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Why are you still not banning cheaters after reporting them?


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Why are you still not banning cheaters after reporting them?

It's so tiresome, really i gave ue4 a shot.. and got hopeful after you guys told us you gonna create a new anti cheat..
But what's the point when you're not banning cheaters and arena is still full of cheating wintraders all day long?

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Because that not their buisness modell.


Sarcasmn aside i really dont understand why wintraders atleast are not getting banned.

1. They do not contribute to the earnings cause they have enough HM coins there is no need for Ncoins.

2. Its obvious if your charackter has more Ranking points than possible with normal que due to not being able to get matches.

3. They even hurt income cause Hm coin just as i described in "1" reduce the need for Ncoin.

4. They hurt the playerbase alot. Ive seen way to many people quit the game cause there is litterly no legitimate way of obtaining rank 5 outfits.


1 season ive wintraded myselfe to 1900 and i barely got rank 5. It was just 1 season i did that cause i really wanted that outfit for once and there is no otherway but its no fun.

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I guess it kind off depends on if its the same person you report multiple times. 

I am pretty sure NC doesnt directly ban for windtrading. they very likely have rules for that which may be warning first / second time, then maybe a temp 3 day ban. then maybe removal from leaderboards etc....

But you will not know unless you track reports per player.


Also pretty sure a report itself doesnt do much if they cannot actually prove that it was wintraded.


This is the whole reason why any hongmoon coin rewards should be removed from such leaderboards.

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14 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

Also pretty sure a report itself doesnt do much if they cannot actually prove that it was wintraded.

I know they have background data. You cant tell me Community 3rd party programms can somehow get more information out of the gameservers than the tools the dev/publisher himselfe has.


A Warlock for example that magically gets to 2200 rank in the last night before season ends ? with a winrate of 100%.


I dont know dosent look suspicious. I mean that was even pre 3rd spec where you could litterly encounter a silver KFM and lose to him as Korean overloard Rank 1 Warlock of the world cause this class simply was and still is trash.


This is just the most obvious case there are plenty and for some reason its mostly the same account thats rank 1-5 on every ladder and this account played against the same charackters on the same account somehow too also always doing 100 to 0 without getting hit by 1 attack somehow.


Just look at Nagisa Yuki he is the best Gunner in EU but even Nagisa cannot do 100% Winrate to 2200 when playing legit.


This is the whole reason why any hongmoon coin rewards should be removed from such leaderboards.

Ive argued about this in the past alot. At this point as a hardfix i would agree to you but this would remove the only way a non pay to win player can be competetive in pve.

Edited by FeuchterLyn
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12 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

I guess it kind off depends on if its the same person you report multiple times. 

I am pretty sure NC doesnt directly ban for windtrading. they very likely have rules for that which may be warning first / second time, then maybe a temp 3 day ban. then maybe removal from leaderboards etc....

But you will not know unless you track reports per player.


Also pretty sure a report itself doesnt do much if they cannot actually prove that it was wintraded.


This is the whole reason why any hongmoon coin rewards should be removed from such leaderboards.

Some people i reported a bunch of times, others just once..
In total i reported like 100/150x by now and nobody gets banned, you always get the same reaction from support "we are looking into the accounts, but we haven't banned anyone yet.. but rest assured we will ban them!"
1,5  years later... still not banned.


And it's not like i guess they are wintrading, i know it for sure..
Some of these people i even speak with and they aren't trying to hide it..

Also i reach 1700/1750 (if im lucky) with normal que, but above that there's NOBODY... the only que's that pop up get canceled before i enter..

Meanwhile there's so many people 1900/2100 ranking, everyone knows how they got there... except ncsoft.

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4 minutes ago, FeuchterLyn said:

I know they have background data. You cant tell me Community 3rd party programms can somehow get more information out of the gameservers than the tools the dev/publisher himselfe has.


A Warlock for example that magically gets to 2200 rank in the last night before season ends ? with a winrate of 100%.


I dont know dosent look suspicious. I mean that was even pre 3rd spec where you could litterly encounter a silver KFM and lose to him as Korean overloard Rank 1 Warlock of the world cause this class simply was and still is trash.


This is just the most obvious case there are plenty and for some reason its mostly the same account thats rank 1-5 on every ladder and this account played against the same charackters on the same account somehow too also always doing 100 to 0 without getting hit by 1 attack somehow.

Ive argued about this in the past alot. At this point as a hardfix i would agree to you but this would remove the only way a non pay to win player can be competetive in pve.


I still think that's a terrible way to fix a problem
Ncsoft should just finally do their job.. that's the real problem.

Removing the coins only would kill arena even more, might as well remove arena from the game and say it's solved then..

And yeah, que above 1700/1750 is completely dead there's nobody playing it..

With luck and queing a few days in a row you might reach 1750 if you don't end up getting farmed by someone on a wheelchair class holding rmb, to feed his endless accounts to platinum..


