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What exaggeration? I see something like 5 real players and roughly 30 bots.


We all know that you have to kill the Jiangshi shown in the video to upgrade your weapon. Empty as the game is, you have to be in Channel 1 as this boss only yields the one-time upgrade. And with all the bots, you hardly get 2 or 3 essences; more like 1 essence per spawn. Plus it's no fun chasing a perma-carried Jiangshi. 

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2 hours ago, Celestine said:

What exaggeration? I see something like 5 real players and roughly 30 bots.


We all know that you have to kill the Jiangshi shown in the video to upgrade your weapon. Empty as the game is, you have to be in Channel 1 as this boss only yields the one-time upgrade. And with all the bots, you hardly get 2 or 3 essences; more like 1 essence per spawn. Plus it's no fun chasing a perma-carried Jiangshi. 

Just because there's a bot issue does not mean the game is a graveyard. The game is still going that have a lot of player playing for quite a while yet. If the last MMO I played is running for years after having ruined the economy, pretty much scamming customers, and equally having a massive bot problem, I don't think this game is going anywhere soon. In fact it kind of shows the opposite since most people are smart enough not to buy from them, and if they need so many bots to make that much gold for those that do buy, there must be a decent demand.

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39 minutes ago, fruitie said:

Just because there's a bot issue does not mean the game is a graveyard. The game is still going that have a lot of player playing for quite a while yet. If the last MMO I played is running for years after having ruined the economy, pretty much scamming customers, and equally having a massive bot problem, I don't think this game is going anywhere soon. In fact it kind of shows the opposite since most people are smart enough not to buy from them, and if they need so many bots to make that much gold for those that do buy, there must be a decent demand.

Yeah thats why It's getting harder to finish NSH and efleet after around 10 pm central time. It's a joke, 2 weeks ago everything was better and now it's slowly decaying. Idk i never paid attention to BDO hype but it must be true.

 I am sorry but people are actually not playing that much anymore. Because everyone already geared, pvp is riddled with bots. What do u expect us to do ? It's not a graveyard but with the F2P system the game is already prepared for the worst and can survive on its fanbase for prob many years. Yes it wont die but it won't reach it's full potential,and die faster than most other games. Lack of quality and this kind of stuff will only make things worse. Be reasonable


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Stop making videos and start reporting them.


Does not matter how many threads you guys do it wont go away instead of making these threads spam report to all bots. I spent 20 minutes front of narrows kept reporting every destroyer i saw.

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1 hour ago, reilo5 said:

Yeah thats why It's getting harder to finish NSH and efleet after around 10 pm central time. It's a joke, 2 weeks ago everything was better and now it's slowly decaying. Idk i never paid attention to BDO hype but it must be true.

 I am sorry but people are actually not playing that much anymore. Because everyone already geared, pvp is riddled with bots. What do u expect us to do ? It's not a graveyard but with the F2P system the game is already prepared for the worst and can survive on its fanbase for prob many years. Yes it wont die but it won't reach it's full potential,and die faster than most other games. Lack of quality and this kind of stuff will only make things worse. Be reasonable


Everything for tell us that you are going to play BDO, ok have fun then, you are just another customer that leaves, a new one will come.


PS: If you think that BDO is any better than BnS you gonna stomp against a wall, just saying. 

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1 hour ago, reilo5 said:

congrats  you wasted 20 minutes of your life because they won't get banned. even if they do, the bots can make 100 characters every minute.


it's doom.

GZ to you like i have anything better to do in game? Got everything so i can just afk front of dungeon and actually they ban bots based on player reports

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5 minutes ago, Saoyara said:

 you are just another customer that leaves, a new one will come.


I dont know what game you are playing, but I am playing BnS. And I am here because I hope for new customers to come. But until now, the game only rapidly loses customers and apparently NCsoft gives a shit about it. Forum's full of complaint of the remaining customers, NCsoft not responding and super-easy issues not being recognized (afk leechers).


At game launch, we all queued with thousands (!) of people in line. I even moved to the least populated server (Wild Springs) because of the queue waiting time. When I heard that BnS launched 2 (or was it more?) new servers, I surely thought for sure that BnS is gonna last long. Right now, I'm wandering alone through the wilderness, leveling my warlock. Doing an instance that isn't cross-server? Forget it. Let alone Hakan, who I tried to kill yesterday for my weapon upgrade. After 15-20 min announcement in region, a lvl 45 passing by helped me. Cross-server dungeons that don't give Soulstones and are for quests only? Glad if you find 3-4 people doing it while recruiting is still running. And I'm talking about EU prime time.


The game is not dying because it's bad or something like that, NCsoft is apparently killing it on purpose. And here we are, the players who like this game, begging for help or even attention from NCsoft. And with this state, we won't attract new customers.

