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Remove The Cap!

El Salado

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By the time Korea got Hall of Trials, their daily reputation cap was removed along with receiving other amazing Quality of Life changes... but this topic isn't about those. 

It feels terrible to complete anything after achieving the reputation cap for the day. 500k is nothing, especially during Soul Boost. 

Remove. The. Cap. 

Edited by El Salado
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23 hours ago, Rhiakath said:

Who cares, looks like there's nothing coming past 210 anyway, so why rush.. you'll inevitably hit the limit someday and then you'll get 0 unity ever again

Because intentionally designing our version of the game to be 'harder' is bad game design?

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all the restrictions and RNG and grind in the game is in place to prolong your time in game and make you login every day whether you enjoy the game or not

it's to artificially lengthen the games life and boost player numbers and hour's played to make the game look like its doing good on paper for investors and shareholders


but anyway yes for the topic at hand remove the daily cap on reputation points so players can catch up and get more Unity stone slots and better stats

Edited by MAX2016ACE
fixed a mistake in grammar
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46 minutes ago, MAX2016ACE said:

all the restrictions and RNG and grind in the game is in place to prolong your time in game and make you login every day whether you enjoy the game or not

it's to artificially lengthen the games life and boost player numbers and hour's played to make the game look like its doing good on paper for investors and shareholders


but anyway yes for the topic at hand remove the daily cap on reputation points so players can catch up and get more Unity stone slots and better stats

the main problem of the bns is to access the content, we have content for many years, but we can only access a part of it, that unbalances the whole game it is like the demonsbane dungeon we have to play until the 20th floor but most can only farm up to floor 6 and it's the same thing that happens with the game we have a lot of content and we can only access up to a certain floor, that only ends up bothering everyone in the long run.

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13 hours ago, chilegamerz said:

the main problem of the bns is to access the content, we have content for many years, but we can only access a part of it, that unbalances the whole game it is like the demonsbane dungeon we have to play until the 20th floor but most can only farm up to floor 6 and it's the same thing that happens with the game we have a lot of content and we can only access up to a certain floor, that only ends up bothering everyone in the long run.

Access has been improving as of late, but it takes a lot of power to actually do the higher end stuff. For the majority of players Stage 6 is about all they need though...and few are even striving to go further for various reasons. The only thing past Stage 6 would be the True Weapon and Accessories, and their drop rates are so poor that few consider it worth it.


A bit off topic but a interesting discussion though. Either remove or increase the rep cap for sure.

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