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Spring trove 2022.


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I haven't invested in Trovo for a long time, last time sometime in 2020, I bought 250 keys, but I'm really disappointed and I feel cheated, I'll never invest in trove again! It's wasted money.

I didn't expect it to drop to three stars, but I was comforted to know that I would have loot for at least 6 times for two stars. There used to be clothes and solid things, but today? Two-star drops are usually worse than one!

Most things are a complete waste, even in two stars trove and there is no value in buying them, it is better to let loot fail. Absolute mockery of paying players. Of the 250 keys, I had the only solid reward for opening 250 boxes, heptagonal selectet gem, and it costs more than 120 €. If I knew what waste would fall out of it, I wouldn't even buy it. In addition, this waste can be easily obtained at a much lower price, some of which are even more expensive than in F5!

You have lost another paying customer…


What do I consider waste?

1000 and 5000 reputation charms, 10 000 and 100 000XP charms, crystal selection chest, liberty token and fragment, warrior and master core selection chrest, tranqility emblem and fragment, mewtiners coin and piece, lunar twillight flower, alpha emblem and fragment, all PvP items (PvP is dead), psyches from old dungeons numok, amara, jorupto, mokwan, SK key, Hongmoon persistence potion, illusin charm, blue radiance and ascension stone, dokaebi soju, grand celestial steel, raid revival charm, legendary gem hammer…


I made a picture of what should be removed, I marked it with a red x, blue + indicates that it would be one star if there was more. I gave the yellow star markings as they should be.


What should be added?

purple and orange insignia, legendary unity stones, legendary psyches, enchatment stone, syntethis stones, 10M XP charms, sparkling unity pearl, square and penta pet gems, substratum selection chest, aerodrome selection chest, gold chest 1000 - 10 000, more clothes, things from F10 rapid resurection and revival charms, race change voucher, class change voucher, pets, weapon skins, 7 premium days, 14 premium days, and as a proper slot machine there should be free spins, in our case keys.

Then the price should trove to expand and buy the keys.

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the game has never been more pay to win, sure it involves playing more heavily because wealth inequality hasent beat time requirements entirely even though it still sticks out like a sore thumb


the game economy is so trashed from all these years of neglect bolstered by the promise of continued updates new content and systems, unfortunately each new content and system has made it geometrically more and more pay to win


im surprised itd get asked on forums what to comment on about trove and other pay to play systems because the game has logs and all the data is there for the devs to unpack already... 


trove to me was interesting the first two times it was available, i could divulge exploratory money then and thought id get a sense for the system’s integrity and philosophy, and i did get at least one outfit anytime i spent my life for the game experience; paying money(life) for gear/game exp. is a trashed system.


every trove i participated in pay to play or free to play i would open the page(s) and always be disappointed. why did i continue? outfits. a lot of time i dont pick anything because the pages are so badly composed. whats worse is that the whole system is so convoluted that its plainly not worth talking about how trashed it is. 


ya i feel pretty sad that we’re asked to talk about it when they have the data all to themselves, as if theyre asking us here if their bad results in the data are real. like the astronomically low “chances”, the unrealistic prices in gold, and far gone base buy in price for a junk system where theres practically no guarantee what youre using your life to buy


my advice if you want to change it but  not really change it after getting forum feedback and if youre honestly going to ignore all the data you already have on it... would be: give free the 6 expansion needed to actually participate, and the  give free up to at least 300 keys to everyone each time.



items available in it have been so irrelevant, but thats also because the entire economy of the game is clearly just a joke, they couldve made so many brilliant and creative affects for the game items that get washed over by time but thats clearly not an idea otherwise the game wouldnt be so disrespected 


like no one working for nc has played it and certainly not recently


like all the call to arms and soulboots that just weigh down the climbers because they cant upgrade until they run that content for four months and by then therell be wispers of not upgrading because itll all just go to waste with whatever new content is on the next.


it has been unimaginably frustrating like this for all these years and yet somehow enough of the core game is still intact that its obviously the only actual game, but weighed down still by the crumby community of cheaters gatekeepers oblivious developers and absent minded quality control

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I'm late to the feedback but most of what I wanted updated in Trove has been said. The super old obsidian boxes are the biggest slap in the same to me personally along with the old psyches 2 stars. Very very bad and it shows that there is a lack of understanding or knowledge about our current game content.

