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Would you recomment assassin to a new player?


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So I recently built myself a new pc and can finally run B&S and was hoping to play assassin, problem is I would be playing solo and since assassins are all about dps im not sure whether its a good choice for a first character. Do you guys have any advice and/or tips for me?


P.s. How hard is it to find a guild and people to play with when when new to the game? Also what server is the best to play on?

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That depends on whether or not you're the kind of person that enjoys playing more than one character. If you only have the time and patience to gear up one main character, I would suggest going with a ranged class to make grinding certain high-end content a bit easier on yourself. That being said, I do consider assassins a worthwhile first choice of a class, along with KFM, simply because they're considered one of the more complex and difficult classes to play. In my opinion, starting with the harder class makes it all the more rewarding once you "git gud" at it. Not to mention permanent stealth will easily carry you until you reach end game.

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Well, I've been maining a BM since release.....and when I switched to sin....wow I just can't express the smoothness of this class. 

Definitely recommend this class to anyone who likes to pewpew gg.

I play on Mushin, some of the big guilds usually require high AP(500+) to join. But there are tons of other guilds that would take any lvl/class.

Making friends in BnS is kinda hard, until late game. Cuz u usually do xserve que, and ppl come and go pretty fast. Best way is to join a guild.

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Every class is a good choice! As for Assasins, they are actually strong! At least those who mastered the class! PVE and PVP!


Well for now worry about leveling! you can make it to lvl 50 just by doing the story. Now at 50 is when she need to find out whether you like the game/mechanics and progression. For now, just enjoy leveling your character.

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Me(Kung fu master) and my guld leader(assasin)  often retk every boss apart by the two of us

i think either kfm or sin is good to start with besides

the sin dmg is so bullsheit

but i cant conplain coz once u start to master kfm the dmg is so much bs too!

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No, just go Force Master or Summoner. Also pick Mushin server because it's the more populated.
I have 6 characters, all lv 50 Hm6/7 and the sin is the less used. Pick warlock if you want to have some fun and be useful to the party.


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I won't recommend it to a brand new player, but if u really like the class u can try it. Assassin is a pretty difficult class, if u play it good u will have a lot of fun with it, but if u r bad u could do nothing in the party.

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Assassins are, undoubtedly, the top tier class in PvE, and among the high tier classes in PvP. They are actually not "all just about" damage and offensive buffs, they possess largest and most useful utility kit overall than any other class, and it's their job to properly manage their tools for the right situation. Now, what do we have in our toolkit?

  • Melee "Offensive jack-of-all-trades"
  • Highest damage in the game alongside Force Master
  • Group mob bypass via stealth and taxi pull
  • Anti-projectile field
  • Double hit group invincibility frame via stealth protection (required in future dungeons)
  • 100 meter downed party rescue pull affecting all formed of downed states
  • Effective bleed stacker (-20% natural HP regeneration, stacks up to 5 times)
  • Group buff via Fighting Spirit (40% crit rate + 50% crit damage + 70% life drain)
  • Grab restraint (albeit the worst one out of all classes)
  • Knockup extension (huge boon in future dungeons)

Assassins are extremely versatile, with the ability to protect our party members from harm via a stealth invincibility frame and an anti-projectile field, as well as transporting them through lethal trash mobs, and rescuing stragglers who end up dying to trash without needing to engage them. Their trademark solo stealth is remarkable; while most bosses in the endgame can see Assassins through stealth, trash mobs and minibosses still cannot, allowing for safe dispatching while every other class attracts everything and everyone and potentially ends up dying. Finally, we are most notable for buffing the party, as well as stacking bleed debuffs on the boss so they cannot regenerate health in the millions.

The main downsides, however, are their lack of area of effect skills (which rarely matter in most situations), a sub-par grab with very wonky activation conditions (though still useful if there's no other grab class in the group), and an extremely high learning curve; our ability to use stealth and stack poison rely on specific conditions (e.g. target's back, if target is poisoned, etc.) and in certain situations some or none of the conditions can be met.


Overall, Assassins are quite literally gods, covering almost every angle and filling in gaps of the capabilities of other classes, and are practically required in the future content, but are one of the most difficult classes to master. If you want to be both useful to the party and endure challenge, along with the perks of stealth, this class is for you.

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