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Soulstone Plains as Meele


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This field ist insane as Meele. I tried to dodge every Attack but there to fast lol.


on each boss i die so often, and i have no idea why i dont get loot. (Every AoE attack kills me instantly)


Tipps for Blade Master?


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And if you play it safe and avoid the attacks you don't do enough damage to get anything. So frustrating when you waste time like 10-30 minutes over there and get 0 quests done. Gave up with the whole area. Simply horrible area for melees.

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Well of course it is not for melee :) All the open world bosses are for ranged classes, melee can suck a *BEEP*. Just like it was with terrors and BW now it's same with soulstone plains. And I don't think any upcoming content will be any different.  In other words - want to get it done without chocking on aoes with 10 fps? Reroll. Pick a pew pew pew class and you're rich. Sad isn't it?

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i can agree, sometimes cant even get a drop, is this really stupid? boss aoe so fast, cant even dodge/block, and some stupid mages classses dps from a range and get everything, tell me what nc soft thinking when they made bullshit like this?i am done with soulstone plains. Don't mention that my fps is around 15 when i turn people off ...

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1 hour ago, Sharaly said:

This field ist insane as Meele. I tried to dodge every Attack but there to fast lol.


on each boss i die so often, and i have no idea why i dont get loot. (Every AoE attack kills me instantly)


Tipps for Blade Master?


stay at max range and hit them with 8m battojutsu.

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I lost over 400 Prestige pts in a few hours because I pulled aggro and the boss stun locked me and killed me.


As an assassin I have no blocks to avoid damage if I pull aggro. I have 3 Iframes with long cooldowns. The bosses can see through stealth.

Otherwise I do fine, so long as I don't pull aggro... 


Everytime I get caught in an AOE and get down to 50% HP I run out of combat and heal to full, and jump back into it.

I farm anywhere between 7-20 prestige per boss kill (more on bosses with larger health pools).

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Its insane for everyone not jus melee yes they have a harder time but honestly everyone is in the same boat mainly because of the framerate. Im an fm and i literally cant even see the att they do cause im at 5fps on min settings. Unless ofc u have like 30fps there  in which i envy u if thats the case dont spam ur atts do it in moderation and always keep a window in between skills where u can iframe ex> LB> wait 1s > rb> wait 1s> 2>wait 1s (maybe not 1s but u get da point) so u always have an option of a def skill and ur not actaully doing another skill when the aoe comes out and ur locked into dat skill. I still think 1. their atts are wayyyyy to fast and 2. THE GOD DANG FRAMERATE

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Thats not only in the Soulstone Plains like that.


- The Terrors are simply impossible as a melee class (I'm a Sin), both in Misty Woods and the Plains. Out of 10 trys i get maybe 2 chests in Misty.

At the plains i can get a chest everytime from nearly every boss (with exception from the last boss at Phase 3 cause of instant AOE's). From Terrors i yet have to accomplish it.

- Blackwyrm is kinda shitty too. I am at 465 AP right now. I have to fight BW from 100% down to 0% (i dont even need to start to fight if BW is at under 75%, cause guarenteed no chest) and not die once to even get a normal chest. Not a Brilliant one, a normal.

While Ranged Classes stand farther way they can get out of the danger zone with a single Backstep, we gotta stop attacking and retreat much earlier so we dont get hit. iFraming doesnt work every time cause of lag/fps reasons.


If you are at Soulstone Plains and participate in the war, look around after 10 minutes or so. What you gonna see is, alot of ranged characters with over a 100 Prestige (or even several hundreds) and rarey maybe 1 or 2 melee characters with a 100.


I really dont want to reroll a Ranged Class, cause i put a lot of time, effort and rl money in my sin.

And i think its not even acceptable that we would have to pick another class just so we can participate in an important/big part of the game.


PS: I hope this is comprehensible, since english is not my native language.

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Its pretty much in any zone, bosses jump around, create split second mini AOE's while dropping your framerate to 10 so you cannot possible IFrame it either and the ranged classes *cricket* about you not being able to keep agro when all they have todo is sit back and nuke it from afar.


Early today a Force Master told me to Stand Still when tanking the big ape in Avalance Den....yeah ....no...then my buddy told me today, i don't envy your cool looking Kungfu Master and proceeds to Super Sunflower the mobs across the zone with 2 buttons while watching the news....meanwhile i am dodging, iframing, countering and trying to hit the mob all at the same time.

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I play blademaster and I've only been to soulstones plains around twice, first one I was able to finish all quest (was in a party of 3 with FM and Destroyer) and second one I quit because I was doing more running back then fighting.  There are only 2 bosses I find really annoying, but they aren't as bad as the terrors in misty woods.  These 2 are the "terror" like bosses in the mining phase and the final boss.  The other bosses you should be able to tank and handle... as for doing enough damage, you can do it with blade call + ani-cancel burst, even tho I have like 15 fps there.  During the mining phase I would stay at 1 mine instead of going back and forth between the two, fighting the big guy at 60% or lower is not optimal. 

To fight the terrors in the mining phase, I would engage when they are at 70% hp or when you see the 2 huge aoe go off, because between 70% to 100%, they do 2 nasty aoes that they can use consecutively if their hp is push down fast.  After the aoes are used, you want to get in there with blade call and burst damage, now I don't have lightning draw HM book, but I do have around 479 AP at that time, so this might make or break for you.  So I'm unsure whether they repeat the aoe, but you can surely survive 1 hit, and even if you die you still get the drop if you don't respawn and wait for someone for rez (this is where you have a party or have revival charms on you). 

To fight the final bosses, what a coincidence a freaking terror.  Two scenarios will happen, a summoner's pet tanks him in place or he gets agro and people run away causing him to reset.  You want to spec everything off agro, and do guerrilla warfare, blade call + burst, then get out, or earth sunder + burst then get out.  I said these terrors are easier than misty woods because not all their attacks knock you out and they don't continuously daze you.  Be in mind, if you get agro as a BM, just spam block and let someone else take agro and get out of there until you can engage again.  Just let the summoner cat tank it. Another note is that 2 buffs on the terror's head, idk what each indicate but it specify what their special (huge aoe attack) will do. 

My thoughts about soulstone plains, get a party and prepare to run back and forth from spawn.  I won't be doing this daily since I don't have the time for it and don't have the patience to run back and forth from spawn.  But I would still do it, if I'm desperate for Soulstones, I mean it is like 45 soulstones... that's like over 10g.  In payment are frustration, anger, and envy. 

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