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A few questions...


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So, i've been playing for a while now, but there are some things that are quite specific (others not so much) that i wish i knew the answer to. 

I forgot most questions, so i'll edit this post as i remember them/find new questions.


1: What does this gem do, exactly? My guess is that it allows me to deal two guaranteed critical hits. If that's the case, what's the cooldown?



2: About the additional damage stat, does it work per hit, or per attack? i.e: fm's fire fury hits 3 times in one attack. And what about additional damage gem? Per hit or per attack?

3: Do gem effects work in arena pvp?

4: When do these weapon effects happen? And what's the cooldown? Is the extra skill damage permanent, or does it only activate together with the other effects?



5: What's this? (using shift f1)



6: During 8F on Mushin's tower, is it possible to avoid the first 5s grab he does? If not, does the achievement that require you to kill Mushin's Darkness in one minute require 60 seconds, or 65 seconds?

7: Whenever i crit with this skill, i get to shoot it again instantly, for free. If that free cast crits, do i get another free cast? You normally wouldn't, in most game, but sometimes i feel like i shoot off too many dragoncalls, so the question stands. And if you do get to cast it again for free, can it be done infinitely?


More questions to come soon~

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11 hours ago, Kuroyori said:


3. arena pvp is equalised, and your items don't have any effect

4. weapon effect is random on hit, and  skill damage is permanent

6. try using iframe papers, if they don't work, nope. achievement doesn't care about the flow of the battle, the timer starts when boss gets your aggro

7. i wish :c

lets call them like this -> basic DC - the one on 18 sec cooldown

                                         extra DC - the one that you get when you crit

Only a basic DC can trigger an extra DC.

The game registers every extra DC as a separate, so you can "store" a few extra DC for instant cast (and you should keep casting as long as you're able to) -> when you see the skill cooldown, you use skills that reduce it (rupture, wingstorm, bombardment during leech, bombardment during soulburn).

There are also skills that instantly refresh basic DC cooldown and make it insta-cast (3, leech) or make it instant cast only as a good starter (repulse stage 3) - also to be used to sustain rotation - only when basic DC is off cooldown!

If you keep reducing the cooldown of basic DC fast enough and have it for instant cast, you can keep shooting extra DC all day long! (or well, until RNG allows it).

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2 hours ago, Nekonata said:

3. arena pvp is equalised, and your items don't have any effect

4. weapon effect is random on hit, and  skill damage is permanent

6. try using iframe papers, if they don't work, nope. achievement doesn't care about the flow of the battle, the timer starts when boss gets your aggro

7. i wish :c

lets call them like this -> basic DC - the one on 18 sec cooldown

                                         extra DC - the one that you get when you crit

Only a basic DC can trigger an extra DC.

The game registers every extra DC as a separate, so you can "store" a few extra DC for instant cast (and you should keep casting as long as you're able to) -> when you see the skill cooldown, you use skills that reduce it (rupture, wingstorm, bombardment during leech, bombardment during soulburn).

There are also skills that instantly refresh basic DC cooldown and make it insta-cast (3, leech) or make it instant cast only as a good starter (repulse stage 3) - also to be used to sustain rotation - only when basic DC is off cooldown!

If you keep reducing the cooldown of basic DC fast enough and have it for instant cast, you can keep shooting extra DC all day long! (or well, until RNG allows it).

Thank you for the answers :o As for mushin, i had already tried all kinds of iframes and resists possible (haven't tried the 3/6s immunity item for tower) before this thread was made, and nothing worked. 

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4 hours ago, Mirryn said:

I believe only FM can avoid the opening grab on floor 8.

Frost sheath? D:

Well, no matter. Managed to get the achievement with a fight time of 1 minute and 33 miliseconds. Was lucky that ping had randomly lowered and all my dcs were crits.

Still, thank you for mentioning. My alt likely will have less trouble in there, then.

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1: Rubies proc at the same rate as your Hongmoon weapon effects, ~ 10%. While the guaranteed crit effect is up, you cannot get the effect again, but the effect disappears with the 3rd hit so time is less important than number of attacks. So with a basic 1x crit ruby (green penta e.g.) you get 1 guranteed crit per 11 attacks on average, with yours 2 per 12 and with Brilliant hepta or higher you get 3 guaranteed crits per 13 attacks on average. The effect expires after 3 seconds for the 1x and 5 seconds for the 2x and 3x I think, but not 100% sure about this.

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1 hour ago, Shuchin said:

1: Rubies proc at the same rate as your Hongmoon weapon effects, ~ 10%. While the guaranteed crit effect is up, you cannot get the effect again, but the effect disappears with the 3rd hit so time is less important than number of attacks. So with a basic 1x crit ruby (green penta e.g.) you get 1 guranteed crit per 11 attacks on average, with yours 2 per 12 and with Brilliant hepta or higher you get 3 guaranteed crits per 13 attacks on average. The effect expires after 3 seconds for the 1x and 5 seconds for the 2x and 3x I think, but not 100% sure about this.

I see :o Thank you for explaining that.

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Since i haven't seen it answered.


2) Additional dmg (stat and gem) is applied to each hit. But it's crappy stat since it's just a flat addition to total dmg, it's not affected by other dmg modifiers.

5) I think these are hp bars for encounters with multiple bosses.

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  • 5 weeks later...

1: It has a chance of trigger when you attack. You'll get two garantued hits. No cooldown, it's just on luck if it triggers.


2: Additional damage is just a flat increase of total damage.


3: No gears affect arena PVP, except 6v6


4: Triggers on attack. Based on luck and no cooldowns like the ruby gem.


5: No idea, have never seen these come up!


6: His grab triggers the timer. So the 1 minute timer starts AFTER his grab.


7: Free casts don't give another free cast. :)

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