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Horrible FPS in Blackwyrm


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What i can do to improve my fps in crowded areas/dungeons/field boss?


i tried to low graphics but nothing, still the same, also i tried to hide characters and nothing.




Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bits


FX 8320 (4.00 GHZ) 8 CORES (With EVO 202 Cooler, Temps at 25-32, on full load max at 40) 40% usage in Blade And Souls.

Gigabyte GTX 960 Windforce (stock) (temps at 36-38, on full load 55-58) 35% Usage at ultra in Blade And Souls.

8GB Kingston Savage 2133 Frecuency


Ping: 80 MS 

Country: Dominican Republic.


  • Main IGN: Polarized
  • Server: Master Hong | North America
  • Level:45
  • Class: Assasin
  • Race: Jin
  • Gender: Female
  • Play-style: Dungeon / Party / PVP
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Hello sir, we are the hardcore guild @ Windrest EU server and got the first western BW kill during the headstart, what I can tell you is we are experienced with this and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.


The problem resides on the UT3 Engine used for the game, it does so many drawcalls that floods your system and your CPU is unable to send so many of those to your GPU. 


OC can mitigate a bit the problem by highering your IPC, but that's all, still you won't get a much noticeable difference.


The other workaround is to make smaller groups of people and kill it  being just a few so there's less graphical charge in the area and therefore increased FPS.


I suggested via ticket to the devs to add a "massive pve" at the graphics option that just disable all animations from other characters, that would entirely wipe all the drawcalls except the ones from your own character and end the problem, but since the game its been out in Korea for 4 years already I highly doubt they going to give 0 ferks about it, specially when they know about it. 


Would be a fool to believe they don't know about this things when the game been out for so long time, the fact that there is no information in english doesn't mean that in korean/taiwanese/chinese forums aren't also full of complains about this.


TL;DR you can't do anything about it.

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16 minutes ago, TamaToxic said:

Press Ctrl+F and it will really help the lag problem


That's a lie ... the game is still bugged like crazy with the Ctrl+F .. It only gives you.. +5 fps . AT BEST... and since you cut out all the animations and you cut out all the players / skills .. +5 fps is equal to nothing.

Also I decided to give it a shot and go "Combat mode" and "Low End Pc" .. and the fps only jumps 10/20 fps . at best...  and um.. keep in mind .. I'm runing on a i7 and gtx970 / ssd and all the other goodies .. and yeah .. wanted to test things out .. and B&S failed .. BUT . we all know the low optimization .. it's nothing new ..  I think the devs / mods are just waiting till people just give up and don't bring up this topic anymore.

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I face the camera towards ground so i can only see myself from above, then i can DPS in peace while keeping my eyes on the boss position indicator arrow... while praying that the tank can keep him facing other direction. I


If i face the wyrm normally, my fps drops to 4 or below and that hurts my dps alot.

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8 minutes ago, LiriC said:


That's a lie ... the game is still bugged like crazy with the Ctrl+F .. It only gives you.. +5 fps . AT BEST... and since you cut out all the animations and you cut out all the players / skills .. +5 fps is equal to nothing.

Also I decided to give it a shot and go "Combat mode" and "Low End Pc" .. and the fps only jumps 10/20 fps . at best...  and um.. keep in mind .. I'm runing on a i7 and gtx970 / ssd and all the other goodies .. and yeah .. wanted to test things out .. and B&S failed .. BUT . we all know the low optimization .. it's nothing new ..  I think the devs / mods are just waiting till people just give up and don't bring up this topic anymore.

Yeah the optimization here reminds me of the 0.5gig memory hog calculation that Star Trek Online uses for they're phase fire, where one ship fires it's weapons and sucks up that much memory per ship. Which kinda leaves me wondering if part of this is in the attack vs defense calculation department. Because most of the posts I see about lag, tends to be in the combat department. Alt + F is a bandaid fix. turning down other players animation detail, is another band-aid. What we need is a "turn off other players skill effects" then all it shows it the area affected by it.


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I'm currently studying Unreal Engine 4 and Unity3D Engine by myself and from my perspective, I can explain the basics why it's laggy. I could be wrong but these are just the basic general things.


Firstly, this game was developed in 2010 with the Unreal Engine 3 and that alone is already somewhat a con.


Second, the amount of Updates(movement, animation, audio, etc..) being Called every frame from ONE character is already pretty high. Multiply those Update Calls with 30+ players being idle in one place you are in, is fricking high. Once those 30+ players starts attacking at the same time, even MORE Updates will be called every frame. Attack animation, damage calculating, more audios, damage logs, etc... Oh and don't forget that this is an Online game which consists of more Update Calls through Networking.


I didn't mention much about the graphics but that's only because your graphics card handles Most of them so graphics wise is not that big of a deal on this issue unless you have a very weak graphics card. (Correct me if I'm wrong).


This is something that is a huge issue for MMORPGs being developed with powerful game engine like the Unreal Engine itself.


Lastly, everything that I mentioned is actually not that big of a deal IF the developers coded their game perfectly clean and did not put unnecessary codes being Updated every frame a.k.a, perfect optimization with the game. But I'm not going to make any assumptions cuz it's rude to assume that a developer coded their game badly. Optimizing your code for an MMORPG is hard work.


Edit: I forgot the most important thing. Physics! Physics computing eats a lot of CPU especially when your computer is being flooded with a lot of them at the same time.


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Even cabal online which was released at 2005 has an option to close all animations. Not hiding people crap but hiding their animation which is the important part that creates fps drop. Even like 1000 people surrounding you without doing nothing would give you higher fps than 50 people spamming skills. So CTRL + F is pretty stupid idea given out the fact that a better way was found years before this game's development.

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