I would really like to see old cosmetic weapons/pets added to Trove. I can't understand why the West underestimates cosmetics so much as a source of income when I know people who literally only log in for outfits or to take screenshots in said outfits.


We have great weapons with effects that have not come back for so many years. There is no reason for this when they can be cycled in Trove. Stuff like the Dragonbrand weapons, which are popular even now. Would also be great to see weapons from old outfit boxes as for whatever reason, these are not added to the Mushin Tower merchant. Such as Dawning Star or Azure Dragon weapons. We have a ton of incomplete outfits at the merchant that do not come with corresponding accessories but this is perhaps a topic for another thread. Add more weapon skins instead of the same Epic tier ones, which have obnoxious effects to me personally and have been in every trove for who knows how long now.


I do hope to see more old cosmetics in Trove and updated 1 and 2 star crits the next time. Last Trove was so bad, not even good cosmetics imo, and was the first one I didn't spend any money on at all. This one at least has very nice cosmetics despite still feeling ripped off by the extremely outdated items.


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3 hours ago, Gengar said:

I can't understand why the West underestimates cosmetics so much as a source of income when I know people who literally only log in for outfits or to take screenshots in said outfits.


There's people who only play for the cosmetics.

The only reason they start the game is for the outfits.



3 hours ago, Gengar said:

We have great weapons with effects that have not come back for so many years.


Well, there's Skill Illusion books in trove, but ... I'm pretty sure that getting them is nearly impossible.



On 3/30/2022 at 12:48 AM, swordin said:

every trove i participated in pay to play or free to play i would open the page(s) and always be disappointed. why did i continue? outfits. a lot of time i dont pick anything because the pages are so badly composed. whats worse is that the whole system is so convoluted that its plainly not worth talking about how trashed it is. 


3 hours ago, Gengar said:

The super old obsidian boxes are the biggest slap in the same to me personally along with the old psyches 2 stars.


Psyches are never old.


Going page by page, after all the gems...:



Legendary Gem Hammers are completely useless.

We get over 700 from Soul Boost.


Raid Revival Charms are useless and have been broken since UE4 was released.

The Silversteel stuff is usually useless as well.


There are barely any uses for the Legendary Elements and Legendary Jewels.





Yeohara's Accessory Exchange Tickets are below useless now.

The Scarlet Empress stuff is usually useless as well too.


The soulshields are already outdated, as there's the Poharan soulshields now.





Emperor's Tomb Resets are useless.

Upgradable Agitator gear? Wow...

Dyad Gilded SQUARE gems? Hope they are upgradable...


Everything else is good.





Sun's Ascension Accessory chest, Thornbreaker soulshields, Naryu Sanctum bracelet ...


All the gear in this screenshot is useful to throw in the compound!


We get better soulshields from dungeons!

All the gear here is outdated because of demonsbane!





Everything else is just meh...


Other things that can/must be removed:

  • Divine Grace Stones - can be removed
    There are better sources for them
  • Warrior's Core Selection Chest - remove
    Useless items
  • Master's Core Selection Chest - can be removed
    Only source for Sanctum Cores, but useless Sovereign cores
  • Scale Chests - remove
    We get them all from daily dungeons
  • Fragment Chests - remove
    We get them all from daily dungeons
  • Liberty Tokens and fragments - remove
    We get updated fragments from daily challenge
  • Conservatory and Steelbreaker Dumplings and Charms - remove
    We don't really need them, with DPS so high
  • Material Chests - remove
    These materials don't even exist anymore!
  • Brilliant Radiance and Ascension Stone Chests - can be removed
    We get loads from daily challenge
  • Mewtineer's, Tranquility and Alpha Emblems and fragments - remove
    Besides Mewtineer's Coins, the other tokens are almost useless.
    The items you can buy are almost all useless, and you will accumulate these and buy nothing.