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3 minutes ago, Celestine said:

I dont know what game you are playing, but I am playing BnS. And I am here because I hope for new customers to come. But until now, the game only rapidly loses customers and apparently NCsoft gives a shit about it. Forum's full of complaint of the remaining customers, NCsoft not responding and super-easy issues not being recognized (afk leechers).


At game launch, we all queued with thousands (!) of people in line. I even moved to the least populated server (Wild Springs) because of the queue waiting time. When I heard that BnS launched 2 (or was it more?) new servers, I surely thought for sure that BnS is gonna last long. Right now, I'm wandering alone through the wilderness, leveling my warlock. Doing an instance that isn't cross-server? Forget it. Let alone Hakan, who I tried to kill yesterday for my weapon upgrade. After 15-20 min announcement in region, a lvl 45 passing by helped me. Cross-server dungeons that don't give Soulstones and are for quests only? Glad if you find 3-4 people doing it while recruiting is still running. And I'm talking about EU prime time.


The game is not dying because it's bad or something like that, NCsoft is apparently killing it on purpose. And here we are, the players who like this game, begging for help or even attention from NCsoft. And with this state, we won't attract new customers.

The fact that they dont answer doesnt mean that they are not reading neither they are not trying to fix the issues. And no I'm not defending NCSoft, but I dont see the point of crying making 20 threads about the same topic claiming that they are killing the game, or people just posting "I'm leaving to play BDO" like if its something important. NCSoft is not trying to kill the game, you are just all impatient and want everything fixed ASAP, and its a game that came out not even 2 months ago yet, so yes, everytime I see someone claiming that the game is dead or that they are killing this game I can just laugh the shit of them.

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After reading so many topics about bots and GameGuard, I can savely say: Every person creating such topics or writing something about it doesn't know anything about the technology behind it.


Dealing with bots is difficult. The only thing which can be done successfully is banning them. Using a script to identify bots won't succeed due to bots changing their algorhythm every now and then. Bots adapt faster than the script identifying those, resulting in lost ressources which could be used for other things.

And everyone expects GameGuard to deal with it, due to bots being scripts/makros themselves. That is not what GameGuard actually does. GG reads the RAM and memory surrounding the process of Blade and Soul and records every harm the user inflicts on it. "Harm" describes altered memory f. e. no cooldown on you trinket. Those things detects GameGuard as well as other programs trying to gain access on the memory data, like CheatEngine.



I honestly don't want to write more about it, because everyone can use google to some extent. I think NCSoft tries to control the influence of bots and makrousers, which kind of succeeds. They have to do some work on it, nevertheless they care for us - the customer - and the game itself. If you can't/won't believe that and mourne over small details all over again, leave the game. Noone forces you to play the game and noone want some know-it-alls crying about something they know jack-sh*t about.

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3 minutes ago, Kerialstraz said:

After reading so many topics about bots and GameGuard, I can savely say: Every person creating such topics or writing something about it doesn't know anything about the technology behind it.


Dealing with bots is difficult. The only thing which can be done successfully is banning them. Using a script to identify bots won't succeed due to bots changing their algorhythm every now and then. Bots adapt faster than the script identifying those, resulting in lost ressources which could be used for other things.

And everyone expects GameGuard to deal with it, due to bots being scripts/makros themselves. That is not what GameGuard actually does. GG reads the RAM and memory surrounding the process of Blade and Soul and records every harm the user inflicts on it. "Harm" describes altered memory f. e. no cooldown on you trinket. Those things detects GameGuard as well as other programs trying to gain access on the memory data, like CheatEngine.



I honestly don't want to write more about it, because everyone can use google to some extent. I think NCSoft tries to control the influence of bots and makrousers, which kind of succeeds. They have to do some work on it, nevertheless they care for us - the customer - and the game itself. If you can't/won't believe that and mourne over small details all over again, leave the game. Noone forces you to play the game and noone want some know-it-alls crying about something they know jack-sh*t about.



This. ^


NCSoft can't magically take away all the bots in this game. This situation applies to most F2P MMO's.


Right now the only surefire way to improve the situation is to report bots.

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There are MMOs out there without bots. And it's not that they have better GameGuard or more GMs, these publishers just attack the gold sellers on another stage.


Like I wrote in another thread, the gold sellers want to make gold. If NCsoft would sell gold themself in a clever manner like Tera does, no one would ever buy off a shady gold seller. In Tera, the biggest gold seller is (as sarcastic as it may be) the Tera cash shop itself. But in my opinion, this is okay. Because I like to support F2P games. And this biggest gold seller, the Tera cash shop, has just pushed all other gold seller out of the gold selling market, because they can. It's their home game, their territory.


What I want to say is that NCsoft is focusing on Gameguard and banning too much. We have collaterals. And this is a fight you can't win on this level. They can make way faster new bots than NCsoft can ban them. NCsoft has to think about their advantages, their strong points.

