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3rd country in europe who ban RNG Lootboxes as gambling?!?

Merlin DE

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Well it seems like the UK is the next country in europe which bans RNG Lootboxes as gambling.


And guess what, i hope my country will follow even it might be the end of BnS in western region.
I not all against Trove etc. but NC-Soft overdid it way to much with bad RNG and even more worse and worthless items from Trove and RNG Boxes so well, in my mopinnion they more than deserve a legal regulations of their ripp-off  ;) 


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Am 25.11.2019 um 00:19 schrieb Grimoir:

ikr? lol remove rng boxes because people cant have self control xD

Grimoir you are one of the few that i dont want to flame for what he writes cause you are one of the few who is writing positive stuff about PVP but if its PVE related you usually just write big bs.


There are several Adults who can be easily addicted which will result in thousands of €€€ or $$$ they spent but what if they dont have that money ? Not everyone is a healthy human being like you there are illnesses which result in something like that and i didnt even include the children yet !


Sure if they are to young you can just remove every kind of micro transaction they did but 1. its a pain in the ass to get to this point and 2nd. depending on the country you are in you may even have to pay for this since there is a rule in online stuff where they are allowed to assume you actully accepted their terms since you cannot prove that you didnt.


What does a family do if they have like 50k debt and cant pay it ? either go into jail (the mother or father i guess) or they live very poorly with "insolvenz" insolvency if this is actully the correct english term and if it exists in english countrys.


Children usually cant control it since they either dont know what they are doing or believe it or not some are simply stupid they think a credit card is unlimitted and dosent have to be payed back.


This all is not considering the fact that thoose Boxes simply destroy the fun in games cause mostly thoose boxes contain stuff players want or even need to progress (not talking about BNS only) and alot nearly every dev locks this stuff behind thoose RNG Boxes and either gives a very very lil chance to get the stuff without thoose boxes or removes the ability to get it completly.


If you cannot earn enough money with Premium membership, costumes and maybe some quality of life stuff than you failed as a company ! Talking about BNS now if you need to earn money ask the community what they want how is LOL able to live ? how is Dota 2 able to live ? how is CS go able to live ? even if they have RNG Boxes thoose do not contain any game changing stuff you cannot get without thoose boxes !

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2 hours ago, ImoutoMaster said:

Grimoir you are one of the few that i dont want to flame for what he writes cause you are one of the few who is writing positive stuff about PVP but if its PVE related you usually just write big bs.


There are several Adults who can be easily addicted which will result in thousands of €€€ or $$$ they spent but what if they dont have that money ? Not everyone is a healthy human being like you there are illnesses which result in something like that and i didnt even include the children yet !


Sure if they are to young you can just remove every kind of micro transaction they did but 1. its a pain in the ass to get to this point and 2nd. depending on the country you are in you may even have to pay for this since there is a rule in online stuff where they are allowed to assume you actully accepted their terms since you cannot prove that you didnt.


What does a family do if they have like 50k debt and cant pay it ? either go into jail (the mother or father i guess) or they live very poorly with "insolvenz" insolvency if this is actully the correct english term and if it exists in english countrys.


Children usually cant control it since they either dont know what they are doing or believe it or not some are simply stupid they think a credit card is unlimitted and dosent have to be payed back.


This all is not considering the fact that thoose Boxes simply destroy the fun in games cause mostly thoose boxes contain stuff players want or even need to progress (not talking about BNS only) and alot nearly every dev locks this stuff behind thoose RNG Boxes and either gives a very very lil chance to get the stuff without thoose boxes or removes the ability to get it completly.


If you cannot earn enough money with Premium membership, costumes and maybe some quality of life stuff than you failed as a company ! Talking about BNS now if you need to earn money ask the community what they want how is LOL able to live ? how is Dota 2 able to live ? how is CS go able to live ? even if they have RNG Boxes thoose do not contain any game changing stuff you cannot get without thoose boxes !

