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insertcoins's Achievements

  1. They introduced another version of the Sandstorm Temple Bracelet Chest in this Call to Arms bundle. This one will require the 5 Tranquility Emblems that is included in this Stage 2 chest. When you open with the emblems you will be given the choice to pick divinity/starbreaker/oscillation bracelet of your choice. The normal Sandstorm Bracelet Chest that drops from ST or traded from Junsorei, requires the unrefined bracelet. It's a convoluted mess. I was hesitant to open the event chest with the emblems at first thinking it could bug out and still require the unrefined bracelet, but it doesn't.
  2. Before the recent changes they made to crafting, those material chests dropped like candies from dungeons to weeklies. You know those artisan/master/grandmaster crafting chests, well those gave an abundance of rare elements. They reduced the crafting time drastically, but nerfed the rare element drop rate as well as removed these crafting chests in the process. So I can see why newer players are having trouble farming these rare elements.
  3. I'm mind blown at this atrocity. While I appreciate the effort put into the free stuff for alts and newbies, the events themselves are not friendly at all. From raids to solo dungeons to unrestricted pvp content, just shows how disconnected these people are with their player base.
  4. This warrior has the world's perfect PC, absolutely top notch, they can game with 120 FPS at all times even in raids. This warrior have absolutely no issues with the game, it is perfect. This warrior defies all rng odds and is the outlier of all statistics in this game.
  5. Had a good laugh reading all this, but that last one took the cake, especially the ncdefender. They were probably from within their own staff just to make it easy on themselves lol.
  6. The real question is "Is it worth fishing for the event hearts?" The answer is a resounding "No" for many.
  7. Players who upgrade early on won't get materials refunded, they never have done that for soul, unless of course you use the ticket system and ask them to. Players who choose to upgrade now will be in the same boat, you get nothing in return. Those who wait to upgrade after patch may potentially get screwed over by their "rebalance" "adjustment" whatever you wanna call it. It's a lose-lose situation for all players. There is no such thing as "reduction" anymore, it has long vanished off of their vocab many patches ago.
  8. Are you sure you're not confusing BnS with another game? NC wishes they even have 10k players active right now.
  9. I was just thinking about this particular subject the other night as well and thought maybe NC can do something about it. I had a few suggestions in mind as well. 1- they should increased the drop rate of the mewtineer coins to 100% on first three bosses 2- ties in with #1, which they can also increase the drop quantity from 1 to 2 and maybe even 3 coins at random 3- add the drop chance of DGS to all 4 bosses and 4- reduce the required amount of mewtineer coins to purchase a DGS from vendor from 42 to 20-25. Nothing will probably be done but Just dropping my 2cents here anyway.
  10. The Dragon Bounty Chests gives 3x polished scale fragments, they are guaranteed. I hope that answers your question. The dungeons have already been outlined in the preview page, you can see which ones are needed for which days.
  11. They did give out some resets with Ascension orbs, so you wanna either reset Cold Storage (recommended) or Heaven's Mandate for that extra Lunar Coin. Additionally, continue to do Tower of Infinity daily as it also gives a Lunar Coin. If you've already exhausted both of these resources up to this point and have calculated ahead of time and found out you cannot reach your goal, then it's a tough loss. I don't know if you want to resort to buying the resets from F10, maybe it's optional to think about.
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