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Posts posted by Bobthemonk

  1. Iirc you can farm up to incinerator 9 weapon from arena, but after that all your pvp gear you have to come from 6v6. Are you saying you would prefer a system where you are hard-locked on virtually no pvp gear in 6v6 so that you can start grinding hundreds of thousands of battle points to be able to then buy your pvp gear? Also since TC is PVE gear rather than PVP gear that would mean you would have no way of getting any of the PVE (raid / raid-based accessories) so rip if your a class that uses those for PVP aswell.

  2. @ImoutoMasterThe main issue is making pvp gear obtainable 100% from pvp means they have to take it out of pve aswell. This would mean any player wanting to start playing 6v6 would first have to spam-farm arena vs all the gold farmers and there alts to get there base gear, then go and farm from the base-gear up all the different levels in 6v6 OR farm 6v6 while in full pve gear to get it started. They put the pvp gear into pve content so that people who want to start pvp later can farm the higher-tiers of pvp gear rather than having to enter pvp with basicly no gear to start the grind.

  3. @GrimoirI believe the reason F8 was left in is because some players do get better performance in F8 compared to open-server (probably to do with amount of players in the area or something). Pretty sure that is same reason you can do IA + both versions of the BM raids in F8 aswell.

  4. The majority of the real players left the game long ago, leaving only those that was to login for an hour tops a week and have max gear... No matter how much they dumb down / nerf things people will still complain it's to hard. No matter how much they give away for free, they will complain all events are p2w or don't give enough rewards... I've seen the forums flooded with "p2w" event posts during events I was getting full-rewards on storyline geared characters, doesn't get any sadder than that.


    Honestly, they could probably give you max item-slots out storyline and people would still complain "why don't I have my psyches yet? Why do I have to run dungeons for them?" I miss when the game had real mechanics in dungeons and didn't insist on dumbing everything down, when people enjoyed learning proper mechanics for doing hm dungeons. They need to realise that no matter how much they give away the current bulk of the community will still find any excuse to cry about it since they get more free stuff for it in return and stop doing it. (i'm not saying all of the community is like that, just the majority.)

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  5. 1 hour ago, ImoutoMaster said:

    By now i just think its miscommunication between the community. I think it could have been made more specific what the actual bug was thou and if it was actully just a visual bug i dont think why anyone should be getting free keys but thats ncsoft.


    "Fix a visual issue with one of the Tropical Treasure Trove 2-star crit appearing as a 3-star crit."


    That is what they said in the post, please tell me how they could of been more specific about the fact that it is a visual bug.

  6. There was 1 specific crit, I am asking what was in it. If you have no idea what the crit even was how can you say "yes I had that"?


    Your post also says that you got "2 star crits that where actually 3 star crits" when there post is saying that there was 3star crits showing up than were really 2star crits and it was simply a visual bug. Sounds like another attempt at getting keys with no idea, like half the people in faction chat who failed to read it but remembered last trove and were spamming earlier "oh I never got my 100% crit on 40 stacks, where are my free keys? They posted we get 40 free keys"

  7. 11 hours ago, Unya said:

    The attitude of "don't like it, don't do it" is very logical, but it is also why this game has a hemorrhaging playerbase. Letting NCSoft know what we don't like should be seen as helpful. Events should make people want to play more, not burn them out. A larger community would make this game better for everyone, but the current state of B&S (not just events but ALL of it) makes it impossible for me to recommend to people. Which is a shame because the core game is great, it's just squashed under NCSoft's bad management.


    I hate to say it but I have to disagree with you heavily on the whole "a larger community would make this game better". The reason for that is the main complaint people have is "why should I have to do dungeons or dailies in an MMO grind-based game". Increasing the player count wont change the fact that they have to login if they want to progress.

  8. @CeferThe general rule is post-event only the dragon express portion of redeeming currency is extended for another 4 weeks, the wheel was an exception (I assume due to them giving you tickets post-event as part of a reward for smth else). Unless it specifies something will be available outside of dragon express then you need to do it before the event ends. You could try making a ticket and explaining but honestly they will probably say no.


    @MishaJOn one hand I agree with you, over the years the forums are being taken over by more and more toddlers who just want to complain about everything and half the time they don't even know what they want. In this case however they simply miss-understood what the patch notes ment since transmuting was another way of "redeeming" the feathers for rewards that was added to provide a non-rng way to get the event outfits. With the forum acc being 2 years old and having 6 forum posts (5 being in this thread) I doubt they are one of those players who complain just to complain.


    @xPipiThere was more than enough feathers for both and some like to wait till the end of the event so they can split the feathers they need for vials / packs then prioritise there prefered cosmetics with the remaining currency, although in general I do agree with you that those take priority (and depending on the person situation fusion stones can also be nice).

    • Like 1
  9. 6 hours ago, ImoutoMaster said:

    What would be the bad thing about it ?


    I dont see anything bad about more chars having the ability to run the content. Since NCsoft is not trying to get new players rather to lose new players the existing players activity would only increase from having more chars with good gear.

    The problem with that (imo) is that people will get tilted when they see drops on there main char and get outbid by someone who simply wants to send it to an alt bc why not. The other side is that it lets players completly by-pass the "extended" farm of the longer achievment-lock on "newer" accessories if they want to get the higher gear on multiple characters, the achievment-locks that get lowered when items become account bound to make it easier for players to catch up + for players to put another stage of gear on alts.