Lets seperate this into 2 points:


1. children - Unless the child is under 18/21 its the parents responsibility, regardless what the game has / does, a parent should monitor what their minor is doing on the internet. Parental control is all it comes down to. Whether a child knows what they are doing or not is not the point here. If your child plays a game on the internet it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY as a parent to know what they are playing and what it is, especially since most games allow minors to play only upon parental consent listed specifically in their games TOS which no one reads and that really cant be enforced. So anything your underaged child does, parents are responsible.


2. Adults - I acknowledge the fact that there is gambling addiction. However you cannot blame all evil in the world on a game / publisher. Thats why i say self control, and why when you do get addicted you seek help, if you do not, thats on you. Everyone is rsponsible for their own life. I may be seeing this black-white but....there is no other way to put it.

People proned to gambling usually know they have a problem and try to avoid things that have that element.  People that fall into it, need help.


The big "whoop" here isnt that its addicting, its just cause people decided willingly and without having an addiction, to buy some rng boxes, werent happy with the outcome so they start to riot.

I have yet to see/ hear someone going into severe debt cause of blade and soul rng boxes.

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vor 28 Minuten schrieb Grimoir:

Lets seperate this into 2 points:


1. children - Unless the child is under 18/21 its the parents responsibility, regardless what the game has / does, a parent should monitor what their minor is doing on the internet. Parental control is all it comes down to. Whether a child knows what they are doing or not is not the point here. If your child plays a game on the internet it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY as a parent to know what they are playing and what it is, especially since most games allow minors to play only upon parental consent listed specifically in their games TOS which no one reads and that really cant be enforced. So anything your underaged child does, parents are responsible.


2. Adults - I acknowledge the fact that there is gambling addiction. However you cannot blame all evil in the world on a game / publisher. Thats why i say self control, and why when you do get addicted you seek help, if you do not, thats on you. Everyone is rsponsible for their own life. I may be seeing this black-white but....there is no other way to put it.

People proned to gambling usually know they have a problem and try to avoid things that have that element.  People that fall into it, need help.


The big "whoop" here isnt that its addicting, its just cause people decided willingly and without having an addiction, to buy some rng boxes, werent happy with the outcome so they start to riot.

I have yet to see/ hear someone going into severe debt cause of blade and soul rng boxes.

1. Not exactly there are plenty of games which are rated for 3 year olds and got loot boxes just look af Fifa for example. What if the kid takes your credit card information while you sleep ? What if they get the data without your consent ? and most importatantly even if you manage to control your kid they still have their allowance where parents are not allowed to decide what they buy with it. So they learn early what a nice feeling it can be to gamble which increases the chance of being addicted when they are adults.


2. Why does this whole gamble thing exist ? The whole reason for this is cause people cant control themselfe otherwise we could just buy the stuff we want instantly.


The big "whoop" is that RNG boxes are the reason more and more games get stuff locked behind them and people want the full game if they pay for it in the first place !

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3 hours ago, ImoutoMaster said:

1. Not exactly there are plenty of games which are rated for 3 year olds and got loot boxes just look af Fifa for example. What if the kid takes your credit card information while you sleep ? What if they get the data without your consent ? and most importatantly even if you manage to control your kid they still have their allowance where parents are not allowed to decide what they buy with it. So they learn early what a nice feeling it can be to gamble which increases the chance of being addicted when they are adults.

This basically comes down to bad parenting....nothing to do with the game itself.


3 hours ago, ImoutoMaster said:

2. Why does this whole gamble thing exist ? The whole reason for this is cause people cant control themselfe otherwise we could just buy the stuff we want instantly.


The big "whoop" is that RNG boxes are the reason more and more games get stuff locked behind them and people want the full game if they pay for it in the first place !

The thing with this is, at least in terms of bns, nothing thats in the rng boxes is preventing you from playing the game or progressing. I could understan d if the boxes had something that if you dont have it you cannot play or progress but that is not the case.

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7 hours ago, Grimoir said:

The thing with this is, at least in terms of bns, nothing thats in the rng boxes is preventing you from playing the game or progressing. I could understan d if the boxes had something that if you dont have it you cannot play or progress but that is not the case.

there is a fine line between "obtainable" and "obtainable in a reasonable time"

Our super whales with their weapon full of fused harmony jewels that would otherwise take years of farming to acquire.

Or people with already full triangular pet jewels because they paid money to send them from an alt to main, just to give an example.

