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Grimhorn boss spawn now skips randomly??


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Grimhorn boss spawn now just skips randomly? Isn't it expedition -> execution -> boss spawn, with XX number of miniboss kills in between? So why is it the boss phase just skipped as seen in below screenshots?






Seriously wtf is this BS? Just spent an hour killing mobs and waiting around and the damn boss chooses not to spawn? Is it really fun for you to waste players' time?

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Just happened AGAIN. That's the last time I set foot in this place. I'd rather endure the pains of the 3v3 arena daily.

And this is why 24m instances in this game will always fail and be deserted due to lack of MMO common sense. First it's Nightshade/E.Fleet, then Beastbog, then Zaiwei Ruins, now this. And it'll be the exact same for all the 24m instances to come. Why? Because it focuses on wasting players' time waiting X hours for the damn boss to spawn, instead of what MMO's are supposed to do, killing stuff and having fun.

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I dont think ist bugged. Like Alcier said, you have to be successfull in both events no matter which one first. Most people are standing at the boss doing nothing thats the reason why it takes so long and some phases also fail. They just dont know (or dont care) that you have to kill elite to start the phases. If all people would play instead of being afk we would be done in 20 min. with all phases.

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20 minutes? Not really. From the moment you get the boss spawning message (I didn't really look at time, but close) you have to wait 5 minutes just so the event begins. And this is fine, it gives you time to reach the event. On the other side, that is 15 minutes of waiting just for spawning. Now count in time between the events...

But that is not the problem here, nope. Yesterday Kairam was reset on few channels. ALL THE TIME WASTED TO MAKE IT SPAWN and it gets reset and leaves the area. Wtf.

(and then I finally give up and go to arena... I'm just a mediocre silver scrub when it comes to pvp. I got yelled at by some "pro" to uninstall the freaking game. He barely took away 40% of opponents hp, but hey.)

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2 hours ago, Nekonata said:

But that is not the problem here, nope. Yesterday Kairam was reset on few channels. ALL THE TIME WASTED TO MAKE IT SPAWN and it gets reset and leaves the area. Wtf.

Most likely some BD or destro runs too far from the spawn spot with the boss making it reset and disappear. This is still bug the they should be fixing. Yes there are derps who reset it for other players on purpose.

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