    It takes 1 year to buy an amulet with the Alpha Emblems. And another year to buy the upgraded version.
    Once you buy the Scarlet Conservatory Mystic Badge, you won't need the Tranquility Emblems.
  • Lunar Twilight Flowers - remove
    They are only useful-ish for low grade etching stones
  • Shimmering and Nocturnal Scales and fragments - remove
    We get tons of them from dailies


This trove is 50% trash and 50% items we will never get unless we spend 395€ - $395 (or 353.88€ as of 31st March 2022) to get 800 keys.

And even then, we may never get them...


Obviously, if you disagree with me, say it respectfully.


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And really rethink what crits contain. Yesterday I had three crits out of 20 keys full of items that have been either outdated for a very long time or had nothing to choose after picking up cosmetics. They were simply a waste of gold to pick up and then never touch again. Skipping crits entirely while going through trove should not be a thing.

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2 hours ago, Rhiakath said:

And really rethink what crits contain. Yesterday I had three crits out of 20 keys full of items that have been either outdated for a very long time or had nothing to choose after picking up cosmetics. They were simply a waste of gold to pick up and then never touch again. Skipping crits entirely while going through trove should not be a thing.


The "criticals" are in critical need of a revamp.


Just getting a "critical", as a free to play, is almost impossible.

Unless you have a ton of hmcoins, but the only sources to obtain those are being choked out of us.


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i want to apologize for my harsh language in my past i really want to try my best at communicating clearly and effectively as actively and frequently as possible but i make mistakes and realize far past the repercussions at times


im about to re- read the whole topic thread and decide on a few more points

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"What items would you like to see removed and added? "

-if the only permanent convention of trove is the GUI exactly as it has been in all system respects i think you could make stranger exchanges possible, does it always have to be priced in Gold???

-add the things that have definitive value for the longest term future for your game...


"If you can be specific about quantities, it'll help."

-one example might be the experience charms, when they couldnt be fast clicked to consume they were actually worth more because having something stack up is a long term goal. i wouldnt pay 2 silver for a 100,000 exp charm now

-larger quantities are exciting because when theres just a few kinds of smaller quantities they are more clearly important


"In general, what reduces the appeal of the Treasure Trove to you,"

-the notion that money can only be used for one thing


"and what would improve it?"

-getting consistent access


i hope to answer more questions if they can be considered helpful in realizing the good and sorting out whats made it bad


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4 hours ago, swordin said:

i want to apologize for my harsh language in my past i really want to try my best at communicating clearly and effectively as actively and frequently as possible but i make mistakes and realize far past the repercussions at times


im about to re- read the whole topic thread and decide on a few more points


Thanks for your self-awareness and then sharing these words. I appreciate you posting about it and adding your feedback.


To everyone who contributed here: we 100% heard you. All this feedback was compiled and analyzed. We are working on making changes to the Treasure Troves in the future. We're not sure when the changes will happen, but we'll let you know when we do!

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16 minutes ago, Green Storm said:

To everyone who contributed here: we 100% heard you.


The problem is that this feedback has been mostly the same for years now.


I'm pretty sure that trove is just a template where you throw in a somewhat updated item on a few spots and everything else stays the same.


Liberty tokens and fragments haven't been a thing since about 2019.

All badges can be obtained with the Ascension Tokens we get from dailies now-a-days.


Master Material Chests and Grand Master Material Chests include items that were removed somewhere between 2020 and 2021.


Warrior's Core Selection Box is another one that has no use for a very long time now...

Maybe since 2020 as well???


Here's something I missed... A box with Grand Celestial Wings...

We get Steel Soul Shields from daily dungeons.
Grand Celestial Wings are so outdated...

These were useful back in 2019...





As a quick first step, I recommend the following item replacements:

  • Liberty tokens and fragments
    Replace with Ascension Tokens and fragments
  • Master Material Chests and Grand Master Material Chests
    Replace with a box that contains Special materials and Rare Materials.
    I think this item already exists ingame
  • Warrior's Core Selection Box
    Replace with those boxes that drop in daily dungeons, with soulshields.
    It isn't a very good box, but better than nothing.
    Alternatively, just remove it...
  • Warrior's Upgrade Selection Box
    Replace the Grand Celestial Wings with a Weekly Accessory Booster Selection Box.
    The rest of the box is okay as-is.

