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Suggests your own favourite teamconstellations!!!


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i would ask you guys, which team constellations you would prefer and why? (If you want something as addition: with AP and/or for which dungeons)


My Team (Average AP: 550+):


- 6 men:

  1. Summoner (me)
  2. Warlock (SB-Buff)
  3. Warlock (SB-Buff)
  4. Sin
  5. BM
  6. BM


I havent done any 4 mens yet...

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1/ Sumr (Heal/Off-tank/Party Stealth). Also, I play Sum, lol.

2/ BD (Grab, HM Tab, fast double CC)/Sin (fighting spirit/taxi). Des is okay as BD replacement, if there is no BD.

3/ WL (soulburn)

4/ If 2 is BD: KFM (tank/fighting spirit). If 2 is Sin: BM (tank/HM Block)

Or FM (Ranged tank+Sheath), in case a KFM or a BM is not available.




1/ Sum

2/ BD/Des


4/ WL

5/ FM/Sin

6/ FM/WL



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