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been going back and forth with support for days.


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i decided to give support a try after being told that they wont just give me a copy pasted answer to how to fix the fps stutters and freezing with this game. 


so far its all been copy pasted results, and they have all my computers information from speccy snapshot to my dxdiag. it does not seem like they can find one reason why the game is running so bad.


then we got to the copy pasted ping plotter solution. let me just say that ncsoft support does not know how to read ping plotter results. 


so while i was running pingplotter i ran my game in windowed mode so i could see for myself if any of the performance issues had anything to do with my ping. for the most part my ping was in the 68ms range. there were 5 points in time where i timed out in the course of an hour, for less than a second each time. resulting in 0.4% packet loss overall to NCsofts server.


none of my freezes fps drops or stutters lined up with any changes or loss of packets shown in pingplotter. overall my connection is pretty solid. the problem is not my ping or connection.


let me also point out that on pingplotters own webpage it states that alittle bit of packet loss is normal activity, esp on the way to the server your connecting too, as long as the packet loss and ping is good on the final connection you are good. 


i just got another copy pasted answer that my performance issue is being caused by packet loss and i need to contact my ISP. i can play any other game, including wildstar which is an NCsoft title without issue. 


im really starting to get ticked off. its quite apparent im talking to a bunch of people who don't even know what they are taking about. with all the information they have with no resolution you would figure it would be escalated by now to someone who is educated. but no every answer is from some random guy. and every new guy my ticket gets passed to does not even bother to fully read everything that has already been done or provided...


ive lost all hope now.... my problem is not gonna get fixed anytime soon. i should just go play PoE, they just had a major content update, so did warframe. i would go play wildstar however both servers are dead. its a ghost town :/

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http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016-03-11-wildstar-studio-sheds-nearly-half-of-its-workforce-report Wildstar its dead.Because they didn't fix their bugs in time ,they didn't opened the game for the more casual players while they could -because the punishing stuff in dungeons when you crashed ,getting no reward ,because of the *cricket* contract table that refused to keep your progress ..because the bots getting over pvp. It's ghost town,was a nice game and we all were waiting for it .Wait few months ,if nothing happens here to keep the game up : optimisation and serious support and the bots kicked off arena-this game will be a ghost town too.

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Had the same experience with the support, eventually I gave up and stopped answering them...

I run every other game without an issue, I even get above average benchmark scores.

The moment they came with ping, on a problem where I drop to 3FPS playing Blackwyrm I simply didn't see a reason to put up with it anymore.


This is so stupid, I have to run a countdown on my iphone in hopes to be able to move out in time. Every time he does the AoE I have to reset it, and start it again just so I don't get wrecked with the insanely low performance. It's impossible to press any button in time.


Today I got kicked out of the group after telling them why I have to go out and come back in. So I don't die you know... since these groups are apparently farming prestige and want their group members to do a billion DMG on Blackwyrm I had to leave. Keep in mind I didn't die, the countdown clock works for me in order to get a Box a the end, but I have to run out of the fight every 15 seconds and wait for him to do his AoE.


I have to say, each day passing I have less and less incentive to log back in. I swear, if I didn't had premium I probably wouldn't even go back in. The fact I payed keeps me logging back in. I get the same stupid lags in Naryu, specially on the last 2 Bosses. IT IS NOT FUN to play like this... Since February I'm dealing with this stuff, I had 30FPS on blackwyrm before some patch. To this day, they didn't fix it, they didn't acknowledge the issue either. They simply don't communicate at all. I don't give  a fk about bots while the game is unplayable, the bots aren't going kill this, the insanely bad performance of the game will.


No one will leave this game, hear about optimisation patches and then be like "Oh, now I gotta go back and check this out maaan". No, people who leave will not come back. This game will not survive the test of time with these Devs. I will take a break of this game when Dark Souls 3 comes, that's also the time where they will implement lvl50 I guess. If it's not better until then I'm out.



I also just learned in order to get the Brilliant Blackwyrm Box, you have to do alot more damage. Apparently it's not RNG... with an average of 7FPS during the Blackwyrm fight I have NO CHANCE of ever getting one of these, and I rock 430+ AP.


