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This is absolutely ridiculous and NC is doing what? oh yeah NOTHING!!!


People are botting in Aerodrom like there is no tomorrow and guess what it is fine you get no consequence for the respected action, you only need like 5 min to be at the dungeon entrance lobby and you will see people over HM 40+ already in just over the span of few days ... how is this fair? it is because there are some whales there that keep funding the game? that is a very pour choice  as a company and if your thought process is like that you do not deserve to run this game.


Cheats are one of the main factor of why people leave a game and fail to keep new players unless those players are the ones that are frequently using cheats in other games as well.


@Green Stormi hope that at least you are capable of doing something about it,


Most people think that raging or writing unpleasant comments it is a bad thing but NO leaving an angry comment it means that person cares about the game and wants to see it doing well.

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9 hours ago, FlCosmin said:

People are botting in Aerodrom like there is no tomorrow


Same with speedhacking. 


9 hours ago, FlCosmin said:

how is this fair?


its not.


9 hours ago, FlCosmin said:

Cheats are one of the main factor of why people leave a game and fail to keep new players unless those players are the ones that are frequently using cheats in other games as well.


Agree. I know a lot of friends quitting the game because of that in the past.

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5 hours ago, Shiro said:

Just remove auto combat from the game and you stop almost all botting. This dumb feature isn't even fun, nobody will miss Primeweald

Kaebi village in the next patch will most likely also use auto combat, at least KR had it (understandably since it's ~10 minutes per characters which easily stacks up with 14 characters) and it also got added to Sanctum of the Masters in KR.
While we currently only have it activated for Primewald at least in KR it's actively used for current content, so I don't think they would remove it.

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I know, it's still stupid, solo dungeons with auto combat the most dumb idea I've seen, why not just click to enter, it checks your gear and gives rewards then? Sounds stupid? Well that's what auto combating those solo dungeons is.


Like, what's the point to play the game with auto combat being an actual feature? I hate it and wish it never got added. How about reduce the grind to compensate for no auto combat and remove it -.-

Edited by Shiro
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3 hours ago, Shiro said:

I know, it's still stupid, solo dungeons with auto combat the most dumb idea I've seen, why not just click to enter, it checks your gear and gives rewards then? Sounds stupid? Well that's what auto combating those solo dungeons is.


At least that would be more fair across different classes because it removes the class/spec penalty, and is more equitable across diverse pings, as that can also create difference in power based on arbitrary characteristics such as geographical location.

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5 hours ago, lillvargen said:

we have auto-combat activated in Sanctum of Masters


but Aero and Basin is riddled with bots

With XML Edits you can do any thing.


So the cheaters simply do XML edit to enable auto-combat every where, thus why they can use it in aerodrome and basin.

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1 hour ago, Uldrum said:

With XML Edits you can do any thing.


So the cheaters simply do XML edit to enable auto-combat every where, thus why they can use it in aerodrome and basin.

Not everything is an xml, this is just a memory edit.



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