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Could we please have a Producer's Letter?


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When Jonathan Lien was producer of the game, one of the things he usually did was writing  Producer's letter where he explained what were the plans for the future of the game, and what we should expect to see in the game. That was very useful for us, the players, since we learned what to expect in the next months.


Now, with the new management of the game, we are lost. And what's worse, in the last few months the game is becoming worse with every patch. Yes, there's usually a few good changes in the patches, but mixed with those are usually horrible changes to the game that no one asked and that makes everything more and more expensive for the players.


I used to be optimistic, but lately what you are doing as a company leads me to think that there are only two possibilities: You don't know what you are doing because you don't know the game at all, or you just want to destroy the community of players and close the western servers. You now may think "What an as***le this guy is", but let's face it, this is what it seems for almost every single player in the game. You can't keep doing what you are doing in the last few months and think that we are just a toxic community because we don't like any changes, when almost every one of those changes are making the playing experience worse and worse every single time.  Just one year ago I was always expecting new patches with content, but right now I deeply fear them... That's the level of confindence you are giving us. We have FEAR for any change you can do to the game. And let's face it, you have your statics and you know the game is losing it's playerbase day after day, so you must know there's something that isn't right.


So that's why I think you should write a Producer's Letter explaining what will be the direction of the game, what you think about the recent changes, and what do we have to expect in the future. At least you should let us understand why are you doing all of this... I know in a recent post I said I wouldn't care anymore about the game or what you are doing, but this is my last chance trying to get at least some common sense from you, and I thought I had to try.

Edited by Toshiwoshi
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34 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

How often do you want a producer letter? We had one on June 26th explaining what is to expect till end of 2019 o.o

Do you really think that after the last few patches we don't deserve a clarification?  Im sure you expected all of this when you read that letter on June, right? At least I didn't read "We will increase the ammount of effort you need to do to get lower rewards than before. We will also put wrong patch notes, and hide changes that we know you won't like.".

Edited by Toshiwoshi
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Dont ask for a producers letter, the next one probably announce the shut down of western servers due to to many players leaving the game.

At least when NC-Soft continue spitting in the faces of their players like they dind in the last 2-3 month ;)

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1 hour ago, Toshiwoshi said:

Do you really think that after the last few patches we don't deserve a clarification?  Im sure you expected all of this when you read that letter on June, right? At least I didn't read "We will increase the ammount of effort you need to do to get lower rewards than before. We will also put wrong patch notes, and hide changes that we know you won't like.".

I mean what kind of clarification more do you want? Cyan stated that the upgrade cost changes are as they were intended, There is nothing more for them to clarify, this is the patch they got from the devs, they deployed it and thats all they can do. They can relate feedback back to them, but other that that their hands are tied.


The crafting change was a very much needed overhaul and its not hard to get the raw materials. They only material a bit "harder" to get is moonstones, but PVP players also need items to make profit with so thats what they got. Now especially with the new jewels i literally do not see any reason people cannot upgrade the 2nd tier of PVP accessories for 6v6 or to get PVP shields now.


Also the june letter gives feedback on the 2019 roadmap, and since that has not changed i personally do not see any reason for a new one until end of the year at least.


Its the same thing with the previous update, everyone is just lashing out left and right without giving time, then they think "oh we complained so they fixed / changed it" no, they gave feedback to the devs and they changed it after a while, has nothing to do with people complaining left and right.

Pretty sure give it a few days and we will get an update on if there will be anything changed for the current upgrade costs.

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vor einer Stunde schrieb Grimoir:

The crafting change was a very much needed overhaul and its not hard to get the raw materials.

Well if you consider running msp untill your brain died from boredom, spending all your sacred orbs to buy keys to open the chests of stage 4, 5 and 6 while mostly not even get mats worth the value of the sacred orbs in return, yeah, guess your right, they are not that hard to get.

Last time i checked, sacred orbs where worth 2gold ++ so at its best you use orbs worth 12 gold to open 1 Longgui stage 6 chest. If you dont drop an evolved stone you made a huge loss.

Running Dungeons is not much better since you mostly only get crystals.

Tradeable materials needed for crafting are quite limited . So no one realy benefits from a decreased crafting time let alone from increased materials and decreased outcome like they did with transformation stones, which you coincidencely need a lot more now...

And dont tell me it wasnt forseable that this would increase costs a lot instead of decreasing it

vor einer Stunde schrieb Grimoir:

They only material a bit "harder" to get is moonstones

Last time i went to battleground i hit on some whales with max pvpgear, unity rank and 700k++ HP and nearly impossible to kill, even in low bronce ranking.

Meanwhile even my dragonforge 9 pvp-weapon, nova core SS and some pvp accessoirs are pretty useless agains those whales.

So yeah farming moonstones on Battleground is a quite good idea and just "a little bit harder", especialy for lower geared / new players. Have fun getting wrecked.

vor 1 Stunde schrieb Grimoir:

i literally do not see any reason people cannot upgrade the 2nd tier of PVP accessories for 6v6 or to get PVP shields now.

Maybe because most players need the materials, to upgrade their PVE Weapon, to at least partial keep up with the contend?

Maybe because the devs are either insane, dont know their game or have a strange kind of humor to announce a cost reduction and drastical increase the cost instead?

A big part of the playerbase is not even TT ready, let alone ET ready. You can even still sell VT-Runs, and you request people to upgrade pvp items, while they still struggle to upgrade their PVE stuff?