Other people get 20 Soulstones per Box, while I get 10, since the game doesn't allow me to fight properly. So when I make 400 Soulstones in 2 days, other people have made 800 in the same amount of time with the SAME amount of effort. So *cricket*ing unfair, I'm so pissed and sick of it.


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I've been having a similar problem and was hoping that some fellow players could help seeing as how Player Support for this game is shit. After at least 5 minutes of logging in and barely having enough time to run around and TRY to do a quest, my entire laptop freezes. The keyboard, the mouse, everything. Now the game is still running in the background, I can still see everything but my device is no longer operational. The only way to remedy this, is to reboot my laptop by holding down the power button for about 4 seconds. This has been happening since mid February(I've had the game since Jan 20 so it's not my computer causing the problem as far as I can tell) and despite two file repairs and multiple emails to the Devs, nothing has changed. I don't know if it's just me but I figure with all the money these high end games are making that they could at least afford good customer service instead of their automated bullshit. 

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Sadly, I would love to be able to participate when doing Blackwyrm, but with my terrible fps I just watch and lag the entire time. From what ive been hearing when the level 50 patch comes out blackwyrm will drop a requires evolution material... so half of the people ingame are going to get screwed. @Rukkirii @Hime @Babbletr0n @Youmukon @Lock6 Why do we never get a response or atleast, have support give us some useable information? :(

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Ehh the only reason you're unable to participate is do to your system, other than the annoying as hell game guard issues straight up *cricket* blocking the majority of the population at any given time, this game runs really good. Gameguard slapped me with the 4049 error today on a laptop of mine, I contacted support and within an hour a GM responded with a link leading to a simple and easy solution.  

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unfortunately the people who massively out spec the games requirement or are simply lucky are pretty ignorant to the issues a lot of people are having. and the upgrade your hardware scrub bullshit is getting to be a bit much. we people struggling to enjoy this game are meeting and exceeding the recommended requirements. 


this game ran great for me, it has gotten progressively worse each patch. even now all the content up to endgame runs ok. but the endgame content is highly unoptimized and quite frankly if i developed this game i would be embarrassed.


your telling people to upgrade for a 10 year old game, while most of these people have no issues running even hardware demanding games like fallout 4, and any other cpu dependant mmo out there. it really is quite silly. 


the korean client runs much better than the one we have, why the optimizations are not in our version is beyond me. there are new why is my fps so low and im stuttering and freezing everywhere posts each day, they get buried and ncsoft neglects to address the issue.

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7 hours ago, Vau said:

unfortunately the people who massively out spec the games requirement or are simply lucky are pretty ignorant to the issues a lot of people are having. and the upgrade your hardware scrub bullshit is getting to be a bit much. we people struggling to enjoy this game are meeting and exceeding the recommended requirements. 


Actually, the players who are massively out spec'ing the requirements tend to have more issues.

Playing this game on Windows 7 seems to fix things, alot of people report good things. The issue is, I am not willing to down grade to Win7 from Win10 just for BnS, you can't expect this from your customers. On the other hand, something is obvsly causing these issues since not everyone has problems. AALaguna changed his PC and I kinda wished he would run into problems, having a streamer with issues will get more attention to it, but didn't happen his lottery ticket was good enough.


Something really bad happened mid February, we are not making this stuff up.


CPU: i5-4570 3.4 or 3.6 ghz (can't remember my OC anymore :D)


Mobo: MSI Z87-G43

Win10 64bit

No Razor or Asus stuff!


I've been following this issue since February tho, and alot of people with diffrent setups have problems too. I guess all we can do is wait for the patch to get us the asian optimization... I really hope it will help :/

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I've noticed some minor lag in my game. It seems to happen in certain areas too.


My gf's connection got a lot worse after the last patch. Before that she had a flawless game.


I wonder if this is more a routing issue to the servers.


Where does everyone come from? Are certain countries having more problems than others?

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Just say it man, just do it:


"Hey guys, we are aware of the performance issues.

We still decided to not patch in the optimizations which came with the Warlock Patch in the Asian Regions.

We decided to simply wait it out, since we are following a timeline with the patches, until the turn comes to the patch with the optimizations.

We are really sorry for your inconvenience, but getting the optimizations from that Patch is simply more work than waiting that patch out.

Thank you for supporting us. Oh, btw, we have 2 classes at lvl50 who can't even reach Top100 in Korea, we aim to be an eSport, only good things in the future loves."