Edited by Arohk
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vor 15 Stunden schrieb Grimoir:

This basically comes down to bad parenting....nothing to do with the game itself.

Its not as easy as that. Kids are humans themselve they can do stuff you are not controlling even if you are the best parent in the whole world but you say its ok to give them a gambling mechanics so they may like it in the future aswell ? Even worse if the kid for some reason gets to addicted which is really easy for kids they can accidently spent ten thousands of € or $ which happened in the past multiple times. Thankfully the devs/publishers usually remove the charge if that happens but what if they dont ?

vor 15 Stunden schrieb Grimoir:

The thing with this is, at least in terms of bns, nothing thats in the rng boxes is preventing you from playing the game or progressing. I could understan d if the boxes had something that if you dont have it you cannot play or progress but that is not the case.

The Governments of thoose countries are not discussing about Blade and soul and i do not either. While i hate the Lootboxes in BNS and want them removed they are not as bad as Fifa for example but since they either forbid it for everyone or no one i cannot talk about BNS only. Still its not like a gambling addict or cares about if its Fifa, BNS or whatever.

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1 hour ago, ImoutoMaster said:

Its not as easy as that. Kids are humans themselve they can do stuff you are not controlling even if you are the best parent in the whole world but you say its ok to give them a gambling mechanics so they may like it in the future aswell ? Even worse if the kid for some reason gets to addicted which is really easy for kids they can accidently spent ten thousands of € or $ which happened in the past multiple times. Thankfully the devs/publishers usually remove the charge if that happens but what if they dont ?

Yes but it still comes down to parents. To give a perfect example, i used to work for Xbox support. There were plenty of parents calling upset because their kids used their credit cards and did "unauthorised purchases", sometimes even in the amount of 500 $ + .

You wanna know why? Because:

1. Parents simply left their credit card information linked to their childs account

2. Even though Xbox has parental control settings to prevent such things parents did not care


I agree you cannot catch everything your kid is doing, but if you care enough and supervise as you should you can keep issues like this to a very bare minimum.


1 hour ago, ImoutoMaster said:

The Governments of thoose countries are not discussing about Blade and soul and i do not either. While i hate the Lootboxes in BNS and want them removed they are not as bad as Fifa for example but since they either forbid it for everyone or no one i cannot talk about BNS only. Still its not like a gambling addict or cares about if its Fifa, BNS or whatever.

Yes, but we are playing blade and soul, so whatever other publishers do doesnt matter since its not affecting our game directly. And yes, a gambling addict will only care about gambling in the ill call it "place" where he is interested, not jump around 20 games just to gamble.


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9 hours ago, Arohk said:

there is a fine line between "obtainable" and "obtainable in a reasonable time"

Our super whales with their weapon full of fused harmony jewels that would otherwise take years of farming to acquire.

Or people with already full triangular pet jewels because they paid money to send them from an alt to main, just to give an example.

The pet gems are a very bad example especially since you can craft resets for Throne and you can buy the sealing charms of F5, so you in fact do not need to spend a single $ to mail them over if you so choose.

You are right about the fine line. There are many activities in game that are simply very unrewarding for the time you invest in them. Its just artificial stretching.

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vor 5 Minuten schrieb Grimoir:

I agree you cannot catch everything your kid is doing, but if you care enough and supervise as you should you can keep issues like this to a very bare minimum.

Bare minimum is atleast 1. So its ok if one familiy end up in jail or you destroy the whole life of a child cause of loot boxes ?

vor 5 Minuten schrieb Grimoir:

Yes, but we are playing blade and soul, so whatever other publishers do doesnt matter since its not affecting our game directly. And yes, a gambling addict will only care about gambling in the ill call it "place" where he is interested, not jump around 20 games just to gamble.

Well the government is not looking at BNS alone they probably dont even know it exists so i am mostly talking about different games.

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1 hour ago, ImoutoMaster said:

Bare minimum is atleast 1. So its ok if one familiy end up in jail or you destroy the whole life of a child cause of loot boxes ?

Yes, might sound harsh but if YOUR underaged child steals your credit information and does unauthorized purchases  its your failure as a parent doesnt matter how you twist it.


