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BM vs Warlock = 100% rip bm


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I dont rly understand this class no matter what i do i got always a sh!t load of damage and the Warlock can always escape every single cc. And if he summon his daemon the game is just over because i always get stuck on them and cant escape while still got this high amount of damage where i have no clue from what it comes. From around 20 matches i lost 19 (even against silver or lvl 36 one) And the only battle i won so far was because my opponent didn't summoned his daemon (duno why he didn't do this).


have Someone tips against this guys?

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Bms have tools to fight warlock. You probably don't play too well if you get beaten by a lvl 36 or silver warlock >>

I'm no god of BMs either, but I can fight them decently and beat a lot of them.


What I found so far (never read their skills) :


-When they use "Bastion" (they will have a yellow icon with 5 seconds duration), they are immune to cc/damage for 5 hits (I think), so try to run from that or just Q/E around his demon (if he sends it on you) or on him so you can buy time until effect is off.  Or you can use normal attacks to make it disappear though this leaves you open.


-Warlocks can use either : 1. Time Warp or 2. Soulburn in arena as their main burst.  Timewarp resets the cooldown on their abilities while they stay in the yellow circle created by the demon (the demon stays with hands on ground casting or something). Just run from that as far as possible. Or they can use Soulburn which requires them to sacrifice their pet (they will get wings and in tag allies get wings too if they assist) which gives them a buff to damage. If you see a warlock with soulburn what you can do is try to cc him. Since they used soulburn they'll probably try to play as offensive as possible since they need to deal damage before the buff runs out so just use five point strike/c/3/x/2/lunar slash, whatever to cc him (five point strike is better though cause you can keep him unable to do damage a longer time since you have to do the aerial animation, etc.


If you happen to be near the time warp zone and can't run in time, just try to CC the warlock and make him waste time.


-They have an AoE snare or well a zone where they snare with chains everything inside. SS out of that or use Cyclone after blocking an attack (while doing cyclone walk out with it out of circle, if you can't, well SS it).


-Sometimes they do a yellow chain around them. While they are inside that area, they are immune to stuns and they take lower damage. You can just walk away from that and wait until it's duration is over. There's also a smaller circle with chain but they are no immune to CC inside it I guess, not sure myself what it does.


-Warlocks also have a block skill, similar to BMs. If you hit into Block they can knock you back (you can block the knockback or Q/E around the warlock to trick him into using it). If you see warlock spamming block, walk around him / Q-E him and damage. You can also use Kick on it I guess.


-The best time to burst him is when they dont have the demon spawned (but it can be done when the demon is out too). Also, never focus demon, takes a bit of time to kill it and it's useless to do it in my opinion.


-Usually most warlocks send pet on you (which has a suction skill that pulls you in every second or whatever). After they use that skill, they can't move the pet anymore for some time, so what I usually do after this is SS out of the suction and use pentaslash on the warlock to get him into aerial then try to waste his escapes


-Warlock can switch places with the pet, the funny thing about this is that if you use soaring falcon (Z) to pull the warlock before he changes position and he changes position before Z hits, you'll pull him from the distance.


-Pet can knock you up, so be careful of this (you can Q-E around it)


-When they pull an orb from you that enables them to use Helix (the 2 dragons that appear behind him). Helix bypasses block so don't try to block that. Instead, try to run away from it's range or iframe it (Q/E/SS/Cyclone). Btw, and someone can correct me if I'm wrong, you can't stop the casting of Helix, so if you cc the warlock helix will still be casted.


No idea what else to tell you, there might be more stuff but I either don't remember now or I don't know it.

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1 hour ago, MadnessCaffe said:

Bms have tools to fight warlock. You probably don't play too well if you get beaten by a lvl 36 or silver warlock >>

I'm no god of BMs either, but I can fight them decently and beat a lot of them.


What I found so far (never read their skills) :


-When they use "Bastion" (they will have a yellow icon with 5 seconds duration), they are immune to cc/damage for 5 hits (I think), so try to run from that or just Q/E around his demon (if he sends it on you) or on him so you can buy time until effect is off.  Or you can use normal attacks to make it disappear though this leaves you open.


-Warlocks can use either : 1. Time Warp or 2. Soulburn in arena as their main burst.  Timewarp resets the cooldown on their abilities while they stay in the yellow circle created by the demon (the demon stays with hands on ground casting or something). Just run from that as far as possible. Or they can use Soulburn which requires them to sacrifice their pet (they will get wings and in tag allies get wings too if they assist) which gives them a buff to damage. If you see a warlock with soulburn what you can do is try to cc him. Since they used soulburn they'll probably try to play as offensive as possible since they need to deal damage before the buff runs out so just use five point strike/c/3/x/2/lunar slash, whatever to cc him (five point strike is better though cause you can keep him unable to do damage a longer time since you have to do the aerial animation, etc.