Instead, we get:


"We are collecting informations about your PC's in order to find a solution, because the PCs in Asia are so much more diffrent than the ones in NA/EU we can't use the same optimizations we used on their clients, it's just way too diffrent." (lol)

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"So I get gas for my car from this one station because I really love the place, but the gas makes my car run really poorly. I know there are like eleventy billion other stations nearby where I could get gas, but I think I'll just keep getting the gas here anyway. I'll leave them this here message next to the eight thousand other messages telling them they're having problems with their gasoline."


"So I love going to this one restaurant for the waitresses and the ambiance, but the food is terrible. The cooks take forever to make it, and it tastes like something they scraped off the floor. I've been sending them notes telling them they suck, but the food just doesn't improve. So I'm just gonna keep eating there, gagging and choking down the food, and complain the whole time."


Just checking.


Yup...sounds just as silly when I interject it into a real life situation.


A little tip: businesses in general don't care about complaints. If you want to send a message then vote with your feet by taking your business (and your gaming dollars) elsewhere.


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17 hours ago, KrystalHazard said:

"So I love going to this one restaurant for the food, but the tables and chairs are terrible. The cooks take forever to make it and also don't listen to any suggestions, but it tastes very good if I get a lucky table.  I've been sending them notes telling them they suck and have really great potential, but the tables just don't improve. So I'm just gonna keep eating there for the time beeing, since I like the food, screaming and bitching about how uncomfortable it is to eat there, and complain the whole time in hopes they will replaces these god awful chairs with better ones so I can finally get to enjoy the good food they are offering."

I corrected your statement to more represent reality, since you are missing it hard... don't be sad tho, you can be a smart ass somewhere else where ppl aren't smarter than you.


If they don't care about complaints as a business, they will not make much proft out of anything they do. It's as simple as that, people will put up with this poor performance until 2 things happen: they have had enough of this bs, or they will find a restaurant which offers great food aswel but with the diffrence, their tables will be good enough for you to order even more instead of putting you off.


Just today I tried Blackwyrm again, I even bought the Blackwyrm Roar Resist Charm for 2.5 Gold. I had 3FPS, several second screen freezes, to the point where I've had enough and stopped playing. Even tho I wanted to farm more, the games poor performance is off putting like crazy. I went from beeing "awesome let's farm some Blackwyrm, maybe they fixed something" to "fk this game, I'm sick of this 3FPS screen freezing gameplay".

The issue is not Blackwyrm either, the performance drops in Naryu aswel, specially the last Boss fight, I really hope they will fix this come lvl50.


A quick fix could be something as simple as turning off everything from other players. I don't want their names, their models, spells, literally turn it off 100%. Yes, this will mean if the other faction gets involved you will die without knowing someone was there, but atleast this could help us participate until they find a real solution. The ultimate goal would be to not turn off anything and play  the "MMO" seeing other players. Some people have worse PCs than me but they run the game 300% better than me, that should not happen.


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6 hours ago, mihwK said:

I corrected your statement to more represent reality, since you are missing it hard... don't be sad tho, you can be a smart ass somewhere else where ppl aren't smarter than you.


If they don't care about complaints as a business, they will not make much proft out of anything they do. It's as simple as that, people will put up with this poor performance until 2 things happen: they have had enough of this bs, or they will find a restaurant which offers great food aswel but with the diffrence, their tables will be good enough for you to order even more instead of putting you off.


Just today I tried Blackwyrm again, I even bought the Blackwyrm Roar Resist Charm for 2.5 Gold. I had 3FPS, several second screen freezes, to the point where I've had enough and stopped playing. Even tho I wanted to farm more, the games poor performance is off putting like crazy. I went from beeing "awesome let's farm some Blackwyrm, maybe they fixed something" to "fk this game, I'm sick of this 3FPS screen freezing gameplay".

The issue is not Blackwyrm either, the performance drops in Naryu aswel, specially the last Boss fight, I really hope they will fix this come lvl50.


A quick fix could be something as simple as turning off everything from other players. I don't want their names, their models, spells, literally turn it off 100%. Yes, this will mean if the other faction gets involved you will die without knowing someone was there, but atleast this could help us participate until they find a real solution. The ultimate goal would be to not turn off anything and play  the "MMO" seeing other players. Some people have worse PCs than me but they run the game 300% better than me, that should not happen.


