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Adjust stats of high level when entering low level dungeon


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Iwas just thinking that as low level you dont get to enjoy the dungeons when you party with high level players who skip mobs and rush to the boss. Sometimes you also get toasted because they start the boss without you. And sometines you die when the mobs they skipped kill you. 

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That's sounds like more a problem with the players than the absence of a contrived mechanic to increase difficulty.


There are some people who don't rush through things or do excessive skipping. Also, once you get to a higher level, the game requires so much time that even if you want to help people with lower dungeons you'll nearly always be doing a disservice to yourself. So they really wouldn't want to spend 20+minutes in a dungeon where they won't benefit in the least bit...but 5 mins to help out players...sure, that's easier for most people to sacrifice.

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The idea itself isn't so good. High level players enter the low heroic dungeons because of the daily challenge. Most people use F8 for that and there is your problem. They could do it solo without a problem but they had to port to the dungeon. I do it this way because it's better for me because I don't have to wait for others.


I can give only that advice: If you have 50+ people in your group in that dungeons, let them do everything while skipping mobs and just follow them. If they add mobs, you won't add them. Don't fight normal mobs because these people will burn you in the fire.

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4 hours ago, Zedonia said:

I can give only that advice: If you have 50+ people in your group in that dungeons, let them do everything while skipping mobs and just follow them. If they add mobs, you won't add them. Don't fight normal mobs because these people will burn you in the fire.

Only works so far... unlike them your lvl 20 char can die in a stun shot if you have aggro from multiple enemies. And they generally have more sprint time than you.

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The suggesion is not entirely bad. In GW2 when you entered a lower level area, your stats would be capped for that level range. So if a dungeon is for level 30, whoever enters that dungeon (high level player) would have its stats maxed for level 30 but not more. Ofc this will never happen, but I do somewhat agree with OP, not because I think it's important to help lower level players (screw them), but because there should be a limit to how easy and fast a high level player can farm a low level dungeon.

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It would actually give more meaning to the daily challenge, since I heard it mention on the livestreams that one purpose of the daily challenge is to bring population to little used dungeons, so people who need those dungeons can group up. So it would be more of a real challenge, and more help to the low level players, if stats were capped. Experienced players already have the advantage of knowing the dungeon mechanics and their class skills perfectly, they don't need uber gear to make the whole experience a pointless jump-and-run game. :P

Currently, I could solo Tomb of the Exiles even with a lvl 3 shop weapon, the base AP is so high already.


-> I strongly support stat capping, and a mentoring system as well!

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But i ask: why lv 50s JOIN IN a low-level group for a low-level dungeon (like ToE) while doing it solo?


They have 500+ AP, Accs and Weapon are most upgraded, why they dont do it solo?


Its okay when they would help or carry some low level players,but no: rush and let them die..

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@Monkey D Luffy


They want to group rush for faster cleartime and better use of windwalk sprint. Doing it solo could feel boring aswell.


What I don't like is people burning each other, one guy burned a party mate in ToE and I counter burned him on second boss as he wasn't first the second time.

It was ok since the whole party hated his unfair move :D

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6 hours ago, MonkeyDRuffy said:

But i ask: why lv 50s JOIN IN a low-level group for a low-level dungeon (like ToE) while doing it solo?


They have 500+ AP, Accs and Weapon are most upgraded, why they dont do it solo?


Its okay when they would help or carry some low level players,but no: rush and let them die..

They dont do it solo because then they have to teleport to the dungeon etc. (takes time) and teleport back to where they came from etc.

Using F8 mostly goes faster. 

I however normally kill as much mobs as possible as it only takes one to two hits.
However it is all NCsofts fault for putting LOW LEVEL dungeons in a daily challenge (50+). So dont blame the players, blame the developers of Ncwest. 

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I know about the teleport issues.


I was talking about people, who join via F8 in low level groups. They could join the groups and then leave them immediatly. But noo.


And equaly, if it is the fault of NCWest: we HAVE TO wait for comming players. Or if someone has a long way to come, tell him/her to wait, till the fight is over. In the Lv 50s dungeons we also wait for comming players, why not in the low level dungeons? Because its a easy dungeon?

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