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Those collaterals consist of max. 1% every banwave, which is ultimately nothing. NCSoft already stated that they are working on this issue, but until they publish their solution, they have to deal with bots via banning and neglecting their makros/scripts. Therefor they use GameGuard.


EVERY MMO has bots, you won't notice them to be bots - or rather they avoid being detected as bots. Saying otherwise shows lack of knowledge about this topic.


And for GameForge reasoning behind putting ingame-gold in the store: They didn't care about gold sellers, reason being the adventages of the CS and GameForges marketing consisting of Pay-To-Win. They only did it for casher being able to obtain their money (by selling CS stuff) faster and therefor gaining more money, which led to gold-sellers demise.


NCSoft has the capabilities and ressources to deal with bots, just wait for their solution to be published. Be patient and don't blame them.

The NA/EU version of Blade and Soul is only 2 months old, it's just normal that bots and goldsellers will swarm a new MMORPG for gaining money.

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53 minutes ago, Kerialstraz said:

After reading so many topics about bots and GameGuard, I can savely say: Every person creating such topics or writing something about it doesn't know anything about the technology behind it.


Dealing with bots is difficult. The only thing which can be done successfully is banning them. Using a script to identify bots won't succeed due to bots changing their algorhythm every now and then. Bots adapt faster than the script identifying those, resulting in lost ressources which could be used for other things.

And everyone expects GameGuard to deal with it, due to bots being scripts/makros themselves. That is not what GameGuard actually does. GG reads the RAM and memory surrounding the process of Blade and Soul and records every harm the user inflicts on it. "Harm" describes altered memory f. e. no cooldown on you trinket. Those things detects GameGuard as well as other programs trying to gain access on the memory data, like CheatEngine.



I honestly don't want to write more about it, because everyone can use google to some extent. I think NCSoft tries to control the influence of bots and makrousers, which kind of succeeds. They have to do some work on it, nevertheless they care for us - the customer - and the game itself. If you can't/won't believe that and mourne over small details all over again, leave the game. Noone forces you to play the game and noone want some know-it-alls crying about something they know jack-sh*t about.


Exactly this. People keep on whining but they do nothing themself and show how they dont even have a clue where the actual problem is.


OP, Start reporting these bots instead of your useless videos and exaggerations. All it takes is a couple screenshots,you don't even have to report them one by one...


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1 hour ago, Saoyara said:

Everything for tell us that you are going to play BDO, ok have fun then, you are just another customer that leaves, a new one will come.


PS: If you think that BDO is any better than BnS you gonna stomp against a wall, just saying. 

Like many others I've waited years to play this game without lag and language  barrier and so far it's a disappointment and feels like going downhill. I don't even like BDO but people predicted this and it all makes sense if you check twitch etc and the population in game right now. Can't deny reality and ncsoft need better marketing and bot combat tools. 

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7 minutes ago, reilo5 said:

Like many others I've waited years to play this game without lag and language  barrier and so far it's a disappointment and feels like going downhill. I don't even like BDO but people predicted this and it all makes sense if you check twitch etc and the population in game right now. Can't deny reality and ncsoft need better marketing and bot combat tools. 

LOL dont ever base the popularity of a game by twitch trust me. Look at FFXIV is actually a really popular MMORPG (or at least used to be back in 2014) and if you were checking twitch, it was even reaching the most of the times 1k viewers in total. Streams means nothing about popularity. For example at the actual moment you cannot base the popularity of BnS and BDO on streams, because if you take a look, as soon as Jaesung/HanjunHo or any other "decently popular" streamer is on, the views on BnS go up to almost 4k views, on BDO if you remove i dont remember the name i think its KungenTV or something the game barely peaks 4k. For make it more clear with an example, at the case of league of legends, the game is by far the most played of the entire gaming story, the most popular, with bigger prize pools, that milion of users play, yet on twitch the max they reach is 100k views in total, on tournaments like the IEM Katowice 300k, same for CSGO. Twitch doesnt make a game popular, sure when a new game is out with new content the big streamers pops and play the game which kinda makes it hype and make it look more popular, but sadly it doesnt work like that.

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4 minutes ago, Kurumi Shiro said:

On Wild Springs we have Hero World (SapphireCat & Mesue owners) guild bots for terrors and blackwyrm.

This is ruining game when 1 player have all + real cash from selling gold.

How about you write a ticket to support and report them instead of just complaining here? Do your part.

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16 minutes ago, Kurumi Shiro said:

On Wild Springs we have Hero World (SapphireCat & Mesue owners) guild bots for terrors and blackwyrm.

This is ruining game when 1 player have all + real cash from selling gold.

Crying something out and pointing to someone who should fix it is easy, doing something yourself to prevent such actions are hard, aren't they?

How about you do this instead of whining:


12 minutes ago, ThommiX said:

How about you write a ticket to support and report them instead of just complaining here? Do your part.


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