1st of all the smart ass comment is completely uncalled for, and how you changed his original statement makes it sound stupid. 


you talk like the problem is the table and chairs, however when translate that into reality your saying "peoples PCs" which is the platform we enjoy the food or "game" on. 


peoples computers are not at fault.


imma let you in on a secret. 



do you want to guess what end of the equation your in atm? 

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1 hour ago, Vau said:


Nah, you're just not getting it, if I want to guess where you are I would get banned so I wont say it. I have 4FPS, and kill other games in performance, if you don't bother to read everything and don't have the IQ to really understand what's written, don't bother?! I'm the one with the problems, I probably know more about the fact that it's not my/our PC's than you do.


The food is the great gameplay the game has, the table/chair is so horrible you can't enjoy the good food = it simply stands for the bad performance in this case, but makes sense in your brain for someone to blame optimization but then think it's his PC right?! Since if the food is the gameplay, wtf is the game itself, since apparently the chair must be the PC. Or maybe the entire process in the restaurant is the game, I didn't feel like thinking this through for ppl like you, didn't really expect the message would be that hard to grasp. What about the plate the food is in? Mabye the waiter is the performance issue? Or some of the ingredients are bad, but then the food would be bad, or the food is cold would be pure greatness if it was warm. There could also be a hair in my food, mhm.


But hey, I'm sure there is some great quote for low IQ ppl assuming stuff and then try to be smart. Can you link that too?  I forgive your inability to read the entire thread and just assume everyone thinks our PCs are at fault, atleast you took your time to link stuff, made me smile thinking how good you must have felt,  good talk bro, do you want to guess where you are?


Even spoons you could say that's what you eat it with = PC or it could stand for something else, learn to understand stuff in the context they are written in. I want to link some things too! chair =/ spoon


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actually the biggest difference in computing now a days from 4 years ago is power savings. 


you still miss the point, and your ignorant which is what my post was about you just kinda reinforced my point.  


generally ignorant people, and i will post a link to that definition if you need it, will attack a previous poster in order to reinforce the not so well thought out point they are trying to convey, which again is exactly what you did their. you can tell me how it goes in your head all day if you want does not change that it sounds dumb to me.


guess where i am lmao. sitting at home with a masters. but you can keep guessing if you would like.

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21 hours ago, mihwK said:

I corrected your statement to more represent reality, since you are missing it hard... don't be sad tho, you can be a smart ass somewhere else where ppl aren't smarter than you.


If they don't care about complaints as a business, they will not make much proft out of anything they do. It's as simple as that, people will put up with this poor performance until 2 things happen: they have had enough of this bs, or they will find a restaurant which offers great food aswel but with the diffrence, their tables will be good enough for you to order even more instead of putting you off.


Just today I tried Blackwyrm again, I even bought the Blackwyrm Roar Resist Charm for 2.5 Gold. I had 3FPS, several second screen freezes, to the point where I've had enough and stopped playing. Even tho I wanted to farm more, the games poor performance is off putting like crazy. I went from beeing "awesome let's farm some Blackwyrm, maybe they fixed something" to "fk this game, I'm sick of this 3FPS screen freezing gameplay".

The issue is not Blackwyrm either, the performance drops in Naryu aswel, specially the last Boss fight, I really hope they will fix this come lvl50.


A quick fix could be something as simple as turning off everything from other players. I don't want their names, their models, spells, literally turn it off 100%. Yes, this will mean if the other faction gets involved you will die without knowing someone was there, but atleast this could help us participate until they find a real solution. The ultimate goal would be to not turn off anything and play  the "MMO" seeing other players. Some people have worse PCs than me but they run the game 300% better than me, that should not happen.


(The Point) <-----------


   O <-------- (Your head)




I suppose this is where I should be offended and go on an equally pointless tirade, but you see I have this magical super-power...it's called not caring what some stranger thinks.


As I said, however, you missed the point. If you're unhappy with a product and/or service (any product/service) then take your dollars elsewhere. It's that simple. A business exists to make money. If their profits fall off then that is when they do something. Not because some random dude (or collection of random dudes) says, "QQ I R IMPORTANT CUSTOMAR!!!"

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