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Assassins and Bluebuff in a nutshell


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3 hours ago, HUnewearl said:

Assassins now have the same blue buff as Kung Fu Masters (Fighting Spirit / Amplification). Main thing is that if you lose your tab, they can 100-0 easy as pie with Turning Leaf combo.

i wouldnt have problem with them getting off a 100-0 ...IF THEY HAD CD ON THEIR STUNLOCK COMBO... the fact that they can stunlock you again instantly after you tabbed is what makes them broken atm .... i'm fine with the buff ... i'm fine with their stunlock but ....give the stunlock some cooldown ... here i am bdancer with 2 stuns both over 30 sec CD 

I lost to a sin today ...i was completely outplaying him the whole game ... he was at 15%~ and i was at 80% .... he did the stuncombo into web ...i tabbed the 2nd stun thinking it would make it go on cooldown ...i tabbed he went into stealth and gripped me in from afar, into the same combo and with the same 3 stuns and 80-0'd me ..... when i went out in region chat he said it was easy.... obviously it was easy when the bluebuff carries him .....sins did not need that  bluebuff in pvp... they were strong before now they are just broken 

ps. not being able to beat summoners is not a reason to call your class weak .... most of the classes cant beat scummoners since they are over the top ... but i dont want to count in the easiest class into this topic .... so far what needed skill was Assassin,Bmaster,Fmaster .... now only BM and FM .... way to go 

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Assassins won't take Fighting Spirit against most opponents anyhow since it costs them their second escape (Lotus of Escape stun break is replaced by Fighting Spirit). An extra escape is worth a damn lot, and Assassins really aren't hurting for offense except against certain opponents (Summoner and Soul Fighter).

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This skill is way too cancer in pvp. I am a sin and i think the 15 second stealth is waaaay too long. This gives us two stealth grenades for a total of 25 seconds. We all know how much other classes dread playing against us because of stealth pussies masturbating 20 meters away. This just allows them to stall for longer and have their tab ready to be used again.


Summoners are also *cricket*ed.

Choke bomb + fighting spirit + Stun + LB RB F = Cat is *cricket*ing dead at the start of the match. Cat cannot tank when stunned.

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So now someone is complaining against assassin who spec their second escape into a buff? Lool 

okay, just so you know speccing fighting spirit cost us a lot and someone who spec the blue buff is probably seeing you as a noob opponent. Fighting spirits in assassin is quite useless in high tier pvp , wonder why some KFM spec ice-sheath rather than fighting spirit in arena? If you guys complain with SIN having a blue buff with 1mins 30sec CD , then let also complain against destroyer having fury with 45sec CD. Or summoner with 8sec Stealth. KFM that can 100-0 you if you wasted your tab early . Or an FM who constantly freezing you to ground, let also add BD who resist all your attack and stun you when your attack got deflected even if you're from 16m away...

7 hours ago, Bestbad said:

i wouldnt have problem with them getting off a 100-0 ...IF THEY HAD CD ON THEIR STUNLOCK COMBO... the fact that they can stunlock you again instantly after you tabbed is what makes them broken atm .... i'm fine with the buff ... i'm fine with their stunlock but ....give the stunlock some cooldown ... here i am bdancer with 2 stuns both over 30 sec CD 

I lost to a sin today ...i was completely outplaying him the whole game ... he was at 15%~ and i was at 80% .... he did the stuncombo into web ...i tabbed the 2nd stun thinking it would make it go on cooldown ...i tabbed he went into stealth and gripped me in from afar, into the same combo and with the same 3 stuns and 80-0'd me ..... when i went out in region chat he said it was easy.... obviously it was easy when the bluebuff carries him .....sins did not need that  bluebuff in pvp... they were strong before now they are just broken 

ps. not being able to beat summoners is not a reason to call your class weak .... most of the classes cant beat scummoners since they are over the top ... but i dont want to count in the easiest class into this topic .... so far what needed skill was Assassin,Bmaster,Fmaster .... now only BM and FM .... way to go 

You're a bad BD .. I am Sin main and let me tell you, blade dancer is the toughest match up for me. I can counter summoner or destroyer but a good blade dancer is a real pain that i feel want to forfeit a fight when i saw that my opponent is BD.

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get to Diamond before posting any nonsense please. im a Diamond rank Sin myself taking blue buff is extremely risky since you lose second escape. try to go with a blue buff vs Diamond KFM or BM you will die fast. once you get caught when you use tab you will 100% no doubt going to die.

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last 3 seasons diamond ,over 2.2k ..i can kill most of the assassins but its just stupid ...and ppl are relating to "i'm losing my second escape" KEK we have only 1 no matter what we do or what talent we sacrifice .

so saying "gitgud" is useless here m8 :)

2 hours ago, TakunDes said:

get to Diamond before posting any nonsense please. im a Diamond rank Sin myself taking blue buff is extremely risky since you lose second escape. try to go with a blue buff vs Diamond KFM or BM you will die fast. once you get caught when you use tab you will 100% no doubt going to die.

but if you dont tab til the blue buff thats also 100% that you are going to die 

4 hours ago, Bentousa said:

You're a bad BD .. I am Sin main and let me tell you, blade dancer is the toughest match up for me. I can counter summoner or destroyer but a good blade dancer is a real pain that i feel want to forfeit a fight when i saw that my opponent is BD.

if i'm a bad BD how did i get to 2.2k ? 

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2 hours ago, Bestbad said:

last 3 seasons diamond ,over 2.2k ..i can kill most of the assassins but its just stupid ...and ppl are relating to "i'm losing my second escape" KEK we have only 1 no matter what we do or what talent we sacrifice .

so saying "gitgud" is useless here m8 :)

but if you dont tab til the blue buff thats also 100% that you are going to die 

if i'm a bad BD how did i get to 2.2k ? 

lol you're 2.2k BD so why are you complaining about SIN having a blue buff? is that because after the patch you cannot rolfstomped the class anymore?


