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Divine Grace Stones are outdated and obsolete.


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Hello, i suggest to remove the Divine Grace Stones from all types of upgrade requirements, they are outdated and there is no new source to acquire them.

Old dungeons that can drop them (Irontech Forge, Ebondrake Lair, Outlaw Island) all got removed from the daily rotation and wont be done anymore or very rarely, so the amount of DGS got reduced over all, i have sometimes seen them drop in Irontech and Ebondrake , but only once in Outlaw in 200 runs, bought two for tokens though.


You see when new content comes a long, loot like Pet Pots and Sacred Vial gets moved to the next higher tier dungeon, but DGS doesn't.


So the only last reliable source for them is Scion's Keep, which is an outdated raid by now, people do it with 3 players to farm it if their gear is good enough, but i do it with my guild twice a week, so i get two stones every ~6 weeks...


Suggestion 1: Remove Divine Grace stones from the game.

Suggestion 2: Add them the the loot table of higher dungeons and raids.

Edited by Arohk
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I was just thinking about this particular subject the other night as well and thought maybe NC can do something about it.  I had a few suggestions in mind as well.

1- they should increased the drop rate of the mewtineer coins to 100% on first three bosses

2- ties in with #1, which they can also increase the drop quantity from 1 to 2 and maybe even 3 coins at random

3- add the drop chance of DGS to all 4 bosses


4- reduce the required amount of mewtineer coins to purchase a DGS from vendor from 42 to 20-25.


Nothing will probably be done but Just dropping my 2cents here anyway.

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4 hours ago, Arohk said:

Suggestion 1: Remove Divine Grace stones from the game.

Suggestion 2: Add them the the loot table of higher dungeons and raids.

1. A definite NO for removing them from the game. Simply because if they remove them, they will have to be replaced with something else in all upgrades. And that would mean something far harder to get and far more expensive to make.

2. I would like them added to other dungeons aswel, as a chance drop or even add them to jinsorei to be purchased for Helion / imperial cores.


2 hours ago, insertcoins said:

1- they should increased the drop rate of the mewtineer coins to 100% on first three bosses

2- ties in with #1, which they can also increase the drop quantity from 1 to 2 and maybe even 3 coins at random

3- add the drop chance of DGS to all 4 bosses


4- reduce the required amount of mewtineer coins to purchase a DGS from vendor from 42 to 20-25.

Either 1-2 or 4 definetely not both.

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Also it would be great to put thoose in PVP Merchant so PVP Player would have something they can buy without keys. (Tradable one so PVE Players get a better price) I`d say like 10 - 15K Beans if the price is 400 Gold for DGS on market and around 7.5K Beans if its 200G on Market. (Have no idea what the price is currently but i am sure its somewhere between 200 and 400) it just should give as much profit as Soul stones do. (calculated with a soul stone price of 70 silver and 50 per box. )


This would increase the ammount of DGS in F5 which would make it cheaper and this would result in a way better price for PVE Players aswell.


Before someone says "wah wah we get forced to do PVP" you got F5 if you dont wanna PVP but PVP cant have nice things ? They earn nearly nothing not gold not  mats if they dont do PVE.

Edited by ImoutoMaster
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