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6 minutes ago, FeuchterLyn said:

I know they have background data. You cant tell me Community 3rd party programms can somehow get more information out of the gameservers than the tools the dev/publisher himselfe has.


A Warlock for example that magically gets to 2200 rank in the last night before season ends ? with a winrate of 100%.


I agree that is suspicious but, i am not sure how it works at NC, whether they can easily search these things out or if they need dev intervention (its NC so...anything is possible LOL)


7 minutes ago, FeuchterLyn said:

Ive argued about this in the past alot. At this point as a hardfix i would agree to you but this would remove the only way a non pay to win player can be competetive in pve.


Personally, i tihnk these should be added to something that is non-competitive to: 1. Give everyone a fair s hot at getting them 2. Will limit the abuse / win trading for it.  I get that there are people that like arena / pvp but unless they add an actual fix for it or start checking this legitimately, nothing will change.



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5 minutes ago, Grimoir said:


I agree that is suspicious but, i am not sure how it works at NC, whether they can easily search these things out or if they need dev intervention (its NC so...anything is possible LOL)



Personally, i tihnk these should be added to something that is non-competitive to: 1. Give everyone a fair s hot at getting them 2. Will limit the abuse / win trading for it.  I get that there are people that like arena / pvp but unless they add an actual fix for it or start checking this legitimately, nothing will change.



Non-competitive arena... ok...

The whole point of arena is to be competitive, and get rewarded for it.

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1 minute ago, Grimoir said:

I agree that is suspicious but, i am not sure how it works at NC, whether they can easily search these things out or if they need dev intervention (its NC so...anything is possible LOL

Sorry but this is not an arguement they have to have the power to ban people for cheating and if the Community has more tools than the dev itselfe this company should just be shut down.

1 minute ago, Grimoir said:

Personally, i tihnk these should be added to something that is non-competitive to: 1. Give everyone a fair s hot at getting them

Everyone has or atleast had the chance to get the Hmcoins just do pvp that simple. If you dont like it well not pvp players fault we dont like running dungeons either will i still get my mythical accesories and BM gear no ! cause i dont play pve.


16 minutes ago, sFMos said:

The whole point of arena is to be competitive, and get rewarded for it.

It dosent have to be Hm coins thou like ive written Premium Membership for the top spots for example. This is something a gold seller has no use for making it a waste of time to wintrade 20 chars to 2200.

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56 minutes ago, FeuchterLyn said:

Sorry but this is not an arguement they have to have the power to ban people for cheating and if the Community has more tools than the dev itselfe this company should just be shut down.

Everyone has or atleast had the chance to get the Hmcoins just do pvp that simple. If you dont like it well not pvp players fault we dont like running dungeons either will i still get my mythical accesories and BM gear no ! cause i dont play pve.


It dosent have to be Hm coins thou like ive written Premium Membership for the top spots for example. This is something a gold seller has no use for making it a waste of time to wintrade 20 chars to 2200.


But then people just pay them to boost their chars to a top rank for premium.. eventually it's gonna come down to ncsoft having to do their job.. or just removing everything completely, or letting it die like Aion for example..

Where as far as i know, it's still in game but people haven't played it for years.

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20 hours ago, sFMos said:

But then people just pay them to boost their chars to a top rank for premium

Yeah i didnt think about that. Problem is still we need some kind of rewards that are worth it.

Its hard to think about anything other than Company banning wintraders which i doubts will ever happen.



19 hours ago, sFMos said:

All day long the same bs in arena again, all day long people with broken 3rd spec classes feeding their endless accounts to plat

Thats not even the problem here. Third specs are way to strong yeah but they can be beaten. For example the biggest wintrader we have plays Wind BD to gain the ranking points needed for wintrade.

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10 hours ago, FeuchterLyn said:

Yeah i didnt think about that. Problem is still we need some kind of rewards that are worth it.

Its hard to think about anything other than Company banning wintraders which i doubts will ever happen.



Thats not even the problem here. Third specs are way to strong yeah but they can be beaten. For example the biggest wintrader we have plays Wind BD to gain the ranking points needed for wintrade.

I know who you mean but he plays both sin and bd

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8 hours ago, sFMos said:

I know who you mean but he plays both sin and bd

Ok just didnt think he is also the assasin cause i can win against assasins but BD is best 1v1 class for a reason.


10 hours ago, Kalionz said:

cheaters pay the bills obviously 

We are mostly talking about 1v1 and 3v3 here. Thoose are not putting 1 € into the game why should they ? the only reason they play on EU is to earn €€€ not to lose €€€.


8 hours ago, Belido said:

maybe  - as a temporary fix - they should just replace the HMcoin reward with some cool Honing Oil Bundles and the issue would be solved for now 😄  

id be scared they would forget to change it to something usefull again cause just look at the pvp threads i cant remember a single one where @Hime or anyother mod answered a question.

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