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Relaunch Master x Master Please


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I am Kazuki, a famous SA player of the MxM, Owner of the SMK Guild, we were very active in the game. 
The biggest issue at the moment is about the League of Legends being dying, and the moba genre is lacking a new innovator moba. I think it's best to relaunch the Master x Master. Those who already need to invest in smart marketing. Here are some ideas: 
- Launch the game on Steam, because it has a great attention of the community 
- Pay Streamers famous in each region to play and publicize the game, and advertise on sites advertisements
- Creem SA Server, Brazil is a top-notch program for the world, especially for Weight Streamers and Youtubers. 
- Make Daily Events

The MxM is becoming a Great Game! Moba is a genre with a lot of public that does not get along with the Genre Battle Royale, they want a new game. MxM is a game with potential for being quite innovative, only sinned in Marketing.

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They didn't listen to the players when the game still existed.  It's probably less than likely they will listen to them now that the game is gone.  They've already stated they will NOT create any more servers (SA or SEA).  There must be a reason (money?) that they haven't put bns on Steam.  The same thing would hold for a new release.

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I wanna say something, but at the same time...I like posting in the forums and I can't see myself still being allowed to do that if I said it, so what I'll say instead is;

That would not be a good idea for a handful of very very good reasons.

Maybe someone else can pick it up. Or just play BnS, a lot of their decisions lately have been along the same liAND ACTUALLY isn't there still the KR version?

Maybe you could play on that a little.


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1 hour ago, Deadly Intent said:

They didn't listen to the players when the game still existed.  It's probably less than likely they will listen to them now that the game is gone.  They've already stated they will NOT create any more servers (SA or SEA).  There must be a reason (money?) that they haven't put bns on Steam.  The same thing would hold for a new release.

This. The game did a lot right, such as the lobby and launcher, on the flip side it did one thing very wrong; not listening to the players. It was painfully evident, from early beta, these guys had no interest in doing anything the players wanted in order to make the game better. On a side not stop trying to make NCWest waste money on SA servers, its to small a market not mater what you say. I am thinking Valve/Steam want a cut of what NCWest generates off their games and NC isn't down with sharing even know it would generate a lot of revenue they normally wouldn't have access to.

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Gaming sites have reported that Steam requires a 10%-30% share of all revenue from any game it lists -it differs depending on negotiations (and is actually private NDA so above is just testimonials from anonymous developers who cite those figures) ..


which is about standard since Apple Store, I Tunes, Google Play, & Uber & Lyft, GrubHub, DoorDash, etc all charge about 30% share of all revenue also from the apps & drivers it lists

but most businesses don't want to give over 10%-30% to another business if the added number of users/revenue doesn't exceed the 10%-30% cut

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