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Create a Normalized 6v6 arena, dont let this game DIE in vain


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How to kill a game? cut the player-base.
How to cut the player base? insert only elite-content.

So, ta-da 6v6 geared arena is born and guess what, it's the only alternative to get moonstones except from SSP (wait, did someone said cash-shop?).
Now it's a failure simply because 99% of the player base don't want to face overgeared oppos.

I don't know if the 'Marketing' people/boss of NCSoft didn't even get a degree in marketing but  these are not winning moves, these are more like "burn this game please" moves.

Now i will propose probably the simpliest solution at this problem, even if the game itself deserves to die given the (eufemism) poor decisions that NCSoft implemented in those months.


Make it parallel to the "Geared" one if you want, and observe their behaviors, you will see that the geared one is a total failure with respect to the other.

Given my previous experience, the probability that NCSoft takes this post in consideration is like 5-10%, so farewell.


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I have no problem with the current 6v6 battlegrounds. I love it. Yes, I have 630+AP but I worked hard for my gear. It's about time they give us something we can not only use our skills but the gear we earned. I will always love and enjoy battlegrounds as they are. If you are low geared but have high skill then simply man up and gear up. If you want normalization go play arenas.

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Fact is, i'm not proposing to delete the geared queue, i'm proposing to implement ALSO the other one and take an observation period + conclusions about which one is better.
If they don't want to do even those small tries, they totally deserve to have a dead game but it's a pity, because it has (had) a great potential.

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The no-lifers with 600AP obviously don't want this because they want to be able to PK 300AP people with ease. If this was implemented, all the 300AP people would go to normalized 6v6, only the 600AP people would still play the imbalanced 6v6. Of course they don't want actually fair fights against other 600AP people, oh no that would actually mean they'll have a chance of getting killed! Huge e-peen shrinker right there. It's much more fun for them to gang up on newbies and get the satisfaction of killing someone 10x weaker.

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To be honest, it's kind of nice to able able to PvP with my warlock's gear because I have way higher health and defense than their normalized squishy stats in arena and my 50% crit procs on HM skills actually work. 


That said though, the rewards just aren't worth it when you have 10 minute plus queues! The RNG timegate of the chest keys is a ridiculous bottleneck on actually getting moonstones out of the mode, and you earn points waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too slowly to be able to get the HM skills in any reasonable length of time. (even by the standards of other modes. Getting them with zen beans through 3v3 is much faster, queues are shorter, matches are quicker and you get more beans than battle points) 


I kind of wish 6v6 had normalized but selectable stats like Gw2 but it'd be kind of pointless since this game has next to no gear variation to begin with. Basically comes down to if you bother to fuse crit def/def onto your shields instead of going full crit. 


But a few smaller things NC could do to make the mode more enticing, imbalances or not: 


1. More points: Straight-up double the points you get. Whirlwind has no tiers like PvP so you can't really increase your earning rate like you can in Arena. Even on the loosing team if you can scrape up 500 points or so on a loss you'd still make some worthwhile progress towards rewards if the totals were uppped a bit more. (That time by 'points' I meant the in-match points that scale with the spendable currency you actually get) There seems to be a bonus point system that lines up all zeros, so maybe give us westerners an alternate way of accessing these bonus points seeing as we don't really have net cafe's to get this "net cafe bonus" or any of the others. 


2. Kill the RNG on the keys: The drop rate is pretty low, even if you're doing all your daily heroics. Dragon certificates on the other hand are guaranteed and I'm swimming in them. I understand if they don't want keys as plentiful as certificates (Though why not?) But it would be great to have a non-RNG way to get them. Possibly a guaranteed one from a smaller set of dailies, or purchasable with zen beans, from the achievement vendor, or something. 


Between those two things, even if you're losing matches, there'd be a reason to cue whirlwind for a steady trickle of moonstones, at least. 


But there is one thing NCsoft could do to pretty much kill the imbalance easily though they wouldn't do it:


Give solo players and premade parties separate queues!


If you hit the ready button and get 5 random team-mates, so are your opponents! The advantages get smoothed out because 600ap+ high end players and 350ap low gear players are then randomly distributed among both teams. And then premade teams only fight premade teams, which is better for fights among the more competitive types anyways. Since the premade version will be more competitive, perhaps that cue could have a higher reward rate of points. I think it'd be a win/win system for both types of players and make the system more fun all around. There'd still be gear imbalance naturally, but it'd be less insurmountable and give some leeway to outplay it. 










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7 hours ago, TaurinFox said:

I have no problem with the current 6v6 battlegrounds. I love it. Yes, I have 630+AP but I worked hard for my gear. It's about time they give us something we can not only use our skills but the gear we earned. I will always love and enjoy battlegrounds as they are. If you are low geared but have high skill then simply man up and gear up. If you want normalization go play arenas.

Im also 600+ now and how can you enjoy it if its always empty?? :/ 

And how can you enjoy killing low gear people, isnt fun at all..... PVP is supposed to be a challenge, you fight vs the other one who see who is better if you can say so... But fighting 500+ isnt a reall challenge.


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I love the 6v6 arena even when I get killed a lot or have a bad team. What I don't like are the ques. It was part of our challenge yesterday so I qued and waited 20minutes with no battle. I even tried to make a party and only one person joined because I "have low gear" (515 i think ap is apparently to low for most people >.>).  

Best part about 6v6 for me was the moonstones from the boxes. Now its annoying as all get out to try to get a party and get in so I can even get loser points to get my boxes. Guess I am now stuck just buying moonstones from people who can do ssp. 

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On 21/05/2016 at 0:13 PM, TaurinFox said:
On 21/05/2016 at 7:36 PM, Mastrof said:

Im also 600+ now and how can you enjoy it if its always empty?? :/ 

And how can you enjoy killing low gear people, isnt fun at all..... PVP is supposed to be a challenge, you fight vs the other one who see who is better if you can say so... But fighting 500+ isnt a reall challenge.


I have no problem with the current 6v6 battlegrounds. I love it. Yes, I have 630+AP but I worked hard for my gear. It's about time they give us something we can not only use our skills but the gear we earned. I will always love and enjoy battlegrounds as they are. If you are low geared but have high skill then simply man up and gear up. If you want tnormalization go play arenas.

THIS is exactly the point, you need to stimulate the REAL player base (80/90% of players) and now they are not motivated to queue if they already know they will be stomped by some 600+ , simply is not fair.
Just imagine what would happen if PvP Arena 1v1 would have that implementation too (not-normalized), Hhow many players do you think will be playing it? 4-5%?
Cmon NCSoft whats the problem on trying to make a normalized parallel queue for 6v6?  I bet the player base will play it more and there will be no queue of 15-20 min.

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I've never considered trying it.


My AP is low (470), and will always remain behind those who are now 600+ AP and all that jazz.


I have no access to HM skills save for the Royal Bean one.


I know full well that I stand zero chance against a geared/HM'd-out opponent with all the books and skills.


If it's a group game, no way I am queueing as a pug in low gear. I have no desire to listen to the standard "Die in the fire tonight you f***g moron you" ever again. Doesn't matter what the rewards are. Life's too short.


Also, I really dislike the 3vs3, so I am not sure what 6vs 6 is, and if it is actually a group objectives-based capture-the-flag game (or games?) or a simple succession of duels like a tag.


Besides, Arenas are equalized, and I don't even have time for that. Too busy grinding for gear.


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