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Why does my parse suck? (Shadow Sin, Ancestral + Dragon)


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I've been trying to work on my parse for TT, and for the life of me I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I am timing ancestral badge proc and BB with soul, and I am paying attention to Killing Intent. I know my parse is not perfect, but for my gear it really shouldn't be this shitty, even with mistakes here and there.


CPU - i7-4790

GPU - msi gtx 1060

RAM - 8gb

Storage - Samsung EVO 840 pro


I currently use pingzapper + some fps and ping optimizations in BNS buddy

In-game ping usually hovers between 90-120


AN IMPORTANT NOTE: not to blame this on something other than my own skill, but something I've noticed watching other assassin's parses on youtube and such; It seems like my attacks are slower than those of other sins. Take a look at this sin's parse:




His dark strikes are infinitely faster than mine. And yes, I do have low in game ping, but for some reason my dark strikes just "move slower" than his. Its not a ping issue, as its not the skill delay that's ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ing me, but rather the time it takes for the Dark Strike animation to fully play out. Even with correct animation cancelling, my Dark Strike doesn't move as fast as his. (This guy was shadow tiger, but as a side note, my RMB spamming burst is also slower than other sins I've seen, despite my good in-game ping)

I would like to know what you guys have done to optimize the game in a way where it would perform like it does for the guy in the video above. My game performs nothing like that, and it's made it impossible for me to improve my parse.

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Parse? What? 90-120 sounds good. If it seems like his animations are faster, maybe he's using some kind of hacks? Find different people to watch. See if there is any variance besides this guys.

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11 minutes ago, brutalriff said:

I do have HM HS, got it like a year ago


I just dont know how his Dark Strikes go so fast.

You need MUCH lower ping to execute rmb-f as fast as this guy. I tried my sin at a friend's place in the capital and there with 35ms on bnsbuddy, I got similar rmb-f speed to what we see in the video you posted. At home with 90-100ms it's a very different story.

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It's off on my instance, tho I never really nosed around the settings tab. I use it cause of the options that makes loading screen shorter and allow the game to put the exe instancing on a different core without needing a low level reload (I have 12 cores and I assign the game to four of them manually. This setting helps a lot with reassigning the loads easily).

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18 hours ago, Shintensen said:

Ancestral badge should be paired with Tiger bracelet. 


read what people write to you - change you bracelet and just use rmb>F ale thet time (and every 10s 3>4, and v every 50s) and of philosophy

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hmm ok thanks for the input. i do use macro, but its bound to my mouse, not my keyboard. will make changes and test it out :)

and yea i know tiger is better for solo parse haha, just wanted to try dragon ancestral before making the switch


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