What the hell is wrong with you?

You are that type that would still sink on their knees, bow and praise NC-Soft even when the announce the server shutdown



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1 hour ago, Merlin DE said:

Well if you consider running msp untill your brain died from boredom, spending all your sacred orbs to buy keys to open the chests of stage 4, 5 and 6 while mostly not even get mats worth the value of the sacred orbs in return, yeah, guess your right, they are not that hard to get.

It all depends on what you need, you also get sacred orbs back from the chests so...it sort of balances itself out.

On average from dungeon runs i am getting around 20-30 sacred orbs per day, since i run several dungeons multiple times and thats only normal mode.

I agree its grindy but not impossible.


Today from doing only the 6 daily dungeons:



1 hour ago, Merlin DE said:

Maybe because most players need the materials, to upgrade their PVE Weapon, to at least partial keep up with the contend?

You need to consider the following:

The game is not just blindly following a path because then you will reach bottlenecks and it will make yo0ur progression harder.

At some point you need to consider investing in something which will allow you to get items / materials in the long run rather then complain there arent enough sources or that you cannot progress.

At some point i simply upgraded PVP gear and started doing 6v6 and i am sitting on 5k+ moonstones now which i do not even sell and just keep for personal use. Same with soulstones.

If in 6v6 you go on a 1v1 battle you will get crushed, if you team up with someone else the chances are less (given there are a lot of unblanaced things in BG)


Now, dont get me wrong, i also think some of the costs (at least in PTs / TS value) are a bit too high for what the upgrade is worth so it definetely should be looked into / adjusted.

Hence why i said no point in shouting, complaining, threatening.....as long as the criticism is co0nstructive i am sure it will give NC more to bargain with the devs.


Edited by Grimoir
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There's a producer in this game? LOL. What's his/her's job, spin a roulette with 2 spots, one that says "nerf drops" and the other one says "increase costs" for every patch? Then spin another one a week later that says "miscommunication", "ignore" or "working as intended"?


If this "producer" person is actually real, I think they'd be embarrassed af to have the face to write a "producer's letter".

Edited by PetPuggi
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vor 7 Stunden schrieb Grimoir:

Today from doing only the 6 daily dungeons:



Wow 1 Moonstone, 3 Elysian orbs and 3 Soulstones which are btw only an rng drop from the daily quest reward chest after finisching 4 dailys.
Last week i got exactly 4 moonstones doing my daily on 2 chars. I also had quite a few days where i did complete purpletrain from IF up to BC and didnt even got a single moonstone crystal. So i wouldnt consider Dailys as a valuable source for Materials.
Basin i hear you say? Oh yeah farming peaches. Last time i did this i bought 100 pouches and got 22 moonstone crystals.

MSP? well thats at least a little bit valuable, thers only one Problem, you need 8 Keys to open the chest for 1 run at weekends 2 for stage 4, 2 for stage 5 and 4 for stage 6

Thats 8x3 = 24 sacred orbs worth about 2-2.5 gold each = 48-60 Gold. If you dont get at least 2-3 Evolved stones its more a loss

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7 hours ago, Grimoir said:

Today from doing only the 6 daily dungeons:


Congrats, you got maybe 10% of a SINGLE Raven/Aransu tier weapon upgrade, or maybe 2% of a GC/ET tier weapon upgrade. in 2 hours of grinding, Yes totally fine.

If you want to defend NCW at least make an effort to fabricate your data a little. /4head

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2 hours ago, PetPuggi said:

Congrats, you got maybe 10% of a SINGLE Raven/Aransu tier weapon upgrade, or maybe 2% of a GC/ET tier weapon upgrade. in 2 hours of grinding, Yes totally fine.

If you want to defend NCW at least make an effort to fabricate your data a little. /4head

didnt even take an hour to complete them. Also it is a grind game after all....


2 hours ago, Merlin DE said:

Wow 1 Moonstone, 3 Elysian orbs and 3 Soulstones which are btw only an rng drop from the daily quest reward chest after finisching 4 dailys.
Last week i got exactly 4 moonstones doing my daily on 2 chars. I also had quite a few days where i did complete purpletrain from IF up to BC and didnt even got a single moonstone crystal. So i wouldnt consider Dailys as a valuable source for Materials.
Basin i hear you say? Oh yeah farming peaches. Last time i did this i bought 100 pouches and got 22 moonstone crystals.

MSP? well thats at least a little bit valuable, thers only one Problem, you need 8 Keys to open the chest for 1 run at weekends 2 for stage 4, 2 for stage 5 and 4 for stage 6

Thats 8x3 = 24 sacred orbs worth about 2-2.5 gold each = 48-60 Gold. If you dont get at least 2-3 Evolved stones its more a loss

it is a grind game, what do you expect? BnS is not a game that offers a variety of content in the late end game, what they cant make in content is being introduced as a grind.

Point is it is entirely possible

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 Yeah a grind where more and more material supplys got reduced over time. and because of the realy good material supply we have this is the result



i have craftet 4 PTS after NC-"We love to lie to out player"Soft released the Upgrade "reduction" sheet to upgrade my alt. well now i dont need this PTS and the mats i would need to craft TS are gone for the PTS crafting, yeah. Even selling the PTS wouldnt nearly compensate te loss of material and gold



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