    As for your comment on "trapping players on characters they don't like" my question to that is why didn't they re-roll on the new dungeon release and farm the 300 runs on the new char they enjoy playing (that would only need to have the IA ring/earing replaced and could temp. run TT ones while farming 300 runs depending on the rest of the gear they have on main to mail over) instead of running the dungeon 300+ times on the character they don't enjoy and want to stop playing? I know last time I re-rolled I spent around a month debaiting it / setting up for the re-roll and Dollhouse released around the start of that time so I just skipped farming dollhouse on the char since I was fully aware I would need to re-start the grind after the re-roll.




    IA also now drops accessories in a box (at stage 1) with the box being account bound* So it is possable to send non-upgraded versions of them to alts. (I don't fully understand that change, especially since stage 10 / awakened can't be sealed and mailed).

  10. 1- alot of dungeons in the past have had there achievment released later (might of only been first dungeon on each tier and this is new tier)

    4- It says 2x sanctum core chests on the "Howl of the Hound" quest rewards so i'm going to go with sanctum cores.


    My biggest worry is that it says required hm25 rather than recommended hm25. Hoping it's just a typo.

  11. Since each charm has a 2-3 second cd using the bigger charms saves 8-12 seconds for every 5mill exp, for alot of this players it means that it saves them minutes of sitting spamming charms in exchange for a few gold.


    In theory it's nice, in reality most players just put there xp charms into there hot-bar and macro that button while they are afk once they have enough charms to gain a hongmoon level. Since they are afk it means they don't care anymore if it takes 20-30-40 minutes to use up all the charms meaning the 80% time save that you are basicly buying for a couple gold is now wasted aswell.

  12. Only class-specific accessories get sealed, otherwise they are simply account bound (but still cost sealing frags to mail). The only accessory added after IA that would get sealed is the solo-dungeon necklace that is not sealable. As far as i'm aware they have never had a raid-accessory transferable while it was still the best in slot. Once we get the next dungeon it has a better "raid" version of ring + earing. Once that is out they will probably start thinking of adding the option to seal the IA accessories at stage 10+ so you can mail them between your characters.

  13. @Exchallenger The only bug was the jewels costing 1 candy in the first place. They put them up for the wrong price (same price is the enlightended jewels / elements) and they corrected it to the "intended" over-expensive price. Thats what the other person was meaning when they said "If people abused the elements, and you're crying about not having been able to participate, are you then not crying about not also getting to abuse it?".


    But it's fine it's BnS forums where nobody has a clue what they are talking about and they just cry since they have nothing better to do. ^^

  14. 12 minutes ago, Yasuhiro Yamamoto said:

    These 300 pets I talk about in my post where also F5 (Player Auctionhouse) bought. I'm glad to read I am not the only player running into this specific issue where they also removed legitimate pets & pet pods together with the exploited ones.
    Hopefully NCsoft/NCwest can have a further look at this (as I think this specific issue might've been overlooked) because the main focus was on restoring the outfits that customers paid real money for. 

    You mean the customers who claim "no abuse" while going out of there way to purposefully buy duped resources because there cheaper? How is that any different from in rl going out of your way to buy stolen goods because there cheaper. Would you then complain if they got confiscated and argue you don't care if you new you were buying stolen good you want your money back? No because you would know your still in the wrong. The only reason it got abused so much was because so many players went out of there way to fund them and pay them gold and encourage them to keep doing it so they can get cheap, duplicated resources while trying to claim "i didn't do anything".

  15. On 28/07/2020 at 11:33 PM, 900870_1452550662 said:

    This named player is still playing the game normally. Please do something about it already!!! It is not that hard to verify these hacks.

    End of the day they never ban anyone these days, no matter how much they hack or bug abuse. Thats why more and more players do it every day, by choosing to ignore it and worst-case you get a ban for 2 days then they unban you and you go straight back to it, meaning players feel encouraged and forced into cheating just to be on a level playing field. Even the players a while back using demon skills to kill everyone in open world and arena got unbanned in less than a week free to do whatever they wanted again. The only way to get punished by staff at this point is scamming with F10 gifting (probably since it hurts there sales) and even then based on the amount of people constantly scamming on the same accounts it's hard to even get banned for that. Hacking, botting and bug abuse are fair game here sadly.

  16. The only players who buy sets of 1k gold are new players with no idea what they are doing, otherwise they would spend 560 ncoins (almost half the amount) for a brilliant sealing charm and sell it for 1.4k gold... I wonder why players don't very often spend 1k ncoins on 1k gold instead of 560 ncoins on 1.4k gold, it's almost like they don't want to scam themselfs.

  17. @ImoutoMaster Not just new players, the reason they keep nerfing things and made "easy mode" is because over half the player base will die in the majority of dungeons if they don't go out of there way to try make it as idiot proof as possible... Anything other than that they flame and cry pay-wall and say it's whale only content or only clearable if there is a whale to carry...


    Honestly, new players are more competent in this game than the majority of the player base you find in F8, simply because they try instead of just going there to leech. They want to play the game while most of the player base wants to login for 5 minutes a day and get max-gear, otherwise it's a pay wall. I really don't understand why people choose to play grind-based games and then expect to max out in 2 days meaning they would have no reason to login anymore since nothing else to progress...

  18. @Li Mingxia The fact someone had to explain to you in ST your not supposed to be 20m from the boss explains alot...


    Also both the ST and RT example are not death zones... ST is damage over time while in the area, RT is a high damage aoe that you can iframe. (Although no, I don't expect new players to know anything about how iframes or mechanics work since 90% of the player base doesn't have a clue either, it's a much easier to just leech and when that doesn't work cry "pay wall" on everything.)

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