell more elsyain crystal bundle in trove .........--_________----
  17. oh i saw this this morning i was like um ok
  18. reason i stop doing pve gear lvling in this game ........ keeping up with the every switching items to higher tier with all these elsyain changes is rough...finally getting my tt earring .....now idk if i can manage to upgrade that or save elysain for soul progression ... rip my hopes and dream of getting my talis ment any further ..and the pve earring is basically to add to my pvp gear . whaT AM glad for tho is now we finally using moonstones and ss crytals my 6 k of both will be worth it
  19. add elsyain crystals to something we can farm and remove the rng of it or make rng better percentage ..... u can add a box to arena merchant to buy to get elysian crytals right now i dont know where we gonna get elsyains from now that soul requires it talis ment need like over 500 of it or what not , breaking throught accs from 1 stage to another is like 30 plus not countinmg the elsyain to use to get jewels heart using them they making elsyain crytals use for every upgrade like we go out and pick it off trees ....
  20. korea has ban it from battle royal , i saw a post saying so ........ DONT IGNORE THAT.... its already unfair that every other class has to to wait for their third spec , which i know its hard to make completely new skills with some copy paste in different colours ...for every other class and release in korea but yall dont make it bad for everybody else and make every other class look like nothing ... arena of all should be fair along with br .... making thrid spec available in its current from is throwing baLANCE out of this game tbh kfm bm is already top class .......... idk how much korea needs to buff bm for them to actually reach number 1 in n/a .... but knowing how this game is we will all suffer archer release is soon like 3 -4 months from now ........ when will this game will acutally get somewhat decent among all classes ..... the game has alot of class thats way over powered and some really weak classes ... and its obvious which classes are over powered ... bm already top pvp now they getting top dps ban thrid spec from pvp activities unless its spar , or against a class with thrid spec until its atr least nerf a bit ..... 1 bm aerial does 100-0...like imagine getting aired by a bm in bg ... that big aoe does like 19kwhen it doesnt crit in arena ......... imAGINE when pvp ss buffs it ---_______---
  21. so instead of updating the rewards to current gear lvl ... to at least better rewards ... you now remove it entirely from daily i dont see why anybody will do it , altho they werent but u get a few match here and there once in a blue moon i guess..... all you guys had to do was make the rewards better and for at least once add event tokens to it, remove solo qing and add link to chat when u hit the button and button truns to ready with 3 ppl but nooo yall gotta just ignore it and try to cover up it with peak time changes like why would i go out my way to do it obviously if no one doing it theres a problem make the rewards better ..... doing pvpisnt rewarding . only people do it now is win traders and die heart pvpers ....just ruining the game more for pvpers thank you ...........may be the oil changes will draw in ppl but keys are so limited u cant buy them with zen to say its farmeable for mats. ITS OFFICIAL THIS GAME KILLED 3V3 - __- again
  22. So I finally gathered enough mats and gold to my pvp gloves ...... time to farm my ssm gloves ... I started this morning and 7 hours later am still farming this is so annoying idk y this game holds back people with low gear as break though. .... To u know how depressing and fustrating it is to waste that much of your life when I could be doing daily or something .... nobody deserves this u have people lucky to get it first run or second third .. I've seen like 5 legendary drops from ssm yet no gloves I dI'd 5 runs last night nothing ....it's always the 3 same loot wepaon chest blackstone ss shard ... And I don't even like the pve content of this game cause it feels way too much like work example doing this ....I need it for pvp glove so this is no way fun ....for me bein g force ......Same for my gunner idk how much runs I dId on him for numok bracelet until I just gave up on it overall .......we need an alternative I rather pay 50g than waste my time .... Rng is rng yes but I don't see why a trash glove gotta be less then 10 percent chance how are we suppose to feed the whole game
  23. its the community that set the standards yes , thats why the game needs to follow in some way ....or be at least fair .. i mean legendary drops should be rewarding at least for someone doing that specific content ....' the game is more than aware of how broken the game as gotten and how easy bt ss are to obtain .....if they want people to catch up like come on vt has 2 raids over it ....... and most of the people ingame like regular raven folks doing up to ssm.... max if u have a clan u can do anything u want but ingeneral and at a community perspective all those ssm down rewards bt ss ..... so its just a backward move tbh. and seems more of a troll. bt is like 2 years ago and people just started doing up to ssm now with low gear and no gems ..... as for the M.O.W the way i know that guy he drops reward that u cant obtain that easily or cant buy . he literally a discount of mats which is boring ....yea he might drop badge material but i heard the higher the dungeon better rewards or hardmode idk if he has zero chance of dropping those from ssm and low lvl dungeon everybody at that level should have badge material. why make the guy rare if hes gonna offer stuff u can farm ... might as well just add outfits or at least gem powders and evo stone at discount... those are stuff hard to get ingame and most ppl buy them at discount anyways.
  24. and thats the reason this game died .....open world pvp and arena pvpers left ... and now they only come back when we have a new class ........ now all this game does is force u to run the same dungeons every week ......i mean it gets boring at times .... but this game is completely ignoring the fact that itsa been years since arena been updated ..the gold needs updating rewards needs updating ... they just missing the mark every patch.... new comers just come and go .... even with the broken classes etc ......the game completely puts it in the background.
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