If anyone sees anything wrong with my suggestions, please quote this line when giving feedback about it.




As an aside, for all that is sacred, please don't let the feedback go into deaf ears.

I know there's so much you all can do, but, the game is dying because of horrible decisions.

Blade and Soul is a really good game that hasn't been managed properly, in my opinion.

We all know the PR garbo "We LiStEn To YoUr OpInIoN" that leads to nowhere and an even accelerated dying rate.

It's obvious that the people doing the decisions don't know/don't care about what's going on over here.


If you don't play the game, I strongly recommend creating an alt account, and try playing the game on it.

See the game you provide from the perspective of the player.

I don't know if you're allowed to do this or not, but if you are, please give it a try.


Please show us that our feedback indeed is being listened and acted upon.


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5 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:


Please show us that our feedback indeed is being listened and acted upon.



Let me set the expectations right:

  • The "listening" and the "actions" parts are very different. Some of the feedback may be too hard to implement, or our team may think it won't lead to the expected results we'd like to see. Each player gives us feedback from their perspective (as you should!), but it does not mean that it works for the community. Even the community itself may be divided into various groups (I can already see the signs of this).
  • Some actions require little work from a few people, while others involve many people and lengthy processes. It could be that a change is doable in a few weeks, while another one takes several months. Plus it's important to acknowledge that it could take some iteration, so the first change could lead to more.

That being said, we very much to change the Treasure Trove for the better. But I understand that until you see change, these are just words!

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3 minutes ago, Green Storm said:


Let me set the expectations right:

  • The "listening" and the "actions" parts are very different. Some of the feedback may be too hard to implement, or our team may think it won't lead to the expected results we'd like to see. Each player gives us feedback from their perspective (as you should!), but it does not mean that it works for the community. Even the community itself may be divided into various groups (I can already see the signs of this).
  • Some actions require little work from a few people, while others involve many people and lengthy processes. It could be that a change is doable in a few weeks, while another one takes several months. Plus it's important to acknowledge that it could take some iteration, so the first change could lead to more.

That being said, we very much to change the Treasure Trove for the better. But I understand that until you see change, these are just words!


Before you came, my expectations have always been "Meh, nothing will change, but here are my 2 cents".


But I've been cautiously optimistic about you, which is a massive improvement.

I noticed that there's more communication and more changes.


That being said, literally any improvement is good.

If it takes weeks or months to implement, well, so be it.
As long as it takes a reasonable time, that is.

But if it comes to take that long time, will be get that feedback about it?

Will we know that those (hypothetical) changes will/won't be implemented?


That being said, I gave a few suggestions of seemingly small changes that (maybe) could be implemented quickly.

Because, in it's current state, I've been picking the less useless option from the list, and passing over half the time.


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Another thing I noticed...


The Brilliant Radiance Stone Chests cost 1 gold and 50 silver, but then you need to pay 1 gold just to open it.

In the end, you paid 2 gold and 50 silver to get a "blue" stone, when you can pay 3 gold to get a "purple" one.


I also noticed the following:

  • 100000 XP charm is 1 gold
    We get lots of them for free, from dailies.
    Also, those who need the XP the most are the ones that have the least gold.
    Maybe change it to 10 silver?
  • Legendary Element and Legendary Jewel cost 5 gold
    You can buy these for 5 gold, 5 Sacred Crystals and 1 Elysian Crystals; or 5 gold and 5 Elements or 5 Jewels.
    Since inventory space is at a premium, it's more valuable to spend MORE items to get these.
    I have 46876 Sacred Crystals and 10327 Elysian Crystals.


Maybe the prices of the lower tier items should be reviewed? 



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We want to thank everyone who gave their feedback on this thread. It's given us great information, from knowing what some of you like, dislike, or suggestions for improvements! As I said before, we're working on finalizing our ideas about potential changes and seeing what we can effectively implement for one of the next Treasure Troves.


I'm closing this thread for now because I don't want to leave feedback threads open indefinitely. Please send your feedback in a new thread (or one recently created by a player) if you have some!

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