1 hour ago, ImoutoMaster said:

Well the government is not looking at BNS alone they probably dont even know it exists so i am mostly talking about different games.

Yes they are looking at the overall and not specific games which is wrong. But let them do what they want. You just have to be aware of one thing: if they indeed lock them, the publisher will find other ways to get money and in most cases it will be worse than the boxes itself.

For example for BnS if rng boxes / trove wouldnt be allowed, you are looking at a buy 2 play subscription like wow, despite it not being viable before.

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vor 13 Minuten schrieb Grimoir:

Yes, might sound harsh but if YOUR underaged child steals your credit information and does unauthorized purchases  its your failure as a parent doesnt matter how you twist it.

Well i knew several families where the kid is the smarter one in the family since the parent is metally challenged and since the kid dosent have alot of life exp he might make a mistake thinking stuff which is actully not correct and acidently buy stuff ingame. But well its parent fault then you say.

vor 13 Minuten schrieb Grimoir:

Yes they are looking at the overall and not specific games which is wrong. But let them do what they want. You just have to be aware of one thing: if they indeed lock them, the publisher will find other ways to get money and in most cases it will be worse than the boxes itself.

For example for BnS if rng boxes / trove wouldnt be allowed, you are looking at a buy 2 play subscription like wow, despite it not being viable before.

I dont think BSN would be dead in an instant with buy to play they just have to relaunch it with such a model most people buy Premium anyway.


The biggest problem PVE dies out is the loot boxes since people dont feel like they belong in this game anymore if they cant buy enough boxes. The second biggest would be NC not listening which they probably dont do cause the money is fine aslong as Loot Boxes are allowed.  I even assume we would have even more players than we currently have. NC would have to actully think about how to please their customers that way instead of "who cares about the players as long as the RNG Boxes give enough money !"

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37 minutes ago, ImoutoMaster said:

Well i knew several families where the kid is the smarter one in the family since the parent is metally challenged and since the kid dosent have alot of life exp he might make a mistake thinking stuff which is actully not correct and acidently buy stuff ingame. But well its parent fault then you say.

You keep bringing up different scenarios, and thats not how it works. Ofc like in many other cases there are situational things that can happen. In the case you say where a child is raised by mentally challenged parents, there is no way they would not be under supervision by some social agency. Still the core of it stays the same. If you take [arenting and do it as you should (and this doesnt mean beat your kid or forbid him everything), show interest in what he is doing, monitor his behaviour and you should not have any issues.


40 minutes ago, ImoutoMaster said:

I dont think BSN would be dead in an instant with buy to play they just have to relaunch it with such a model most people buy Premium anyway.


The biggest problem PVE dies out is the loot boxes since people dont feel like they belong in this game anymore if they cant buy enough boxes. The second biggest would be NC not listening which they probably dont do cause the money is fine aslong as Loot Boxes are allowed.  I even assume we would have even more players than we currently have. NC would have to actully think about how to please their customers that way instead of "who cares about the players as long as the RNG Boxes give enough money !"

Well its hard to say how this region would react but the b2p model was in other regions and it failed miserably.

I do not believe the boxes are the issue here or even trove. I think the biggest issue here is that the f2p players dont get the feeling they are progressing in a reasonable time.

I would say if rewards were proper for the effort put in, there wouldnt be any complaints about trove, rng boxes or even whales. the "long term" upgrades are just artificially stretched, shorten that time, cope it with proper rewards and farming spots / dungeons and i would say 90% of the playerbase issues would just dissapear.

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vor 55 Minuten schrieb Grimoir:

You keep bringing up different scenarios, and thats not how it works. Ofc like in many other cases there are situational things that can happen. In the case you say where a child is raised by mentally challenged parents, there is no way they would not be under supervision by some social agency. Still the core of it stays the same. If you take [arenting and do it as you should (and this doesnt mean beat your kid or forbid him everything), show interest in what he is doing, monitor his behaviour and you should not have any issues.

I am trying to explain to you kids are kids and there is no way no matter what circumstance of 100% knowing they will always know how to use money. I am making harder and harder examples since i dont think you understand what my point is.

vor 55 Minuten schrieb Grimoir:

Well its hard to say how this region would react but the b2p model was in other regions and it failed miserably.