If you happen to be near the time warp zone and can't run in time, just try to CC the warlock and make him waste time.


-They have an AoE snare or well a zone where they snare with chains everything inside. SS out of that or use Cyclone after blocking an attack (while doing cyclone walk out with it out of circle, if you can't, well SS it).


-Sometimes they do a yellow chain around them. While they are inside that area, they are immune to stuns and they take lower damage. You can just walk away from that and wait until it's duration is over. There's also a smaller circle with chain but they are no immune to CC inside it I guess, not sure myself what it does.


-Warlocks also have a block skill, similar to BMs. If you hit into Block they can knock you back (you can block the knockback or Q/E around the warlock to trick him into using it). If you see warlock spamming block, walk around him / Q-E him and damage. You can also use Kick on it I guess.


-The best time to burst him is when they dont have the demon spawned (but it can be done when the demon is out too). Also, never focus demon, takes a bit of time to kill it and it's useless to do it in my opinion.


-Usually most warlocks send pet on you (which has a suction skill that pulls you in every second or whatever). After they use that skill, they can't move the pet anymore for some time, so what I usually do after this is SS out of the suction and use pentaslash on the warlock to get him into aerial then try to waste his escapes


-Warlock can switch places with the pet, the funny thing about this is that if you use soaring falcon (Z) to pull the warlock before he changes position and he changes position before Z hits, you'll pull him from the distance.


-Pet can knock you up, so be careful of this (you can Q-E around it)


-When they pull an orb from you that enables them to use Helix (the 2 dragons that appear behind him). Helix bypasses block so don't try to block that. Instead, try to run away from it's range or iframe it (Q/E/SS/Cyclone). Btw, and someone can correct me if I'm wrong, you can't stop the casting of Helix, so if you cc the warlock helix will still be casted.


No idea what else to tell you, there might be more stuff but I either don't remember now or I don't know it.

I play both bm and wl, so I can give some clarifications.


-The yellow chains called sanctum can be specced to heal 5%, it can also disable targeting while wl is in it. 


-block can be specced into a parry stun just like bm, don't rush in recklessly if you see it.


-The absolute best time to burst a wl is when their skills are on cooldown.  Most of their offense has quite a heft cooldown and they rely on cooldown resets (usually 3 a cycle if they use wing storm and helix) 


-Projectiles can be parried, i believe this includes wingstorm. Easy stuns if they just mash lmb rmb. When they wingstorm, they want to burst you with helix most likely.  Parry it to delay their chance. 


-avoid thrall like the plague,  attempt to seperate them. If you manage that and wl calls thrall back,  have an i frame ready in anticipation. Attacking wl next to thrall will likely provoke an escape or a resist. If resist, fall back,  if escape chase down. 

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Patience is key here. Rushing in will only get you punished. I've faced a fair amount of WL's so I'll try to tell you from experience.


Some WL's will immediately summon Thrall. Just run away. It's a bait for you to go in. Keep a keen eye for any major WL skills. Bastion/Sanctum/Leech/Quell. Situations will vary, so get creative when the opportunity presents itself. If Bastion is on CD, that is something you can take advantage off. I recommend spec'ing into Blade Call. WL's are squishy, so 100-0'ing them isn't hard, assuming you know the proper rotation for Blade Call.


Don't SS recklessly. You will get punished for it. 


Like the comment above me, avoid Thrall. Getting pulled in is a dangerous spot to be in. Especially if WL has all of their abilities up. Avoid damage and get out asap. If you can't, target WL.  


Some WL's will not start with Thrall, and instead use Bastion. They are expecting an offensive front. Again, be patient. 


Watch out for their guard skill, Quell. It is spammable but you can get around it. 


Best case scenerio in my past victories against them. If you can, pull them (Z) and sweep (3). Chances are WL will panic and use an escape. Tech chase them. If lucky, WL will use their 2nd escape, again, just tech chase into Blade Call. Easy 100-0.

If WL is smart and doesn't take the bait, use that opportunity to get in some damage. I don't believe WL has a roll so don't be hesitant to deal some damage. Just watch out for the escapes and follow accordingly. 


GL, fellow BM. Hope our advice's help you.




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We have 3 hard counters:


Summoner, Sin and Warlock.


We hard counter 1 class:


Force Master


Everything else we have a fighting chance against, but they have a slight advantage against us (can be overcame with good play). 

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Always remember never rush using your V skills always stun them and wait until they use their escapes you gotta be clear and sure that they use all their resists or escapes then u stun chain them with your skills and spam v skills you can take 80%hp within that stun chain check out some YouTube videos a lot of good bm videos out there

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