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#1 Arena player in EU - 23 lvl Summoner


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On 23/03/2016 at 10:30 AM, Grompok said:

MEKk8RZ.jpg?1How do you get this good? O_o

an still they say they want to take PVP as a E-SPORT, rofl, seriously, just last night i went for a bit of pvp trying to do a bit of leveling on my FM after finishing all the story (49 1/2)  and got a summ bot with some issues on certain arena spots, he would just keeps spamming sunflower on the same direction once bugged....




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On 3/22/2016 at 5:27 PM, cvnoz said:

Here is video with that summoner hes constantly immun to everything.



That shit right there is why i don't do arena any more why *cricket*ing bother when you never get to fight real people, it's just bots with hacks 

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On 3/24/2016 at 1:04 PM, Anveena said:

I spammed their official twitter linking this thread. Please do the same for more consumer pressure: https://twitter.com/bladeandsoul

Did you go back and check your post had been deleted?  I'm just curious because I had posted a "sensitive" question in this forum from a different account, and they delete it within minutes without any reason, and ban my account for a week (I asked VERY politely, and I checked it didn't against their "code of conduct").

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