It depends on the cost of course if they say like 20€ a month this game will die very very fast but if its just the regular Premium i mean most players buy it anyway.

vor 55 Minuten schrieb Grimoir:

I do not believe the boxes are the issue here or even trove. I think the biggest issue here is that the f2p players dont get the feeling they are progressing in a reasonable time.

Most people i know who left always explain it like this: The lack of interest doing stuff the community wants plus pay to win aspects of the game are destroying the game for them.

Without thoose boxes the biggest income of NC would vanish and what does this mean ? to get the same or atleast nearly as much money they have to get another ways to earn money. Either by better content or actully listening to the community so we have more player paying for premium. More outfits etc. etc. etc. Also they could just let us buy the stuff we want which would not be a loot box and not forbidden then but even more pay to win thou but if you can buy it instantly it will cost less in total and this means it is less pay to win on the other hand.

vor 55 Minuten schrieb Grimoir:

I would say if rewards were proper for the effort put in, there wouldnt be any complaints about trove, rng boxes or even whales. the "long term" upgrades are just artificially stretched, shorten that time, cope it with proper rewards and farming spots / dungeons and i would say 90% of the playerbase issues would just dissapear.

Most of this stuff wouldnt even be needed if NC would listen to the community.

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31 minutes ago, ImoutoMaster said:

I am trying to explain to you kids are kids and there is no way no matter what circumstance of 100% knowing they will always know how to use money. I am making harder and harder examples since i dont think you understand what my point is.

I do undertsnad your point. But you need to understand the following:

If a child is underage, legally the childs legal guardians (aka parents) are accountable and responsbile for his actions. Regardless what the kid does, no one else is responsible but the parents.

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Am 26.11.2019 um 12:34 schrieb Grimoir:

1. children - Unless the child is under 18/21 its the parents responsibility, regardless what the game has / does, a parent should monitor what their minor is doing on the internet. Parental control is all it comes down to. Whether a child knows what they are doing or not is not the point here. If your child plays a game on the internet it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY as a parent to know what they are playing and what it is, especially since most games allow minors to play only upon parental consent listed specifically in their games TOS which no one reads and that really cant be enforced. So anything your underaged child does, parents are responsible.

Yeah right Parents are responsible for their children, but parents cant controll their children 24/7/365 and even when they thought their child whats right and whats wrong, they still stay children  who sometimes do stupid things even you as parent thought them proper maners.

From what you you say you could also let a drugdealer sell their stuff in front of a school cause its paarents responsibility to theach children drugs are illegal and they have to watch them. 

Sometimes i realy ask myself what the hell is wrong with you dude.

At least in germany we have very strict laws how many money a child can spend. Children can speend their pocket money freely as long as the item the child want to purchase is suitable for his/her age.

Even a child can purchase games suiteable for his/her age doesnt mean a child could save his/her pocketmoney and purchase a gaming console. It depends of the age.
If the child is below 15/16 most retailers would ask them to come back with their parents and wouldn sell it to the child. Even if they do, the company has to take the item back when the parents clain the child purchased it without their permission.


Lootboxes are psychological planned to trick children in spending their money, same why candys always placed in front of the checkout in Supermarkets. There is a whole industry just researching on who to make customers spend their money. Ever asked why you suddenly dont find your stuff at the usual aisle in your supermarket and why they rotate stuff on a regular base? just to make you search for it and buy more stuff you wanted.

We had quite some lawsuits cause mobil providers offered chidren a mobile contract without limits and parents where shocked when their children suddenly got a bill over 600 and more Euro.

While retailers easily can guess the age off a child or can ask for a age verification you dont have such protection on the internet. And kids will always be kids and will do stupid stuff, regardless on how good the parents are and as i said, you cant monitor your kid 24/7/365.


vor 5 Stunden schrieb Grimoir:

Yes but it still comes down to parents. To give a perfect example, i used to work for Xbox support. There were plenty of parents calling upset because their kids used their credit cards and did "unauthorised purchases", sometimes even in the amount of 500 $ + .

