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Can't beat the hackers? Join them!


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Anyone who feels like actually being able to farm SS on SSP again might as well just adopt the teleport hack as well and start raking in the dough. It's clear at this point it's not a punishable offence since these teleport hackers have been running rampant. 

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Hello at all above,


my subscription runs out soon too and thru the course of action that NCSoft is taking ill stop supporting them financially!


This means NO Ncoin and NO Premium!


The economy is unstable as is and PvP is unplayable at the moment.


I see things in two ways.



- Speedhacking

- Teleporting

- Summoner Resist Hack

- Bots

- Multiboxing



- This shows how vulnerable Blade and Soul really is and that gives the Devs. hints on how to optimize the Game for NA and EU.


Mayor Issue:

- People feel screwed over by the delay of actions taken!!! (NCSoft)


Critical Issue:

- Is overall optimization of the game! Since we all have a newly build block version of BnS and NCSoft has to fill in requests for changes to the Devs. they don't have absolute control over BnS at all!!!

- The same thing goes with the idea of the server infrastructure. All are affected by it NA / EU. This adds as a multiplier to the experience being suxxx...


For example:


I myself am located in Germany ------> ISP Telekom -----> Internet ----> NCSoft Gateway ISP ----> NCSoft Server after multiple tests I have found out that the Gateway at NCSoft is creating my Jitters and packet-losses. Who ever is the Network admin plz check that!


Thanks for reading and Sincerely


Sin. aka Sigma (Frostgipfel DE) Summoner



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this is why ncsoft do subscription based premium because they know they cant keep the players happy for a whole year, but got the funds out of them already... haha i got more than 360 days left and im tired of all the bots and hackers

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