> Some classes has multiple escapes by sacrificing a certain skills. 

Ex: SIN Fighting Spirit spec to Lotus of Escape 

      KFM Spec Ice Sheath rather than Fighting Spirit

      DES Fury spec to Persistent that was 2 escape all in all!

i dunno about other class i only have 3 Lv.45 and 1 Lv.49..

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17 hours ago, TakunDes said:

get to Diamond before posting any nonsense please. im a Diamond rank Sin myself taking blue buff is extremely risky since you lose second escape. try to go with a blue buff vs Diamond KFM or BM you will die fast. once you get caught when you use tab you will 100% no doubt going to die.

That's a bit misleading.


Those who have a second everything-escape:

  • Assassin has one on a 45-second cooldown. Now can exchange that for making his 70% combo into a 100% combo, though if your opponent isn't able to also break stun/daze, you pretty much never have to take it you can 100-0 them with your own 18s stun rotation.
  • Summoner has nothing directly, but the cat can still attack while the summoner is grabbed and can escape from anything once every 60 seconds.


Those who have stun/daze escape but no grab/grapple escape:

  • FM can spec SS on 36-second cooldown as an escape, but the class also cannot counter from knockdown state.
  • Destroyer can give up his main damage source for a 1-minute escape.
  • Warlock can swap with Thrall to break stun/daze/knockdown once every 90s, and the Thrall can still attack while the Warlock is grabbed if it is up and nearby.


Those who have grab/grapple/grip escape but no other break:

  • Blade Master has grab escape on 1-minute cooldown, but only by giving up his largest burst attack (Blade Call).
  • Blade Dancer has a grab escape all the time on a 1-minute cooldown.
  • Kung Fu Master has a grab escape all the time on a 1-minute cooldown.


Those who have neither:

  • Soul Fighter will have nothing.


From where I'm standing, I see good reason to take Fighting Spirit against BM, BD, KFM, SF, Summoner, and Warlock all. Summoner and Soul Fighter are part of the reason the skill even exists, so those are a given. Warlock I'm not sure, since you might want to keep Lotus of Escape to ruin their pet's approach combo. KFM were already getting rekt by Assassin, and whether you take it is irrelevant because KFM are going to get rekt just as hard as before regardless. BD, I can see every reason to cheese stun until you can erase them 100-0. BM... dunno. That whole matchup is weird; BMs like to dump Blade Call to punish rear charge and all kinds of other unusual bits. I'm inclined to think Lotus of Escape would be better there, but hey, I deleted my BM anyway.


//EDIT: glaphen called me out on a few mistakes, edited them in.

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Actually summoner has Beckon that if used during any CC gives like 1 second of invulnerability per 60 seconds with CC on cat landing, also works while airborne even. Warlock can also swap with summon once per 90 seconds to stun/daze/knockdown break. Assassin also has a second grab break now on flower.

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3 minutes ago, glaphen said:

Actually summoner has Beckon that if used during any CC gives like 1 second of invulnerability per 60 seconds with CC on cat landing, also works while airborne even. Warlock can also swap with summon once per 90 seconds to stun/daze/knockdown break. Assassin also has a second grab break now on flower.

Good point about Warlocks, forgot about that. I wasn't aware Lotus of Escape now breaks Grab. I'll have to log into my Assassin and look, lol.

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Asasin is the most noob-friendly class atm.If you disagree create one and go to arena.It's dam too easy.I main destroyer but for arena i play asasin and it's ridicilously easy.Idk why they are rated as hard to play class.Stunlock is dam to easy and even if i fail i have many escapes,perma invis and try again and again,which is a rare case cause most times i 100-0 oponent with first stunlok,not saying it's their fault using their tab.If they save their tab i kill them in first stunlok,if they use their tab i kill them in second stunlok nothing changes.

I have + 250 spiking ping in arena but thanks to that class i can kill anyone.

I even had hard time as summoner in arena but as asasin i rule.Maybe because it's my type i don't know but i find it extremely easy.

I lose about 7 out of 10 matches against other asasins but against other classes i win almost every match.

Bad thing is people opened their eyes and most people play arena are asasins atm.

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5 hours ago, Sokucu said:

.Idk why they are rated as hard to play class.

Those ratings basically lose all meaning past level 36 or so. It tells you something about how good they are at early PvE -- KFM is really obnoxiously bad at fighting multiple opponents early on -- but that's about it. The ratings certainly have no bearing on PvP.

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On 3/26/2016 at 7:20 AM, HUnewearl said:

Those ratings basically lose all meaning past level 36 or so. It tells you something about how good they are at early PvE -- KFM is really obnoxiously bad at fighting multiple opponents early on -- but that's about it. The ratings certainly have no bearing on PvP.


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I dont have problems when playing against assassin with my FM. 

I just leave my 2 as an aoe, so i can reveal them on stealth, super easy. 


Last time i was playing against one it was pity to see him, being killed 100-0 by FM with 90% of hp. 

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On 25/3/2016 at 0:46 PM, TakunDes said:

get to Diamond before posting any nonsense please. im a Diamond rank Sin myself taking blue buff is extremely risky since you lose second escape. try to go with a blue buff vs Diamond KFM or BM you will die fast. once you get caught when you use tab you will 100% no doubt going to die.

Only a small percentage of players are Diamond. Most players are gold-plat. The balance shouldn't be based only on Diamond!


Yes, against BM and KFM, better keep the second escape, but hey, you already have advantage against these classes, you don't even need that buff.

Against other classes, just use buff and melt them to hell. -_-

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