You wanna know why? Because:

1. Parents simply left their credit card information linked to their childs account

2. Even though Xbox has parental control settings to prevent such things parents did not care

Be glad you dont life / work in germany xD
1. you respectively your company would have to take back the X-box you illegaly sold to a child and had to refund the whole purchase price, at least when the child was under 16.

2. you respectively your company might even face a lawsuit if you refuse to take back and refund the purchase price. Even if you take back the item and refund the purchase price you might face a lawsuite depending on the goodwill of the childs parents.


We have strict laws cause some companys targeted / entice children to make contracts they legaly cant do and try to get the money from their parents mainly some mobile phone companys (keyword Ringtones or even mobile phone contracts sold to children for example)

Advertising just send an sms to xxxxxxx to get your ringtone and children thought its only the 30ct for the sms and not 3+ euro which wasnt advertised or in such small letters one one could read.


vor 2 Stunden schrieb Grimoir:

I do not believe the boxes are the issue here or even trove. I think the biggest issue here is that the f2p players dont get the feeling they are progressing in a reasonable time.

I would say if rewards were proper for the effort put in, there wouldnt be any complaints about trove, rng boxes or even whales. the "long term" upgrades are just artificially stretched, shorten that time, cope it with proper rewards and farming spots / dungeons and i would say 90% of the playerbase issues would just dissapear.

Im not all against Trove etc. Im against what NC-Soft did.
1. they target children / people with a gambling addiction

2. they betrayed their own philosophy, you know...


We don’t like pay-to-win, so what we are offering are cosmetics, convenience, and consumables – not power, not gear, not permanent stat increases

3. meanwhile its nearly impossible to keep up with your gear. you need redcolous amounts of stuff while they constantly limit the spots to farm them.

for every new dungoen they add, 2 or more old dungeons get their droprates nerfed or even removed.

You need more and more time and get less materials / gold and its just plain booring

This is done on purpose to force people to buy stuf from F10 or participate in trove or even more worse rng events like the current one.

4. most likely you dont get anything valuable or worth the money you spend. you mainly get some potions / soups no one need or some crystals which are close the same price you have to pay at F5 so its just a freaking scam.
At least give give some valuable thinks worth the money it doenst cost NC-Soft anything, instead they put some fabrics in a freaking 3 star crit, seriously?


When i came back after the awakening patch i had quite some fun, i got my main to GC 9 and ET badge in quite a short time dooing MSP like crazy but now im burned out.

More and more of my old friends keep leaving the game and even i meet some nice new friends, i totaly lost interest in BnS cause its the same freaking bullshit every day, doing dailys / purple train, beeing upset about all those  woth/useless crap you drop and seeing you just made ~ 50% of the gold you made a few month ago while it takes much longer.

I even was eager to upgrade my alt to GC weapon. Well i did at least to GC3 (just because its a sum) but thanks to the great "Weapon Cost Reduction" a few weeks ago, screw it.
Im not even interested in doing my TT / ET raid which always was fun but it isnt anymore. Only reason i still contribute in my raids are my friends and maybe i start looking for someone who could replace me soon.


BnS once was a fantastic game but thanks to NC-Soft and all the bullshit they did in the last few month.

I always thought no one could be that stupid doing one BS after the other, screewing with the customers / playerbase. i was wrong and


... Im done this BnS (Bullshit and scam)

Edited by Merlin DE
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vor 50 Minuten schrieb Merlin DE:

Yeah right Parents are responsible for their children, but parents cant controll their children 24/7/365 and even when they thought their child whats right and whats wrong, they still stay children  who sometimes do stupid things even you as parent thought them proper maners.

From what you you say you could also let a drugdealer sell their stuff in front of a school cause its paarents responsibility to theach children drugs are illegal and they have to watch them.

Finally someone who understands me. I am sure @Grimoir is actully an employee from NC-Soft in disguise. I mean how often does he defend them ?

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3 hours ago, Merlin DE said:

Yeah right Parents are responsible for their children, but parents cant controll their children 24/7/365 and even when they thought their child whats right and whats wrong, they still stay children  who sometimes do stupid things even you as parent thought them proper maners.

From what you you say you could also let a drugdealer sell their stuff in front of a school cause its paarents responsibility to theach children drugs are illegal and they have to watch them. 

This is soooooo far fetched. Its obvious you cannot watch a child 24/7. And by all means kids are allowed to do things wrong, but that does not change the fact parents are still liable or takes the responsibility away from them. Its like saying "my child did this because the game allowed him too"....and even then it would still be on the parents.

Its like you are trying to find excuses just to make parents not responsible for anything their child does and blame it all on other parties.

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vor 11 Stunden schrieb Grimoir:

This is soooooo far fetched. Its obvious you cannot watch a child 24/7. And by all means kids are allowed to do things wrong, but that does not change the fact parents are still liable or takes the responsibility away from them. Its like saying "my child did this because the game allowed him too"....and even then it would still be on the parents.

Its like you are trying to find excuses just to make parents not responsible for anything their child does and blame it all on other parties.

No its not, no one denies parents are responsible for their kids. But what you are saying is basicaly like "my kid is drugaddicted because authorities didnt ban drugs and let dealers do their 'Buissness' in front of schools" or "my kid drinks alcohole / smoke cause autorities let stores sell sell theese stuff to kids without age verification"
These  gambling functions are especially and  psychological made / planned to entice kids.

As i said "its just a coinsident" that in candys are placed always in front of the check out in every damn store / supermarket. No its not. Its psychological / tactical placed their cause they know kids always want candys when they see them and ask their parents to buy them.

Therefore its not only the responsibility of the parents to protect their kids, its also the responsibility of authorities to protect our children from psychological tricks uses by shady bussinessmethodes especialy made to entice kids.


On the internet there is no age verification, at last at those games which are public available and BnS doesnt have a legal age verification at all. Oh and the "Enter your date of birth" when you open the english BnS Website is not a legal age verification at all. At the german page there is not even this "layer of protection", the german website is accessible without any age verification at all.



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35 minutes ago, Merlin DE said:

No its not, no one denies parents are responsible for their kids. But what you are saying is basicaly like "my kid is drugaddicted because authorities didnt ban drugs and let dealers do their 'Buissness' in front of schools" or "my kid drinks alcohole / smoke cause autorities let stores sell sell theese stuff to kids without age verification"
These  gambling functions are especially and  psychological made / planned to entice kids.

As i said "its just a coinsident" that in candys are placed always in front of the check out in every damn store / supermarket. No its not. Its psychological / tactical placed their cause they know kids always want candys when they see them and ask their parents to buy them.

Therefore its not only the responsibility of the parents to protect their kids, its also the responsibility of authorities to protect our children from psychological tricks uses by shady bussinessmethodes especialy made to entice kids.


On the internet there is no age verification, at last at those games which are public available and BnS doesnt have a legal age verification at all. Oh and the "Enter your date of birth" when you open the english BnS Website is not a legal age verification at all. At the german page there is not even this "layer of protection", the german website is accessible without any age verification at all.



bnS is rated M for Mature and means the age to play the game is 17+. If anyone lower plays the game they need parental consent to do so as per ToS.

This means if anyone under 17 is playing the game, if anything legal would happen, it goes all on the parents as they had to give consent, if they didnt....doesnt matter, its still their responsibility.

All that needs to happen is the ESRB just needs to add "In-game purchases" to their rating and thats all.

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vor 6 Minuten schrieb Grimoir:

This means if anyone under 17 is playing the game, if anything legal would happen, it goes all on the parents as they had to give consent, if they didnt....doesnt matter, its still their responsibility.

Games like Fifa which force you to buy such packs are rated for 3 year olds while there is no age verification etc. thoose kids are even allowed to buy thoose games without consent of their parents and if they are old enough they will have no right to give the product back to the store aswell.


Its not about the credit card only, its also about the way thoose boxes are sold. This kind of gambling is allowed for kids and since a kid is allowed to do whatever they want with their alowance they ofcourse can buy loot boxes which increases the chance of being addicted in the future.


And again i have to say this whole debate is not about BNS politics will never look at one game only and they will not give BNS the "ok" just because it is not fifa.

Edited by ImoutoMaster
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